[MyAppleMenu] Apr 26, 2007

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Apr 26 13:15:00 EDT 2007


**** Jobs: Apple Customers Not Into Renting Music <http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/biztech/04/26/apple.jobs.reut/index.html?eref=rss_tech>
by Reuters
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs indicated Wednesday he is unlikely to give in to calls from the music industry to add a subscription-based model to Apple's wildly popular iTunes online music store.

**** Apple Gets Distracted <http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2007/04/26/apple-gets-distracted.aspx>
by Andres Bylund, Motley Fool

**** Freedom Of Rights Management <http://technology.guardian.co.uk/weekly/story/0,,2065072,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=20>
by Wendy M Grossman, The Guardian
Musicians have been badgering Apple to sell their music without copy protection for years, so why is it changing its tune now?

**** For Right Now, It's About Earnings - Not Ethics <http://www.businessweek.com/technology/ByteOfTheApple/blog/archives/2007/04/the_profits_per.html?campaign_id=rss_blog_byteoftheapple>
by Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek

**** Pzizz 2.2 Improves Alarm Control <http://www.macobserver.com/article/2007/04/26.2.shtml>
by Jeff Gamet, Mac Observer
Brainwave announced the immediate availability of the power nap and sleep application pzizz 2.2 on Thursday. The updated version allows users to set alarm delays for energizer mode between 2 and 10 seconds, and silent delays between 5 and 10 seconds before live playback.

**** Microarray Centre: Intelligent Life At MaRS <http://www.apple.com/science/profiles/microarraycentre/?sr=hotnews.rss>
by Nancy Eaton, Apple
In moving to the Toronto Medical Discovery Tower at MaRS in 2005, virtanen seized the opportunity to overhaul the UHN Microarray Core Facility's aging IT infrastructure to better support its goals. And that included switching to Mac OS X, Apple Xserve, and Xserve RAID as the key solution for efficiently managing their massive amounts of data, while minimizing overhead.

**** In Comments About Apple Chief, Questions Of Motive <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/26/technology/26anderson.html?ref=technology>
by John Markoff and Matt Richtel, New York Times
Many in Silicon Vallye were scratching their heads on Wednesday. Why would Mr Anderson go out of his way to tarnish Mr Jobs after he had been let off with a relatively light penalty?

**** Thoughts About Large Cocoa Projects <http://inessential.com/?comments=1&postid=3405>
by Brent Simmons, Inessential.com
The main thing for me is /explicitness/.

**** MacBook Exploit In Circulation? <http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=180>
by Ryan Naraine, ZDNet
Rumors are flying that Dino Dai Zovi's MacBook Pro exploit has been swiped and is making the rounds online.

**** Why Apple's Board Stands Behind Jobs <http://news.com.com/8301-10784_3-9712621-7.html?tag=head>
by Charles Cooper, CNET News.com
Apple's board knows a good thing when it sees it.

**** Any Of You Have The New MacBook? <http://gregcsmith.blogspot.com/2007/04/any-of-you-have-new-macbook.html>
by Greg Smith, Greg's Photo Diary
The edge of my MacBook is driving me mad.

**** Apple To Recognize iPhone, Apple TV Revenue Over 24 Month Period; FY Q3 Margins Seen Slipping <http://blogs.barrons.com/techtraderdaily/2007/04/25/apple-to-recognize-iphone-apple-tv-revenue-over-24-month-period-fy-q3-margins-seen-slipping/>
by Eric Savitz, Barron's
Apple plans to recognize revenue for iPhone and Apple TV sales gradually over a 24 month period, reflecting plans to gradually roll out new software products for both products free to customers, Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer said on a conference call with analysts following its well-received March quarter results.
/Question: Will iPhone and Apple TV stop receiving updates &mdash; or end of support &mdash; after 24 months? Just wondering.../

**** More Like Crapple! Am I Right Guys? <http://www.pvponline.com/blog/3283/more-like-crapple-am-i-right-guys>
by Scott Kurtz, PyPonline.com
Don't wink at me and play "let's make a deal" and then offer me 75 bucks off a 2k system. Right?

**** Is Apple In The Same Game As Adobe And Microsoft? <http://www.iconnectdots.com/ctd/2007/04/why_is_apple_ab.html>
by Steve Borsch, Connecting The Dots
As Adobe Apollo and Microsoft Silverlight garner significant attention in the emerging rich internet application space, where is Apple?
See Also: Where Are You Apple? <http://blogs.zdnet.com/Stewart/?p=352>, by Ryan Stewart, ZDNet.com. Apple has great talent, both from a user interface standpoint and a design standpoint. They really would be the perfect "Rich Internet Application" company.

**** Adobe Photoshop CS3 <http://arstechnica.com/reviews/apps/photoshop-cs3.ars>
by Dave Girard, Ars Technica

**** VBA For Macintosh Goes Away <http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2007/04/25.html>
by Joel Spolsky, Joel On Software
By locking in users and then not supporting /their own lock-in features/, they're effectively making it very hard for many Mac Office 2004 users to upgrade to Office 2008, forcing a lot of their customers to reevaluate which desktop applications to use.

**** Google Software For Mac Is OK <http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070425/tech_test_google_desktop_for_mac.html?.v=2>
by Anick Jesdanun, Associated Press
Google software for searching files on Mac is good companion but not essential.
See Also: A Taste of Google Desktop <http://googlemac.blogspot.com/2007/04/taste-of-google-desktop.html>, by Scott Knaster, Official Google Mac Blog.

**** Apple To Build New Features Into iPhone, Apple TV Free Of Charge <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/07/04/25/apple_to_build_new_features_into_iphone_apple_tv_free_of_charge.html>
by AppleInsider
Apple said Wednesdday it will leverage its proven capability in the area of software development to gradually add new software features and applications to its iPhone and Apple TV products free of charge.

**** Apple Reports $770 Million Profit <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/04/25/profit/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
The company shipped 1,517,000 Macs and 10,549,000 iPods during the quarter, representing 36 percent growth in Macs and 24 percent growth in iPods over the year-ago quarter.
See Also: Apple Profit Powers Up; Shares Pass $100 <http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2003680998_webapple25.html?syndication=rss>, by May Wong, Associated Press.

**** InDesign CS3: Abdundant Enhancements And Refinements Equal An Enticing Upgrade <http://www.macworld.com/2007/04/reviews/indesigncs3/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Galen Gruman, Macworld
The more I use this new version, the more I appreciate the subtle retooling throughout, not just the obvious new features.

**** Scrivener 1.03: Flexible, Feature-Packed Tool For Creative Writing <http://www.macworld.com/2007/04/reviews/scrivener103/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Nathan Alderman, Macworld
If you're planning to write a novel, script, short story, or research paper, Scrivener 1.03 was made for you.

**** Apple TV Key To Movie Download Market <http://www.ipodobserver.com/story/31220>
by Jeff Gamet, iPod Observer

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** This Internet TV Program Is Brought To You By... <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/26/business/media/26adco.html?ref=technology>
by Eric Pfanner, New York Times
Joost, the internet television service being developed by the founders of Skype, has llined up several blue-chip advertisers as it prepares for its introdution.

**** Patent Pirates <http://www.forbes.com/free_forbes/2007/0507/044.html?partner=yahoomag>
by Nathan Vardi, Forbes
Hedge funds and institutional investors are financing the latest wave of IP lawsuits.

**** The Newspaper Form Factor <http://www.forbes.com/opinions/2007/04/24/newspaper-form-factor-oped-cx_de_0424newspaper.html>
by David Evans, Forbes
The stories about the troubles in the newspaper industry and the search for solutions keep on coming.

**** Is This The New Web? <http://www.forbes.com/technology/2007/04/25/adobe-apollo-web-tech-cz_vmb_0425adobe.html?partner=rss>
by Victoria Murphy Barret, Forbes
Apollo has a good shot at making the web even more disruptive than it has been so far.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Giving Life To Found Objects, Two By Two <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/29/arts/design/29fink.html>
by Jori Finkel, New York Times
The doe and other animals preside over the entrance of a new 8,000-square-foot exhibition space here at the Skirball Cultural Center, really a children's museum that takes the form of Noah's Ark.


**** The Malaysian Brain Drain <http://aaron-ng.info/blog/the-malaysian-brain-drain.html>
by Aaron Ng, Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
I bet that this brain drain will continue because no Malaysian politician will dare to do away with the bumiputra policy.

**** S$20.7m Set Aside To Help Schools Enhance ICT Capabilities <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/272675/1/.html>
by Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia

>From July, schools and junior colleges will be able to engage full-time iCT executives.

They will manage the implementation of ICT projects, help the Head of Department (Information Technology) in IT planning and introduce new ICT solutions that support teaching and learning.

**** Singapore Hasn't Seen End Of HFMD Outbreak: Dr Vivian Balakrishnan <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/272673/1/.html>
by Channel NewsAsia
The bad news, says Dr Balakrishnan, is that the numbers are gradually increasing and Singapore has not seen the end of this epidemic yet.
The good news is that the virus is the CA16 strain, which causes a milder form of the disease and so far, no child has been hospitalised.

**** Singapore Ministers' Hefty Pay Rise A Test Case For Asia, Says Comonwealth Chief <http://www.chinapost.com.tw/latestnews/2007426/45758.htm>
by Associated Press
Singapore's decision to give hefty pay rises to government ministers is a test case on keeping corruption at bay in a region where it is rampant, the Commonwealth's chief said Thursday.
Don McKinnon, secretary-general of the group representing Britain and its 52 current and former territories, said it was premature to say if Singapore's new public compensation model could help Asia shake off its corruption problems.

**** Dealing With Singapore <http://www.thejakartapost.com/detaileditorial.asp?fileid=20070426.E02&irec=1>
by Jakarta Post
Following the signing of the ladmark extradition treaty with Singapore on Friday, the government will lose a favorite scapegoat, one that has long saved it from public anger. That scapegoat is, of course, Sinagapore.
The city state has often been used as justification for the government's inability, and refusal, to investigate major corruption cases and bring to justice those who have stolen state money, often aided by generous officials.

**** Encourage Ownership Of National Issues <http://www.straitstimes.com/portal/site/STI/menuitem.c2aef3d65baca16abb31f610a06310a0/?vgnextoid=7532758920e39010VgnVCM1000000a35010aRCRD&vgnextfmt=vgnartid:bdf4aa914e922110VgnVCM100000430a0a0aRCRD>
by Nurul Aziah Hussin, Straits Times
Public response to issues, such as the recent debate on the ministerial pay hike, is more than an expression of 'emotion' &mdash; it is the expression of citizens taking ownership of these issues, and asking our government to rise to the challenge of accountability and justification beyond performance legitimacy.

**** Forbes List Of World's Cleanest Cities, Where's Singapore? <http://aendirect.com/2007/04/26/forbes-list-of-worlds-cleanest-cities-wheres-singapore/>
by AEN Direct

**** Transport System Is Off Track <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/185252.asp>
by Lim Boon Hee, Today
The whole system needs a complete overhaul.

**** A New Chapter For An Old Canvas <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/185235.asp>
by David Chew, Today
Singapore Art Museum to lease former Catholic High Building, expand premises.

**** Highly Paid Moral Weasels <http://www.yawningbread.org/arch_2007/yax-735.htm>
by Au Waipang, Yawning Bread
The anti-gay law should be repealed. The various anti-gay policies that draw justification from on this law &mdash; on licensing, censorship and employment &mdash; should be rectified. Now.

**** Pilots Denounced For Demanding Pay Hikes! <http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2007/04/pilots-denounced-for-demanding-pay.html>
by Diary Of A Singapore Mind

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