[MyAppleMenu] Apr 15, 2007

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Apr 15 13:15:02 EDT 2007


**** Switched From Linux To Mac <http://blogs.unixfu.net/2007/04/14/switched-from-linux-to-mac.html>
by Blogs.UnixFu.Net
You will start enjoying your computer again. Yes, it is true. Yes, it can happen. Yes, you may not realize it till it happens.

**** How Accurate Are Those Mac Ads <http://www.joiningdots.net/blog/2007/04/how-accurate-are-those-mac-ads.html>
by Joining Dots
I did need the manual, the Mac needed 300Mb worth of updates, and it had a trial version of Office for Mac waiting to be removed. Not an entirely accurate picture.

**** Apple TV Has An Intriguing Profile <http://www.scripting.com/stories/2007/04/14/appletvHasAnIntriguingProf.html>
by Dave Winer, Scripting News
Apple TV has an intriguing profile, it has a full internet connection through wifi, and it can connect up to any server Apple wants it to. It's kind of a weird beast that way.

**** Answer To "Democracy" Sample Sentence In Dictionary <http://www.macuser.com/apple/answer_to_democracy_sample_sen.php?lsrc=murss>
by Aaron Freedman, MacUser
According to Oxford customer service, the "democracy" sample sentence (which reads: "a democracy in Iraq is quite unlikely for now or any time soon") does not appear in the New Oxford American Dictionary &amp; Thesaurus, and it is suggested that Apple programmers added the entry.

**** Apple's Geek Chic Turns 30 <http://www.theage.com.au/news/technology/apples-geek-chic-turns-30/2007/04/13/1175971346784.html>
by Nick Miller, The Age
Three decades on, Apple still defines geek chic.

**** More On Apple's Insecurities <http://weblog.infoworld.com/venezia/archives/011310.html>
by Paul Venezia, InfoWorld
Instant-wake from sleep, a native POSIX OS, native X11, vim, perl, php, MySQL, Apache, high performance, minimal security worries, a plethora of OSS applications, all running seamlessly with Photoshop and Microsoft Office, all without a sizable performance penalty from anti-virus software. Why /wouldn't/ I use it?

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Do As I Say, Not As I Did <http://startitup.indieword.com/view/fable-do-as-i-say>
by Liz Gannes, Found+Read
How Ev Williams leverages lessons from Odeo at Twitter.

**** HTML5, XHTML2, And The Future Of The Web <http://www.digital-web.com/articles/html5_xhtml2_and_the_future_of_the_web/>
by David Andersson, Digital Web Magazine
HTML5 will be the future of the web, so my advice would be to pay close attention to it.


**** LKY <http://kyeixhin.livejournal.com/57054.html>
by Bored
This is a lot of money for people who can be considered as semi-retired.

**** Slavery In Singapore
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
John Maxwell <http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/columns/html/20070414T140000-0500_121715_OBS_THE_REAL_COSTS_OF_SLAVERY_.asp>, in Jamaica Observer: A new system wa sindeed devised to put a more human face on slavery and it is now so effective that even in places where there was no slavery, as in Singapore, globalisation is wreaking its parasitic toll.
In hyper-sanitary Singapore, as the facts leak out we find that, as in Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Haiti, the poor are becoming much poorer and social tensions are rising along with crime. The real results of slavery and its child, capitalism, cannot be measured in damages assessed on some hifalutin actuarial basis; they are rather to be counted as losses to civilization itself as depredations of the common heritage of humanity. The conditions created by slavery, the parasitic exploitation, still remain.
<p class="permlink">Permanent Link to This Post <http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/2007/04/15/id0012/>

**** Zipping It <http://twostepsfromtwilight.wordpress.com/2007/04/15/zipping-it/>
by Two Steps From Twilight
In desperate political situations like the one Singapore is in local bloggers take the easy way out by finding comfort in small victories, in the occasional smug dig at the government. But there are a few whose spirits refuse to be cowed, mollycoddled, or otherwise fucked around with. All they do is shut up, not because their spirits are weak, but because there is no point in response and resistance.

**** To Join Or Not To Join <http://mrwangsaysso.blogspot.com/2007/04/to-join-or-not-to-join.html>
by Mr Wang Says So
How much career success you can achieve in the civil service, by the age of 45 or 50, has already been determined. It was determined when you were 22 or 24 years, at the time you first joined the civil service, on your very first day at work. Sorry, /before/ your first day at work.

**** Govt To Further Liberalise Hiring Of Foreign Construction Workers <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/270471/1/.html>
by Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia
Rules on hiring foreign construction workers may be further liberalised to meet rising demand.

**** Defending The National Scripture <http://www.yawningbread.org/arch_2007/yax-730.htm>
by Au Waipang, Yawning Bread
If Said Zahari had been tried in open court, he would have been able to present his defence, which might include his denial of having been communist. Would we therefore have proscribed his defence on the ground that such denial would be "against the public interest"?
Furthermore, are we again confusing the public interest with the government's interest? And what kind of banana republic law is this where a film can be banned on just a minister's say-so &mdash; "if the minister is of the opinion", says the Films Act &mdash; without any checks and balances?

**** The Final Post <http://kitana.wordpress.com/2007/04/14/the-final-post/>
by Coffee And Cigarettes
I suppose some of them were right, when they said that to be idealistic, was dangerous. For me at least.
It would result in me being disillusioned.
And they were right.

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