[MyAppleMenu] Apr 4, 2007
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applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Apr 4 13:15:01 EDT 2007
**** Apple's Mac Pro Goes 8-Core <http://www.macobserver.com/article/2007/04/04.4.shtml>
by Jeff Gamet, Mac Observer
Apple released the much anticipated quad-core and 8-core Mac Pro models on Wednesday. The new pro-level Macs are available in speeds up to 3.0 GHz.
**** EU Blames Record Firms For iTunes' Limited Access <http://news.com.com/2100-1027_3-6173093.html?part=rss&tag=2547-1_3-0-20&subj=news>
by Reuters
Major record companies are forcing Apple to curtail access to iTunes online stores across borders, leading to higher prices and less choice, the European Commission said Tuesday.
**** Time To Eat Some Crow <http://www.oreillynet.com/mac/blog/2007/04/time_to_eat_some_crow.html>
by Jeremiah Foster, O'Reilly Mac DeveCenter Blog
I think I acted hastily and blogged when I should have tried to fix my problem through other means.
**** Google Desktop For The Mac 1.0 <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/04/04/google-desktop-for-the-mac/>
by Scott McNulty, The Unofficial Apple Weblog
Google's Desktop's killer feature is integration with Google's other offerings, specifically Gmail and Google search.
/My view: I have not used Google's Desktop, nor do I have Mac OS X 10.4, but I'm wondering why Google didn't go for the route of creating Spotlight plug-ins, but rather create a brand new application./
**** Google Desktop For Mac Released <http://www.macworld.com/news/2007/04/03/googledesktop/index.php>
by Jim Dalrymple, Macworld
Google on Wednesday will release Google Destop for Mac, marking the first time the search giant will make its desktop tool available to Mac users. Mac users already have a search tool with Apple's Spotlight, but Google said its utility will work alongside the Mac OS X 10.4 feature perfectly.
**** Quotes From A First Time Mac User <http://dom.net/word/2007/03/quotes-from-first-time-mac-user.html>
by Dom Sagolla, Dom.net
"Oh, wow."
"Let me say it backwards: wow."
**** Apple Denies Violating EU Laws Over iTunes Sales Following EU Probe <http://www.euro2day.gr/articlesfna/31892787/>
by AFX
"We don't believe Apple did anything to violate EU law," Apple said. While it "always wanted to operate a single, pan-European iTunes store accessible by anyone from any member state", it was "advised by the music labels and publishers that there were certain legal limits to the rights" they could be granted.
**** Switched To Mac — And Back <http://alarmingdevelopment.org/?p=65>
by Alarming Development
What really broke my heart was the outliners. There is a thriving marketplace of outlining programs on the Mac which I have long envied. Well, they all suck.
**** Greenpeace Ranks Apple Last In Greenness <http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070403/netherlands_greenpeace_electronics.html>
by Toby Shterling, Associated Press
Greenpeace International placed Apple Inc. last in its ranking of major electronics makers for their environmental friendiness, while Chinese manuafaturer Lenovo jumped to the top of the list.
See also: Derik DeLong <http://www.macuser.com/apple/greenpeace_lies_awake_at_night.php?lsrc=murss>, MacUser: Greenpeace's campaign against Apple in a desperate attempt for attention is hurting their cause.
**** This iPhone Would Be Worth $600 <http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2007/04/03/this-iphone-would-be-worth-600.aspx>
by Tim Beyers, Motley Fool
For all of the hubbub over what the iPhone isn't today, the device hasn't shipped. Don't assume that Apple and its software partners are unaware of what they have in the iPhone, and what it could be. History says the Mac maker knows better.
**** What's Cooking Revisited (And A Bit On iTunes DRM) <http://www.oreillynet.com/mac/blog/2007/04/whats_cooking_revisited_and_a.html>
by Oliver Breidenbach, O'Reilly Mac DeveCenter Blog
One thing is sure: since sales are reported to be better than ever, Apple doesn't have much pressure to come out with new hardware.
**** Apple TV Diary: Final Thoughts <http://www.macworld.com/2007/04/firstlooks/atvdiary4/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Christpoher Breen, Macworld
Seeing is believing. Put aside the specs and watch one in action. Rather than press your nose against the glass seeking out artifacts, view it the way you'd watch TV—from several feet across the room. While it may not match the quality of your DVD player, watching video from your Apple TV is anything but an unpleasant experience.
**** Security System: New Life For Old Macs <http://www.macworld.com/2007/04/features/oldmac_security/index.php?lsrc=mwrss>
by Anton Lincker, Macworld
Want to look in on the kids while you're at work? Check on the house when you're away? Or simply see what the dog does all day? By outfitting your old Mac with a camera and software, you can build a monitoring system that lets you spy on your house from anywhere in the world.
**** More On Apple/EMI And DRM-Free Music <http://db.tidbits.com/article/8938>
by Geoff Duncan, TidBITS
Steve Jobs has bodly predicted as much as half the music sold on iTunes may be DRM-free by the end of the year: that probably indicates he expects at least one other major label to get on board.
The Tomorrow Weblog
**** The Power Of Babble <http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/15.04/truman.html>
by Jonathan Keats, Wired
MIT researcher Deb Roy is videotaping every waking minute of his infant son's first 3 years of life. His ultimate goal: teach a robot to talk.
**** RFID Industry Shifts Focus To Software <http://www.mmh.com/article/CA6430374.html>
by Corinne Kator, Modern Materials Handling
RFID hardware has matured, allowing the industry to focus on developing better software and services, according to speakers at the recent RFID World conference.
**** WiFi In The Sky: Airlines Prepare Cabin Hotspots <http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB117555160709857409-99MU2rqxzlF0BpJ1ks4sjaGWetY_20070410.html>
by Scott McCartney, Wall Street Journal
BlackBerrying, web surfing expected aloft within a year; cellphone service may follow.
MyAppleMenu Reader
**** Farewell, French Fries! Hello, Sliced Apples! <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/04/dining/04city.html?ex=1333339200&en=40833916401e3479&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Kim Severson, New York Times
>From a policy perspective, Mr Bloomberg has taken on more food issues, and provoked more controversy, than any New York mayor before him. As a result, he has the potential to change the way more New Yorkers eat — whether in the haughtiest dining rooms or the poorest home kitchens — than all the city's food activists and restaurant critics combined.
**** High School Is More Than Their Love; It's Become Their Vocation <http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-voced4apr04,0,1517661.story?track=mostviewed-splashpage>
by Mitchell Landsberg, Los Angeles Times
So it is slightly surprising to walk into Steve Wilson's class at 6.35 a.m. and find 32 students not only present and awake but also barely able to contain their enthusiasm over the start of another school day.
**** First Passion <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2007/04/09/070409po_poem_kinzie>
by Mary Kinzie, New Yorker
**** Lincoln's Dream <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/poetry/2007/04/09/070409po_poem_chiasson>
by Dan Chiasson, New Yorker
**** Still-Life <http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2007/04/09/070409fi_fiction_delillo>
by Don DeLillo, New Yorker
**** The Miracle Of My Mother's Easter Pies <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17888457/site/newsweek/>
by Elvira Brody, Newsweek
When my mother died, we weren't expecting a fortune. Then we looked in the back of her freezer.
**** Time In The Animal Mind <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/03/science/03time.html?ex=1333252800&en=5d1550e2e3bb9449&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss>
by Carl Zimmer, New York Times
A number of psychologists argue that re-experiencing the past evolved in our ancetors as a way to plan for the future and the rise of mental time travel was crucial to our species' success. But some experts on animal behavior do not thnk we are unique in this respect. They point to several recent experiments suggesting that animals can visit the past and future as well.
**** Singapore's 'Fat Cat' Ministers To Get Fatter <http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/ID05Ae01.html>
by Alex Au, Asia Times
High pay for Singaporean government officials has historically helped curb corruption. But many here feel that the upward adjustment, which will indirectly benefit Lee's ruling People's Action Party is in poor taste at a time that may middle- and lower-class Singaporeans face a declining standard of living.
**** Singapore Cannot Afford "Revolving Door" Style Of Government: MM Lee <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/268475/1/.html>
by Asha Popatlal, Channel NewsAsia
Singapore cannot afford to have a "revolving door" style of government where top leaders change every five years, minister mentor Lee Kuan yew said. And this is why they must be paid market rates.
**** Singaporeans Find Public Transport Satisfactory: LTA Survey <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/268476/1/.html>
by Dominique Loh, Channel NewsAsia
Of the 1,000 public transport users polled in a survey conducted by the Land Transport Authority (LTA), 94 percent said they were satisfied by the level of train services.
Buses got a lower rating - only 77 percent said they were satisfied.
**** "Gang Bang" Star Featured On Singaproe Stage <http://news.sawf.org/Entertainment/35451.aspx>
by AFP
On Thursday, a play inspired by the Singapore-born porn star opens in the conservative city-state, and in its own way edges the country toward greater openess.
**** Changes To Improve ElderShield Proposed <http://www.straitstimes.com/portal/site/STI/menuitem.c2aef3d65baca16abb31f610a06310a0/?vgnextoid=6fadbe120b93a010VgnVCM1000000a35010aRCRD&vgnextfmt=vgnartid:3f8508110e7b1110VgnVCM100000430a0a0aRCRD>
by Judith Tan, Straits Times
A two-tier ElderShield has been proposed by the Ministry of Helath — the basic plan, and an add-on providing for higher payouts.
**** Serving The Nation - Altruistically <http://www.straitstimes.com/portal/site/STI/menuitem.c2aef3d65baca16abb31f610a06310a0/?vgnextoid=f832758920e39010VgnVCM1000000a35010aRCRD&vgnextfmt=vgnartid:857170ada67b1110VgnVCM100000430a0a0aRCRD>
by Huang Shoou Chyuan, Straits Times
No right-thinking person looking at the present salary-scale of our ministers will likely feel that they are hard done by.
Also: Today <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/181378.asp>: NSP objects to pay increase.
**** Myanmar Offers To Be Long-Term Supplier Of Sand, Cement And Granite To Singapore <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/181386.asp>
by Today
Myanmar has said it could be a long-term supplier of sand, cement, granite and other construction materials to Singapore.
/My view: "Good news for Singapore's construction standard," but really bad news for our moral standing if we do take up on this offer big time./
See Also: Aaron Ng <http://aaron-ng.info/blog/myanmar-to-become-singapores-savior.html>: If there's one thing about Singapore that scares me, it's how we place economic considerations over everything else. I hope that Singapore doesn't accept the offer and flush the Myanmar junta's pockets with money to allow them to continue their totalitarian rule.
**** No Fee Guidelines — What's Up, Doc? <http://www.todayonline.com/articles/181357.asp>
by Sheralyn Tay, Today
As SMA president Wong Chaing Yin emphasised to this newspaper several times yesterday, the move to axe the guideline was made with "great reluctance." The SMA felt it had "no choice" in the matter.
It was, in effect, a choice of scrap the guideline now — or cough up $200,000 for a decision from the Competition Commission of Singapore that might simply lead to the same result.
/My view: MOH should probably take up the case and consult with the Competition Commission on this matter if Mr Khaw Boon Wan is really serious of the opinion that the fee guide is not in violation with the competition act. Personally, as a layman, I do feel that one can argue both ways, and it is correct for SMA to make this decision./
**** Smoking Makes You A "Dead Girl" <http://kitana.wordpress.com/2007/04/03/smoking-makes-you-a-dead-girl/>
by Coffee And Cigarettes
I think the ad is distasteful. Done in very bad taste.
The Shuffe by MyAppleMenu
**** Can't Ever Sleep <http://www.slgtm.com/sounds.html>
by Saturday Looks Good To Me
Click here to listen <http://www.redderrecords.com/rr-audio/SLGTM_Cant_Ever_Sleep.mp3>.
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