[MyAppleMenu] Jan 1, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Jan 1 13:15:00 EST 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** Beware Of iPod Grabbers
Braden Quartermaine and Christian Gysin, Sunday Times

*** .Mac iDisks Now With 1TB/Month Bandwidth
Damien Barrett, Unofficial Apple Weblog

I'm thinking this suggests new .Mac tools about to be released which involve storing and synchronizing video files between our computers.


*** More Windows Suckiness
Jimmy's World

Windows being completely trounced by an Apple laptop that has half its specs.

*** New iPod May Be The End For Theatres
Peter Howell, Toronto Star


*** A Quick Look At The MarsEdit Weblog Editor
Derrick Story, O'Reilly Network


*** Longhorn -- Before And After
Heng-Cheong Leong

Surely, I thought, while I was browing through headlines in my RSS reader, an article <http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/sports/colleges/13525012.htm> with the title "Long-ago Longhorns Different Than Today's Version" is about Microsoft and its failure with Windows Vista...

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Auld Lang Syne In The Big Easy
Anne Hull and Julia Cass, Washington Post

This weekend, New Orleans got what it has been missing since Hurricane Katrina devastated the city four months ago: tourists.

*** The Little Channel That Could
Alex Mindlin, New York Times

Since taking to the air on Sept 8, 1992, New York's smallest and youngest major TV station has been the subject of considerable mockery. But NY1 has quietly turned into a force to be reckoned with, one whose strengths were powerfully apparent during the strike that ended 10 days ago.

*** A Year On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown
Dave Barry, Washington Post

It was the Year of the Woman. But not in a good way.

*** Our Vaginas, Ourselves
Daphne Merkin, New York Times

These are cruel times for vaginas.

Life in the city


*** Costly To Speak Ill Of The Rich And Powerful
Seah Chiang Nee, The Star

The National Kidney Foundation scandal raised a question whether the republic's defamation law is protecting wrongdoings by the rich and powerful from being discovered.

*** Chatterbox's Retrenched Chicken Rice Chef To Be His Own Boss
Sarah Ng, Straits Times

$20,000 payout will help fulfil dream of opening his own stall; and he will charge just $5 for a set.


*** Singapore Cure
Brian Mack, TMCNet

Singapore has strict laws with severe punishments for even minor transgressions... Yes, it's a simplistic argument, but there's no denying the fact that the Singapore system works.

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