[MyAppleMenu] Apr 25, 2006

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Apr 25 13:15:01 EDT 2006

Mac news for Mac people


*** How Apple Found 50 Acres In Cupertino And Why They Paid For It
Michele Chandler, San Jose Mercury News

Steve Jobs said last week that Apple had to beat long odds to find the site of its second campus in Cupertino -- and the company's chief executive wasn't kidding. Apple also paid big bucks.

*** Apple Expo Returns To Paris Sept. 12 - 16
Peter Cohen, Macworld

*** iPod Add-Ons: Apple Of Retailers' Eye
Brian Moore, Gannett News Service

Accessories for hot MP3 players top $1.4 billion.

*** Some Stores Now Blocking MySpace.com

According to visitors, Apple is now blocking the MySpace.com web site at Apple stores to cut down on net activity.

*** NAB: Apple Xsan 1.3 Coming Monday
Peter Cohen, Macworld

*** NAB: Final Cut Studio Users Top 500,000


*** Boot Camp May Be Just The Beginning
John Martellaro, Mac Observer

*** Still Not Thinking Different
Tim Beyers, Motley Fool

*** Ten Reasons Why I Love My MacBook Pro

*** The MacBook Becomes A Video Star
Philip Michaels, Macworld

Apple's choice of venues for unveiling the latest addition to its MacBook Pro line speaks volumes about what audience the company is targeting with its widescreen laptop.


*** Prolong iPod Battery Life
Christopher Breen, Playlist

Charge ahead with these power-saving and battery-enhancement tips.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Nokia And MIT Think Artificial Intelligence
Martin LaMonica, CNET News.com

A new research lab will focus on simplifying user interactions with handsets through software.

*** USB Security: A Sticky Situation
Eric Lundquist, eWeek

Shutting down transfer points must be made easier.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life

[Tech & Science]

*** After The Adoption, A New Child And The Blues
Laurie Tarkan, New York Times

Post-adoption depression is recognized among adoption professionals, but there is no research on the syndrome. It is not adequately addressed by many adoption agencies, say experts, and is not widely understood by the public, including those who embark on adoption.


*** At U.S. Entries, No Welcome Mat
Joe Sharkey, New York Times

A business traveler from Germany got my attention when he described what travel to the United States could be like these days. "Before unification, I was treated better at the checkpoints going into East Germany."

*** One Day, That Economy Ticket May Buy You A Place To Stand
Christopher Elliott, New York Times

The airlines have come up with a new answer to an old question: How many passengers can be squeezed into economy class? A lot more, it turns out, especially if an idea still in the early stage should catch on: standing-room-only "seats."


*** An Afternoon
William Trevor, New Yorker

Life in the city


*** SDP Lawyer No Longer Representing Abdul Rasheed And Lawrence Lai
S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

Two more members of the Singapore Democratic Party's Central Executive Committee have dropped out of joint front put up by the party on Monday in response to the letters of demand issued by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.

*** SDP Told To Remove Podcasts From Website
S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

The Returning Officer for the General Election has ordered the Singapore Democratic Party to take down audio files and podcasts from its website.

*** MM Lee To Low: With JBJ Out, Take WP To First World Standard
Lee Foong Ming, Channel NewsAsia

Lee Kuan yew said that if the PAP did not have the capabilities of a First World government, Singapore would not have risen up to the First World standards as measured by the World Bank, the World Economic Forum and the Transparency International.

*** Jalan Besar Contest Sees Hatchets Buried
Jasmine Yin, Today

Former rivals in SDP, Chiam, Cheo now sport SDA colours.

*** A Contest Almost Over Before It Began
Lin Yanqin, Today

Years of preparation for the coming General Election might have been ruined for some members of the opposition because of a near-miss with form submissions.

*** Chee Puts Out Podcast Despite Ban
Lee Ching Wern, Today

*** What Do Chiam And Low Stand For, Asks PM Lee
Sim Chi Yin, Straits Times

"You are asking people to vote for your candidates so that they will go into Parliament and speak up for people. But in Parliament you are not speaking up for people. So, what's the point?"

*** WP's Ang Mo Kio Flutter
Jose Raymond and Teo Hwee Nak, Today

On Monday, WP chairman Sylvia Lim confirmed what some had begun to suspect: The party will contest the Ang Mo Kio Group Representation Constituency, where it will face a formidable ruling party slate led by the Prime Minister himself.

*** Chee Adamant, But SDP Member Apologises
Ansley Ng, Today

Today understands that there is discontent within SDP over the stand taken by Dr. Chee. Some members had wanted to apologise on receiving the letters of demand last week, but were apparently told not to.

*** Distribute Government Funds Fairly: Low
Tor Ching Li, Today

[Election Talk]

*** Chee's Podcast Text

*** Videocasts On GE To Be Available On Channel NewsAsia Website

Bloggers should just defy the ban on electoral reporting/podcasting/videocasting...

*** Eh? No Ban On Podcasts?
Mr. Miyagi

Apparently Channel NewsAsia can podcast and videocast bloggers' coverage of the elections during this, the election period.

*** Where's The Defamation?

Below is the article from The New Democrat which Father Lee Kuan Yew and Son Lee Hsien Loong are saying is defamatory. Read and see how ridiculous they are.

*** Politics: Greg Fires A Salvo...
Greg's Lair

Kudos to the Workers' Party for just laying down criticism at the PAP in a subtle, but poignant manner.

*** Orchestrated Confusion Or Genuine Confusion
My Singapore News

Why is the MDA taking a position that makes postings in forums a touchy issue?

*** A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The GRC

If the GRC system was to ensure minorities have a voice in Parliament, the move to expand the size of GRCs is inconsistent with the stated aim, to say the least. Are the Whiteshirts committed to racial harmony or not?

*** First World Govt
My Singapore News

*** Young Singaporeans Aren't Aware Of What Bad Leaders, Politicians Can Do To Country
Mimi Bracke, Straits Times

*** Can Present System Take Us Safely Into The Future?
Chia Hern Keng, Straits Times

*** Let's Hear From Political Parties On Serious Issues
George Wong Seow Choon, Straits Times

*** Lessons From An Old Media Encounter
Cherian George, Singapore: New Media, Politics & The Law

Not only has the PAP as a whole lost points, but, in addition, the stature of its most iconic leader has been compromised -- all in all, an unnecessarily expenditure of political capital in an altogether ill-conceived mission.

*** What PAP Has Done Since Last Election...
Singapore Election Watch


*** Singapore's '06 Economy Unlikely To Expand
Associated Press

Singapore's economy is unlikely to exceed last year's growth rate of 6.4 percent as expansion in the key electronics sector will slow in the near-term, the central bank said Tuesday.

*** Slowdown In Singapore Growth Momentum Temporary: MAS
Channel NewsAsia

*** The Scenic Bridge: Peek Behind The Scenes
New Straits Times

*** 'Best Option Was To Scrap Bridge'
The Star

Singapore, Ambassador-at-large Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak said, could even halt the use of the remaining Singapore part of the Causeway by Keretapi Tanah Melayu on account of structural integrity upon the unilateral demolishment of the Malaysian part of the Causeway. And if the train service was stopped for six months, Singapore could exercise Section 4 of the Singapore Railway Transfer Ordinance and the KTM land in the republic would revert to them.

*** Day Off For Some Students

As politicians troop down to nine schools designated as nomination centres on Thursday, students from the schools will get the day off.


*** Forget The Bridge, Go For A Canal
Abu Mubarak, Malaysiakini

Forget about the bridge in the south. Make a canal in the north, instead. Just remember, don't build anything before the talks with Thailand are duly concluded.

*** Crooked Bridge: This Is What Would've Happened...

The bridge can only do one of two things -- a 180-degree turn and a loop-de-loop back to Johor or leave a half-completed bridge danging halfway up the causeway for the whole construction world to have a good laugh.

*** Pursue Expanded Rail Link

We don't need a new bridge... Our trains should be the main link of transportation into Singapore.

*** PM Right Over Bridge That Went Too Far

*** Scenic Bridge - Gainer And Loser
Competitive Malaysia

Malaysia government fail to use a win-win approach in negotiation with Singapore, therefore negotiation fail. Singapore lose nothing if negotiation fail.

*** Dr Mahathir's WMDs On The Bridge
Ktemoc Konsiders...

*** Learning To Own Your Space
Anthony Green, Straits Times

Formal classroom teaching does great things, but it does not nourish every part of us. You look for the parts that are not being reached and you address it. It is not enrichment; it is essential.

The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.


*** 21st Century Kaspar Hauser
The Playwrights

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