[MyAppleMenu] May 28, 2005

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat May 28 13:15:00 EDT 2005

Mac news for Mac people


*** 'But I Neeeeeed It!' She Suggested
Alex Williams, New York Times

Although parents have long struggled with their teenagers' desire to own the newest, coolest stuff, these days the battle has reached a new dimension. While teenagers once coveted $100 sneakers and jeans, the must-have items now -- iPods, cellphones with cameras, and portable DVD players -- are high-tech, constantly in need of upgrade and can cost up to $500 each.

*** With Irreverence And An iPod, Recreating The Museum Tour
Randy Kennedy, New York Times

Museum guides are an outgrowth of a recent podcasting trend called "sound seeing," in which people record narrations of their travels and upload them onto the Internet for others to enjoy.

*** iTunes 'Cybersquatting' Row Threatens Nominet Authority
Jo Best, Silicon.com

The authority of the UK's domain name registrar has been called into question after the owner of the domain name iTunes.co.uk investigated what rights the registrar had to make him hand the URL to Apple.

*** Apple Opens The Studio In Chicago Retail Store
Laurie Duncan, Unofficial Apple Weblog

Apple has a new help desk to help creative types overcome artistic roadblocks.

*** Japan Primer For The Mac techno-Tourist
Todd Ogasawara, O'Reilly Network

This article emerged from my desire to help out other Mac tech geeks who find themselves in Japan wanting to take something back home for your Mac.

*** The Sims 2 Goes Gold
Tuncer Deniz, Inside Mac Games

Aspyr Media announced that The Sims 2 will be shipping sometime in June.

*** Apple Not Serious About Sirius
David Worthington, BetaNews

Jobs is said to be waiting for compelling content that would justify the development of a hybrid product.

*** Melissa Butts: Touring Mars In 3D
Barbara Gibson, Apple

"With the Mac and software, I can do the stuff I did on my flame probably five times faster. And I can still afford to buy a house and not have to pre-donate my body to science."

*** Digital Neural Axis: Evolutionary Leap
Dustin Driver, Apple

The shop represents the next step in the evolution of digital video and film production, a new species that can compete with large effects houses.


*** Splitters Gone Wild
Brent Simmons, inessential.com

If Apple's UI decisions say that it's okay to sacrifice usability for a distinctive look, then many developers will do that. It's a long, long way away -- but at the end of that particular road is Windows.

*** MPEG-4 Vs. Microsoft VC-1: Why High-Definition Video Software Standards Are Irrelevant
Damien Stolarz, SiliconValleyWatcher

*** What I Think Happened To Mail
Brent Simmons, inessential.com

My guess is that, simply, Apple changed its mind about the unique shapes.


*** Tiger Evaluated: Dashboard
Jason Snell, Macworld

For it to be a true success, Apple needs to give users more flexibility over where Widgets live and more control over installing, removing, and organizing them.

*** Hello Kitty: Bubblegum Girlfriends
Peter Cohen, Macworld

In Hello Kitty: Bubblegum Girlfriends, lousy quality control sabotages an otherwise fine title for the underserved young girls' market.


*** Why Is Singapoer In The "Wrong" Time Zone?
Heng-Cheong Leong

The executive summary: Singapore is running on Daylight Saving Time, all year round, and we get more daylights during the waking hours.

The long answer: What time is it <http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/teaching/timezone.html> really depends more on the lawyers, economists, politicians and businessmen.

*** I Love Dad -- If You Can Hear Me
Heng-Cheong Leong

Looks like somebody <http://www.flickr.com/photos/askpang/sets/384553/> has his iPod switched on a little too frequent. :-)

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Give Peace A Chance
John Tierney, New York Times

You would never guess it from the news, but we're living in a peculiarly tranquil world.


*** The Choirboy
John Heilemann, New York

As head boy at a legendary choir school, Lawrence Lessig was repeatedly molested by the charismatic choir director, part of a horrific pattern of child abuse there. Now, as one of America's most famous lawyers, he's put his own past on trial to make sure such a thing never happens again.

*** When Toddlers Get Fired
Neal Pollack, Salon

My 2-year-old son was booted out of his preschool for biting -- and now my wife and I are facing a summer of hell.

Life in the city


*** Why Is Singapoer In The "Wrong" Time Zone?
Heng-Cheong Leong

The executive summary: Singapore is running on Daylight Saving Time, all year round, and we get more daylights during the waking hours.

The long answer: What time is it <http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/teaching/timezone.html> really depends more on the lawyers, economists, politicians and businessmen.


*** Singapore Says No Climate Of Fear In City-State

Singapore's home affairs minister Wong Kan Seng said in a newspaper interview that citizens in the city-state have spoken up at public forums without reprisals and commentaries critical of government policies have also appeared in newspapers.

*** Singapore Won't Go The Path Of Dual Citizenship: SM Goh
Wong Siew Ying, Channel NewsAsia

Mr Goh elaborated that dual citizenship could compromise the government's plans, especially when there was a situation of conflicts.

*** ERP Hours To be Extended For Orchard Road, CTE Areas
Dominique Loh, Channel NewsAsia

The Land Transport Authority is adding new Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantries along the Central Expressway (CTE) and Orchard Road in an effort to ease peak hour traffic flow in those areas.

*** Move Takes Retailers By Surprise
jasmine Yin, Today

"As far as we are concerned, there has been no consultation, and no engagement."


*** Singapore Food Expo 2005
Men Of Clay

Wallet. Check. Empty stomach. Check. Expo Hall layout map. Check. Let's go.

*** Our Place In The World: Learn From Singapore's Mass Transit
Bernie Zuccarelli, Seattle-Post-Intelligencer

The model is right there in Singapore. Someone please go observe it, learn from it and bring it here.


*** Singapore: A City-State With The World's Food
Shin Eun-jin, Joong Ang Daily

For travelers, Singapore offers a variety of cuisine within just a few street blocks.

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