[MyAppleMenu] Jun 13, 2005

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Jun 13 13:15:01 EDT 2005

Mac news for Mac people


*** Apple Developers Sanguine About Switch To Intel
Ephraim Schwartz, InfoWorld

Move is not without risk, but many expect it to be worthwhile.

*** QuickTime Release Keeps Apple At Streaming Forefront
Jay Lyman, MacNewsWorld

Gartner analyst Miek McGuire said Apple has positioned itself well with its advanced streaming technology.

*** Wrigley's Confirms Giant iPod Give-Away
Jonny Evans, Macworld UK

Wirgley will give away 10,000 iPods.

*** Apple And Nokia Browser Partnership Revealed
Jonny Evans, Macworld UK

Nokia has announced that it using open source software in developing a new mobile web browser for its Series 60 SmartPhone -- and that this has been developed in cooperation with Apple.

*** Heard Any Good Books Lately?
Matt Vance, Playlist

Finding great audiobooks for your iPod.

*** Students' Lectures By iPod
The Sun

Lazy students who miss lectures can catch up by getting recordings sent to their mobiles and iPods. The scheme is being tested at Coventry University to help youngsters who doze off in class or fail to get out of bed.

*** Devices Help Integrate iPod Into Auto Sound System
Eric Convey, Boston Herald

*** Beethoven Joins iPod Generation
David Ward, The Guardian

The iPod generation is to be given the chance to enjoy a more enriching downloading diet: Beethoven's entire collection of nine symphonies.

*** Apple CEO Tells Stanford Graduates To Pursue Their Passions
Justin M. Norton, Associated Press

Steve Jobs told Stanford graduates Sunday that dropping out of college was one of the best decisions he ever made because it forced him to be innovative -- even when it came to finding enough money for dinner.

*** Singapore's Creative Struggles To Rival Iconic iPod In Booming MP3 Market

"It will be difficult for Creative to make a decent return on MP3 players in the next few quarters especially when other consumer electronic giants are starting to pile it."

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy


*** Lost My Secrets? Pay Up, Buddy!
Steven Levy, Newsweek

Companies are all too cavalier when it comes to protecting financial info that can lead to identity theft.

*** Take My Privacy, Please!
Ted Koppel, New York Times

We need mandatory clarity and transparency, not just with regard to the services that these miracles of microchip and satellite technology offer but also the degree to which companies share and exchange their harvest of private data.

*** Prices Of Tech Items Seem To Keep Falling -- With A Few Exceptions
Lee Gomes, Wall Street Journal

Over the past few weeks, personal computers reached a significant milestone: The price for an entry-level but fully loaded system fell below $300.

*** Something For Nothing
David A. Vise, Washington Post

America Online strategy centers on free services.

*** Some Cafe Owners Pull The Plug On Lingering Wi-Fi Users
Glenn Fleishman, New York Times

Independent cafes have experienced mixed results with free Wi-Fi.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life

[Tech & Science]

*** Mother Nature's DNA
Michael D. Lemonick, Time

The Human Genome Project has not cured any diseases yet -- but it's revolutionaizing science in surprising ways.


*** And Next To The Bearded Lady, Premature Babies
Michael Brick, New York Times

It cost a quarter to see the babies, and people came again and again, to coo and to gasp and say look how small, look how small.

Life in the city


*** More Cabbies Failing To Pay Rental
Goh Chin Lian and Christopher Tan, Straits Times

Rising number of cabs, fewer users mean many can't make ends meet.

*** Would You Let Your Sick Kid Die?
Sheralyn Tay, Today

A new father could not have a harder decision to make.


*** Fucking Pampered
Atypical Singaporean

Singaporeans, newsflash. You want to enjoy nature, and you want to have comfort, please go to the nearest park, and sit your ass on the nearest bench.

*** Ode To Nosy Reporters...
Casanova For Hire!

Please don't walk around with this idea that your job is to maintain moral standards and act like you're guardian angels.

*** Singapore Family Tree: Review
e pur si mouve

I am very disappointed and cannot help but think that the project has pretty much missed the point of having such a resource available online.

*** He Didn't Have To Die
Lily Lim, Today

Did rigid adherence to protocol, inconsiderate drivers contribute to this man's death?

The Shuffle by MyAppleMenu
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.


*** The World In 1984

*** Let The Bombs Fall (I Can't Wait)

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