[MyAppleMenu] Jan 17, 2005
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Jan 17 13:15:01 EST 2005
Mac news for Mac people
*** Mac Beautification
Francois Joseph de Kermadec, O'Reilly Network
As much as I love the interface, I was stuck in my quest for the perfect screen backgrouund.
*** The Portable Mac OS X Geek
Leander Kahney, Wired News
Who says you can't run Mac OS X on a Pocket PC?
*** Audio Abounds At Macworld Expo
Barry Willis, Stereophile
*** Mac Users Mark 20 Years
Theresa Hogue, Corvallis Gazette-Times
Twenty years ago, a group of dedicated Macintosh computer users came together to share a particular passion for their platform of choice.
*** Laptop Tryout Pleases Schools
Chris Kenning, Courier-Journal
Five months after a controversial $5 million experiment first put $1,200 Apple iBooks in the hands of nearly 3,000 students and teachers at four underperforming schools, Jefferson County Public Schools administrators say learning has increased and misuse has been minimal.
*** Mac Mini May Chip Away At Windows
Todd Bishop, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
The low-price Mac Mini could enhance the halo effect.
*** iMovie HD To Be Offered Separately For $10?
*** iRiver CEO 'Surprised' At Apple's iPod Shuffle
Martyn Williams, IDG News Service
"In a sense it's not a competitor to an iRiver product because we have more features and focus on the premium area. Maybe there is a certain group of users who don't care about searching (for songs) and displays."
*** Mac Mini Arrives Next Month
Reuben Schwarz, New Zealand Stuff
*** Small, Cheap, And Without A Display
John Gruber, Daring Fireball
With millions of happy iPod users new to the Apple brand, and millions of unhappy Windows users fed up with crapware security issues, there's never been a better time for Apple to make a move into the low end of the market.
*** Is Apple Thinking About Mac TV?
John Markoff, New York Times
Why did Steve Jobs spend so much time talking about HDTV at this week's Apple announcement?
*** Rain, From Far Away
Heng-Cheong Leong
Have you checked out the new MyAppleMenu podcast <http://www.myapplemenu.com/podcast/> already? :-)
*** A Sad Story...
Heng-Cheong Leong
"Dear Ellie <http://www.suntimes.com/output/ellie/cst-ftr-ellie0117.html>: Last week was my son's 12th birthday, and all he wanted was a Sony iPod... They were nowhere [at stores]. So I looked on eBay. I outbid several people and had the owner rush delivery for my son's birthday... Turns out I got him a Sony Walkman instead of iPod."
This story is so sad on many levels... but the saddest part is the following:
"He opened [the gift], frowned, pounded his hand on the table, and snapped it in half like a spoiled kid as everyone looked on in horror."
"How could I teach him a lesson and give him a gift without being walked over?"
*** Longhorn: One Version Or Many?
Gregg Keizer, TechWeb
The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy
*** The Problem With 'Solutions'
Allison Linn, Associated Press
High-tech companies don't release products anymore. They provide solutions. And those solutions don't simply run a program or play a song. Instead, they enable experiences, optimize aglity or make people's passions come alive. Say what?
*** Radio Broadcasters Mull Digital Music Stores
Kenneth Li, Retuers
Radio broadcasters are considering technology and business models that may soon allow listeners to click, listen and buy the tunes they hear on their favorite radio stations.
MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life
*** The Depressed Press
William Safire, New York Times
Despite the recent lapses at CBS and previous mishaps at The Times and USA Today, here's why mainstream journalism has a future.
*** How We Learn
Alison Gopnik, New York Times
The problem for many children in elementary school may not be that they're not smart enough but that they're not stupid enough. They haven't yet been able to make reading and writing transparent and automatic.
*** A Tsunami By Any Other Name
Jeremy Caplan, Time
What's in a name? A wave of bad luck, if you're Toyota.
Life in the city
*** Could Students Who Are Overweight Be Denied Places In School?
Channel NewsAsia
A 15-year-old girl said she was discriminated against because of her weight when she sought a transfer to another school.
*** Lighter Tax Burden For Businesses
Straits Times
MyAppleMenu Shuffle
Life is random. More tunes, less talk.
*** Coucals In The Rain
Sulawesi -- Heart Of The Indonesian Rainforest
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