[MyAppleMenu] Nov 4, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Nov 4 13:15:00 EST 2004

Mac news for Mac people

[Top Stories]

*** Apple Trims Music Purchases To iTunes 4.5 Or Higher
Jim Darlymple, MacCentral

As of today users of iTunes 4.2 or lower will not be able to purchase or download songs from the iTunes Music Store. "Less than 5 percent of all iTunes customers are using the old iTunes 4.2 version, so asking them to upgrade to the free iTunes 4.7 is no big deal."


*** Glenda Adams Speaks Out On Mac Doom 3
Jean-Luc Dinsdale, Inside Mac Games

"For most games it is a huge optimization effort to even get the Mac version to run close to as fast as the PC."

*** iPod And iPod Mini Win Which? Praise
Jonny Evans, Macworld UK

Despite Consumer Association accusations that Apple overcharges for iTunes tracks in the UK, its monthly magazine, Which?, continues to celebrate Apple's iPod.

*** An iPod In Every Room At The New Dream Hotel In NYC
Peter Rojas, Engadget

*** iPod Download Is Back!
Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing

*** Doom 3 Coming To The Mac


*** Apple's iPod Must Beware Woes Of Netscape, Nokia
Mark Gilbert, Bloomberg

There's no question that Apple has built a beautiful mousetrap... Still, the likes of Microsoft and Sony are hardly going to stand still while Apple pockets every last cent of what Bono called "the dividends of the digital age."


*** iPod Photo
Christopher Breen, Playlist

*** Hacking iTunes
Niel Bomstein, O'Reilly Network

I'll explore ways to work with the iTunes Music Library file, an XML document, for fun and education, including transforming the library into an HTML page using various technologies, and querying Amazon and Google's web services for other suggested recordings and related information.

*** Automatically Import Images Into iPhoto
brian d foy, O'Reilly Network

There seems to be a great opportunity to automate the process of moving images from Bluetooth camera phone into iPhoto for asset management. But there are a few potholes along the way.

*** Power Pack For An iPod Keeps The Music Playing
Judy Tong, New York Times

*** iPod Sings With Harman Speakers
Arik Hesseldahl, Forbes

*** Sizing Up The Latest iPod Iteration
Walter S. Mossberg, Wall Street Journal

The new iPod Photo is a great choice for storing and sharing digital photos. We just hope it comes down in price.


*** Internet Radio, Here Comes Your Competition
Heng-Cheong Leong

Lately, for some reason, I cannot get to listen to the archives posted on Your Mac Life <http://www.yourmaclife.com/>, the Internet radio show for Mac people. My QuickTime player will try to connect -- and then fail after a long time. (Actually streaming doesn't seem to work on my Mac anymore. I could not watch the latest iPod event on Apple's web site either.)

But, I don't miss it anymore -- because of all the other podcasts that are available on the net. Probably everyone listens to Adam Curry's Daily Source Code <http://www.dailysourcecode.com/> and IT Conversations <http://www.itconversations.com/>, but I'm also starting to listen to Dave Winer <http://www.scripting.com/> again. (His new microphone really made a lot of difference.) The best part: they are all free, and I can put them on my iPod very easily.


*** Microsoft Expands European Music Download Business
Bernhard Warner, Retuers

Microsoft launched its MSN music download service in eight new European countries on Thursday in an attempt to fend off a recent expansion push by archrival Apple's iTunes.

*** Coming To Project Managers: Multiscreen Microsoft PC
Matthew Broersma, eWeek

The Project PC is an extension of Microsoft's philosophy of customizing PC hardware for specific verticals. Its innovation is essentially to offer small-form-factor hardware optimized for multiple screens.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technologies. Innovative Applications. New Economy

[Top Stories]

*** Vigilante On The TV Frontier
Seth Schiesel, New York Times

It was the ninth day of the TV-B-Gone Era, and Mitch Altman was on top of the world.


*** Dawn Of A New Ad Age
Michael Kanellos, CNET News.com

*** Why The U.S. Is A Third World Mobile Country
Dana Blankenhorn, Moore's Loore

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Are We Headed For An Opposition Press?
Jay Rosen, PressThink

Journalists who have been paying attention know that something big in their world changed in 2004. But will they go through the kind of agonizing re-appraisal the Democrats will soon be undertaking? Or will they let that old weary operating system grind on?


*** News That's Not Fake Enough
Priya Jain and Corrie Pikul, Salon

At "The Daily Show" election party, the comedy that helped us through the last four years can't quite mask the sadness.

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