[MyAppleMenu] Jun 11, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Jun 11 13:15:01 EDT 2004

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Friday, June 11, 2004

Mac News for Mac Users


*** Small-Scale School Enthuses Students
by Maggie Shiels, BBC News
At the Marin School of Art and Technology in norhtern California things are done differently from most other estalishments.

*** Architects Respond Favorably To Apple's New Power Mac G5 Lineup
by Architosh
Apple continues to lead and "inspire the industry and enables new possibilities for architecture and design."

*** 'Silhouette' iPod Ads Receive Top Honors
by MacMinute
The Magazine Publishers of America have awarded TBWA/Chiat/Day the US$100,000 Grand Prize Kelly Award for its work on Apple's iPod "Silhouette" ad campaign.

*** Laptop Initiative Faces Hurdle
by Erik Arvidson, North Adams Transcript
Educators and school officials in Berkshire County are waiting with cautious optimism to hear whether a proposed laptop initiative in North Adams and Pittsfield will clear a key legislative hurdle.

*** Apple's Jobs To Preservationists: Think Demolish
by CNET News.com
Is Apple CEO Steve Jobs' house a dump? That's what he claims, as part of his effort to tear down a 17,000 square foot home in Woodside, Calif. Local officials, however, say the home, designed by George Washington Smith, has histoci value, and they're threatening to block Job's effort to demolish the building.

*** 'Flash-obbbers' Do The Rush-Hour Waltz As New Craze Of Mobile Clubbing Moves Into Britain
by Danielle Demetriou, Independent
Mobile clubbing is the latest in a series of movements involving the seemingly random convergence of strangers in a public location.

*** Analysts Weigh In On Apple's Newest Power Mac G5
by Jim Darlymple, MacCentral
While analysts aren't concerned about the clock speed of the G5s, some are concerned about IBM's ability to keep up with the demand for the machines.


*** Today's Kluge Is Tomorrow's...
by Douglas Rushkoff, The Feature
Technology innovation in the age of wireless may have come to the point where we don't need startling new technologies as much as simple ways of doing all those things we're doing in less simple ways.

*** How To Un-DRM Your Un-DRM'd iTunes 4.6 Songs
by Gizmodo
The saddest part is this means the next version of Hymn will probably strip out the personal information from the legally-purchased files, since Apple is too beholden to the RIAA to look the other way.


*** Light Factory 2
by Carlyle Gordon, Creative Mac


*** Speculation On iTunes 4.7 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
I am "almost certained" that Apple will introduce the ability of streaming music to mulitple AirPort Express. Just some minor modification in iTunes, and add in some sync code between different AirPort Express, and, viola, Apple customers have another reason to buy more AirPort Express.

Of course, I am not the Apple engineer to add in all these codes, so I probably made this a little simplier than it is. Well, maybe iTunes 4.8 then?

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technology. Innovative Applications. New Economy.


*** Microsoft's 'Research Road Show' Opens Doors To Its Vision Of Future
by Mike Langberg, San Jose Mercury News
If you think computers make your life complicated today, just wait a few years.

*** Word's Giant Leap Forward
by Andrew Savikas, O'Reilly Network


*** Windows Compatibility For The Linux Desktop
by David Collier-Brown, O'Reilly Network

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** I Agree With Me
by P. J. O'Rourke, The Atlantic
When was the last time a conservative talk show changed a mind?

*** Ray Charles, Bluesy Essence Of Soul, Is Dead At 73
by Jon Pareles and Bernard Weinraub, New York Times
Ray Charles, the piano man with the bluesy voice who reshaped American music for a half-century, bringing the essence of soul to country, jazz, rock, standards and every other style of music he touched, died yesterday.


*** Denial
by Leonard Nathan, The Atlantic

*** Gift
by Brooks Haxton, The Atlantic

Life in the city

[Top Stories]

*** ATMs Not For The Blind?
by Loh Chee Kong, Today
Local banks 'actively discourage' them from holding cards.


*** Singapore's Self-Employed Rake In Less Than 3% Of GDP
by Anna Teo, Business Times
The 'informal' economy is puny compared to those in the Asia-Pacific.

*** Taxi Accident Rates: LTA Won't Budge On Standards
by Goh Chin Lian, Straits Times
It decides against changing audit targets as operators had managed low rates before.

MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong <mailto:webmaster at myapplemenu.com>. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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