[MyAppleMenu] Aug 29, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Aug 29 13:15:00 EDT 2004

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Sunday, August 29, 2004

Mac News for Mac Users


*** Apple Offers iTunes Music Marketing, Volume Discounts
by Larry Angell, MacMinute
Apple is now offering a number of music marketing programs and tools for record labels and musicians.


*** Longhorn: It's What For Dinner
by Matthew Rothenberg, Ziff Davis
Longhorn is starting to look less like Tiger than another Apple OS effort: Copland, the ill-starred mid-'90s development campaign that let Windows 95 seize the marketing initiative. Is it time to turn the tables?


*** Mac Users Sometimes Treated As Industry Afterthought
by Jeff Carlson, Seattle Times
Unlke the HotSync software, which is free with every Palm OS handheld, The Missing Sync 4.0 costs $40. However, the price is justified if you want to take advantage of the utility's features that go beyond just synchronization.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** How Long Can The Country Stay Scared?
by Bruce Schneier, Star Tribune
A terrorist alert that instills a vague feeling of dread or panic, without giving people anything to do in response, is ineffective. Even worse, it echoes the very tactics of the terrorists.


*** Nature, Putting The 'Augh!' In August
by Hank Stuever, Washington Post
Getting bitten: It's worse than a paper cut, slightly better than death. Thinking you're about to get bitten: That's a little worse still. Ever been in a fourth-grade classroom when a bee flies through an open window? The screams are loud enough that teachers from other classrooms come running to see who's dead, and who can still be saved.

*** The Season Of My Life
by Sue Miller, New York Times
The experience of summer, more than of any other season, is interlaced with memory, so that as we live through it, we're also recalling and living in the summers of our past.

Life in the city


*** New Rules Curb Speech At Singapore Speakers' Spot
by Taipei Times
The guidelines on the use of the four-year-old speaerks' corner have dampened hopes for more freedom of speech in the strict city-state.

MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong <mailto:webmaster at myapplemenu.com>. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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