[MyAppleMenu] Aug 13, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Aug 13 13:15:01 EDT 2004

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Friday, August 13, 2004

Mac News for Mac Users


*** Euro Filing Reveals Apple 'Handheld Computer'
by Tony Smith, The Register
The filing, made in May this year but only published this week, covers a "handheld computer" and contains sketches of what look like an iBook screen minus the body of the computer.

*** Apple Releases iPod Updater 2004-08-06
by MacNN

*** Griffin Debuts All-In-One iPod Device
by MacMinute
Griffin Technology today announced the RoadTrip, an all-in-one iPod charger, FM transmitter and cradle in one compact unit.

*** Apple Making Inroads Into Film Editing; Avid Remains King
by Robyn Weisman, Mac Observer
Ask any professional who has worked in the film or video industries for at least a decade, however, and he or she will tell you that the leader in this space is not Apple, but Avid Technology.

*** Stanford University Lab Builds An Xgrid
by Blane Warrene, MacNewsWorld
What began as eight computers providing 4 GHz of processing power has become as many as 200 systems around the world providing between 80 and 130 GHz of processing power.

*** Apple To Open Second Japanese Retail Store This Month
by Martyn Williams, IDG News Service
Apple will open its second Japanese retail store later this month int he western Japanese city of Osaka, it said Thursday.


*** Apple Replays Old Mistakes
by Soia Arrison, MacNewsWorld
Apple's resolve to go it alone and not work with others backfired in the past and will do so again if ikt doesn't change its ways.

*** Avoiding The iMac
by Chris Seibold, Apple Matters

*** Expedient iTunes Music Store Browsing
by Christopher Breen, Macworld


*** Apple 17-Inch PowerBook G4
by Justin Ong, Hardware Zone

*** I, Pod
by Frank Moldstad, Film Imaging

*** Audio Hijack Pro 2.0
by Dustin Wheeler, MacCritic

*** Microsoft Office: Mac 2004
by Computeractive
The Mac version of Microsoft Office has several new features that differentiate it from its Windows stablemate.

*** Must Haves: Upper Case iPod Cases
by City Magazine


*** More Reasons Not To Upgrade 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
One common wisdom in the Macintosh land is to never install updates from Apple immediately. Wait a while, and let all the other beta testers upgrade and report their successs or failture before you do so. Who knows, maybe Apple will even pull the update so that they can work on it somemore before you update?

But now, there is another reason why you shouldn't update so quickly: find out if the latest and greatest Apple patch will disable your beloved hack -- whether it is to play Windows Media files through your AirPort Express, or copy your RealNetwork files to your iPod.

Sometimes, the computer industry can make one sad.

*** Where Is My Network? 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Apple has apparently done the right thing, according to Glenn Fleishman<http://wifinetnews.com/archives/004064.html>, in naming the default SSID of its wireless network based on the AirPort's unique hardware identifier.

"What happens when 500 networks in a building are called 'linksys,' 'default,' or 'netgear'?"

*** Rumor Today: iMac Is Coming 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Think Secret<http://www.thinksecret.com/news/imacg5specs.html> believes that new iMac -- to be unviled late this month at the Paris event -- will be a flat screen monitor with the CPU attached at the back.

*** Welcoming The New PM, SM, MM 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Singapore has a new Prime Minister, Lee Hisen Loong, yesterday. (See my other blog, SingaporeSurf<http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/>, for some links.) It is No-Big-Deal for almost everyone here in Singapore, as we all know this day is coming.

The other two acronym up there in the title refers to Senior Minister (SM), the appointment created previously for the first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, which is now occupied by the second (and outgoing) prime minister, Goh Chok Tong, and Minister Mentor (MM), the appointment now created for the first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew. Yes, that's right, all of the prime ministers in Singapore are now in the same cabinet.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technology. Innovative Applications. New Economy.


*** IT Leaders Baffled By Utility Computing
by Graeme Wearden, ZDNet UK
Over half of senior IT staff say they have no plans to embrace utility computing, and one in six does not even understand the concept.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life

[Tech & Science]

*** New York Unplugged, 1889
by Jill Jonnes, New York Times
The nation's first blackout struck Manhattan on Oct 14, 1889, when New Yorkers stepped out into a bleak, rainy dusk to find what was called "A Night of Darkness -- More than One Thousand Electric Lights Extinguished."

*** All Thumbs, Without The Stigma
by Matt Richtel, New York Times
Since the beginning, humans have made big use of their thumbs -- for grasping sticks, hitching rides, rating movies and so on. Now, for millions of people, the thumb has evolved into a preferred mode of 21st-century communication.

Life in the city

[Top Stories]

*** Singapore Must Drop 'Out-Of-Bounds' Censorship
by Michael Backman, The Age
Singapore government's OB markets are nebulous. They are not written down. They are not transparent. And they are applied in a discretionary manner. They are absolutely contrary to the rule of law... Uncodified OB markers threaten Singapore's reputation as a place that observes the rule of law. And they threaten its prosperity.

*** Let Us Shape Our Future Together
by Zuraidah Ibrahim, Straits Times
PM Lee Hsien Loong to Singaporeans: Do not wait to be invited to tea, but step forward to make a difference to yourselves, to your fellow citizens, and to Singapore.


*** For Singapore's Lee, Rain Will Only Brithen Big Day
by Bloomberg
Practitioners of feng shui say the chosen day is a "double-water day," which gives the incoming premier extra power and the support of people around him.

*** Singapore's Man With A Plan
by The Economist
Can Philip Yeo reinvent Singapore as a hothouse of innovation?


*** Looking For Lee Way
by Salil Tripathi, The Guardian
The choices made by Singapore's new leader will be privotal for an economy under pressure to change.

MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong <mailto:webmaster at myapplemenu.com>. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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