[MyAppleMenu] Aug 11, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Aug 11 13:15:01 EDT 2004

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Mac News for Mac Users


*** Area Schools Take Laptops
by Lindsay Tice, Sun Journal
Nine local high schools will get laptop computers this fall in a deal brokered between the state and Apple late last week.

*** No Sales Tax This Saturday At Three Massachusetts Apple Stores Open 24 Hours
by MacDailyNews
The Apple Store is participating in Massachusetts' Tax-Free Days all day Saturday.

*** Apple Struggles With Motion Problems
by Macworld UK
Apple has published a number of Knowledge Base articles describing issues with Motion, its application for real-time motion graphics.

*** Meet The iPod's Intel
by Paul R. La Monica, Business 2.0
PortalPlayer, which filed for its IPO on Aug 4, bears watching over the next few months. Here's why. PortalPlayer gets most of its business from a Taiwanese company called Inventec. And Inventec is the company that makes this little device that you may have heard -- it's called the iPod.

*** Turning Jukeboxes Into Teaching Aids: A Chat With Tracy Futhey
by Jonathan B. Cox, News Observer
Behind the Duke University's initiative is Tracy Futhey, chief information officer and vice president for information technology. Gadgets can't make poor teachers great, the West Virginia native says, but they can improve the educational experience.

*** Apple Releases Pro Application Support 2.1
by MacMinute

*** Apple Posts Java Update
by MacMinute

*** Apple Updates DVD Studio Pro
by MacMinute

*** Maelstrom For Mac OS X Updated
by Jan-Luc Dinsdale, Inside Mac Games

*** Apple Releases iSync 1.5
by MacMinute
iSync 1.5 adds support for more devices such as the latest Sony Ericsson, Motorola and Sendo phones.


*** Apple And Sun: Learning From Each Other
by Rob Enderle, TechNewsWorld
Apple needs to learn from Sun how to share.

*** OS X Calculator: Sick, Unreliable?
by Leander Kahney, Cult Of Mac
The built-in calculator in OS 10.4 may be wildly unreliable.


*** Apple Pleasure: iPod Mini Demystified
by Shiv Aroor and Ashu Kumar, Financial Express
Aple's iPod mini is a deliciously cruel device. Like a chocolate cake when you're on a diet. It's possibly the most beautiful piece of digital audio hardware currently in existence -- but it costs over Rs 20,000 and has a capacity of only 4 gigabytes.

*** The Next Do-It-Yourself Mac: Maximize Your Hardware -- From Installing A SuperDrive To Building A Music Server
by Macworld

*** Apple iPod
by Bill Machrone, PC Magazine
The latest iPod is incremental progress. If you haven't yet joined the cult of iPod, the improvements and lower prices mean your patience will be handsomely rewarded.

*** Battlefield 1942: Deluxe Edition
by Gordon K. Hurd, Inside Mac Games


*** How To Please Your Customers? 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
Well, definitely not using Windows server to run a Linux show<http://www.vnunet.com/news/1157229>. Or to use the same Windows server to run a Macintosh show either.

*** Windows Longhorn? 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
I'm not sure why Microsoft feel the need to reinvent the name of their operating system with every major release: Windows 1.0 to 3.1.1, Windows 95 to 98, Windows NT 3.5 to 4.0, Windows Me, Windows 2000 to 2003, Windows XP. Sure it's confusing, isn't it?

But, anyhoo, can you help out Microsoft's marketing department in coming up with a new name for Longhorn<http://discuss.fogcreek.com/joelonsoftware/default.asp?cmd=show&ixPost=172337&ixReplies=18>?


*** Microsoft Opens Cut-Price Windows
by BBC News
Microsoft is to launch a cheaper version of its Windows Xp operating system in an effort to halt the rise of low-cost Linux software.

*** IE Is Evolving, But Is It Enough?
by John Borland, CNET News.com
Microsoft reiterated this week that it does not plan a new version of Internet Explorer until it releases the next version of Windows, code-named Longhorn.

The Tomorrow Weblog
Emerging Technology. Innovative Applications. New Economy.


*** Must-Download TV
by Farhad Manjoo, Salon
The latest developments in TV-show-trading technology mean you don't need TiVo to watch what you want, when you want.

*** We're All Journalists Now
by Xeni Jardin, Wired News
In his new book, Dan Gillmor chronicles the social and economic impact of weblogs, wikis, mobile technology and other networked phenomena on the business of news.

MyAppleMenu Reader
The other things in life


*** Babymaking
by Amie Klempnauer, Salon
Jane and I spent 10 years discussing whether to have a child. Like many straight couples, we finally decided to leave it to the fates. But in our case the fates held a speculum, a catheter and a vial of sperm.

*** A Vacation With Ghosts
by Ruth Ozeki, New York Times
My first six summers were American suburban, filled with the familiar thrills of Slip 'N Slides and sprinkles, the smell of gasoline lawnmowers and the tickle of grass blades sticking to my skin. Then, the summer I was 7, my mother took me to Japan to visit my grandmother.

*** Style: A Pleasure For The Reader, Or The Writer?
by Ben Yagoda, Chronicle Of Higher Education
How odd it is that style in writing is so overlooked in popular, contemporary books that purport to be about style in writing.

Life in the city


*** The Olympics Is Here 
by Heng-Cheong Leong
I am not sure how much money did Mediacorp spend to secure the broadcast rights in Singapore, but here's a pop quiz: Who are in the Singapore team? What events are they participating in? When will the events be taking place? What is the targets for the Singapore participants?

If you are not a sports enthusiasts, you'll probably can't score well in that pop quiz. And that's precisely why Mediacorp has failed in their marketing department. After spending (I assume) much money in getting broadcast rights, it failed to market the Olympics to the audience, and relegate the Olympics to yet another sporting events by foreigners for foreigners.

Unless, of couse, the broadcast is funded by MDA, and Mediacorp don't want to spend any money at all. :-)


*** Abdullah: Ties With Singapore Set To Improve
by The Star
Malaysia will be able to strengthen bilateral relations with Singapore under the leadership of Lee Hsien Loong, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong <mailto:webmaster at myapplemenu.com>. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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