[MyAppleMenu] Sunday, Sep 7, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Sep 7 21:05:00 EDT 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Sunday, Sep 7, 2003

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Girls? Check. Cristal? Check. iPod? Check. (Neil Strauss, New York Times)
This season, the iTunes service will be faced with several competitors in the PC world, among them an industry-sanctioned incarnation of Napster. But so far, its imitators (like Buymusic) have only made it look better by comparison.

MyAppleMenu : News
Customers Turning To Downloads Over CDs (Josh Bernoff, CNN)
Forrester Research released a study this week predicting an increasing drop in compact disc sales as Internet music file-sharing keeps gaining ground on the flagging CD.

Apple Concept Store Launch In Stockholm (MacNN)

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Can You Believe Press Releases? (Gene Steinberg, Mac Night Owl)
Just about every report I read on the subject simply quoted or summarized the press release, which conveys the impression they accepted it at face value.

Moving To A Mac (Chad Dickerson, InfoWorld)
The next time I'm facing a mass desktop and network OS migration decision, Mac OS X will be on the list.

Security Blame Games (Jon Udell, InfoWorld)
Open source software partisans never seem to follow their argument to its logical conclusion, however. If more people used Linux and/or Mac OS X, more attackers would exploit the vulnerabilities of these systems.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Gaming On The Apple eMac (Raphael Liberators, GameSpy.com)
With a little effort, the eMac offers a respectable platform for the budget conscious gamer.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: News & Opinions
Peace Offering For File Traders? (Katie Dean, Wired News)
The music industry plans to offer what it calls a "general amnesty" to file traders who step forth and promise not to do it again, but experts say few will take the bait.

MyAppleMenu Reader: World
The Problem With The French... Is That They Have No Word For Rapprochement (Gene Weingarten, Washington Post)
A mature and balanced examination of the French, with an eye toward defusing international tensions and dispelling regrettable stereotypes.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Life
Understanding Conan (Don Aucoin, Boston Globe)
He may play the hapless goof, but don't be deceived. After 10 years doing late-night comedy, Conan O'Brien has created a brand of his own.

Selling Your Sex Life (Adam Sternbergh, New York Times)
The British TV comedy hit "Coupling," based on many of the real-life escapades of the husband-and-wife team who produce it, has been bought and remade by NBC. Is it really worth the money to hand your secrets to a network?

The Futile Pursuit Of Hapiness (Jon Gertner, New York Times)
Researchers in the burgeoning field of "affective forecasting" are finding that when it comes to personal satisfaction in life, you can't really know what you want.

The End Of Chocolate (As A Chocolatier Knows It) (John Tagliabue, New York Times)
The European Union has ruled that chocolate can contain some vegetable fats, and the French just can't swallow that.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : Top Stories
Reclamation In Singapore: KL Takes Legal Action (Lydia Lim, Straits Times)
Malaysia breaks off talks, refers dispute to arbitration; Republic disappointed at sudden decision but confident of its case.

CPF Cuts Won't Improve Job Market, Says Survey (Karamjit Kaur, Straits Times)
Many employers do not believe the three-point CPF cut, announced by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong in Parliament on Aug 28, will help improve the job market.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Mahathir Says Malaysia Wants Arbitration In Land Dispute With Singapore Because Talks Failed (Associated Press)
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Sunday that Malaysia referred a dispute over Singapore's land reclamation activities to an international tribunal because negotiations have failed to settle the disagreement.

"Sharks" March In Singapore Against Soup Delicacy (Reuters)
Clad in shark suits, a group of Singapore students marched through the city state on Sunday to protest over the mass slaughter of the big fish to make shark fin soup, a delicacy throughout Asia.

Arbitration Unnecessary, Says Singapore (The Star)
Singapore has expressed regret over Malaysia's decision to bring the republic's land reclamation issue to arbitration.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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