[MyAppleMenu] Monday, Oct 27, 2003

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Mon Oct 27 21:05:00 EST 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Monday, Oct 27, 2003

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Apple Singing A New Song With iTunes (Paul Andrews, Seattle Times)
As a digital-lifestyle provider, Apple no longer considers itself a computer -- or even software -- company. Where Microsoft fits in the new landscape is less clear, and may not even matter to its long-standing rival.

MyAppleMenu : News
Bare Bones Announces Panther Compatibility (MacMinute)

Panther Software Updates Galore (Dennis Sellers and Peter Cohen, MacCentral)
Third-party software updates to assure compatibility with Mac OS X v10.3, "Panther," are coming fast and furious.

UK Punters Pounce On Panther (Karen Haslam, Macworld UK)
Excited Mac fans besieged Mac resellers nationwide on Friday night, awaiting the official release of Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.

Mozilla Firebird 0.7.1 Released For Mac OS X (MozillaZine)
"Version 0.7.1 is a recommended upgrade that fixes several usability issues and significantly improves performance."

School Board Seats Contested (Nicole Johnson, Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Among the hot-button issues is the question of what to do next with the county's Apple iBook program, which has more and more students using laptop computers.

Apple Resellers Cry Foul Over NCR Deal (Byron Connolly, CRN)
Apple resellers are up in arms over the Apple Australia's decision to appoint NCR as a national services provider, claiming they will lose business as a result.

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Mac.Ars Takes On Apple's Consumer Desktops (Eric Bangeman, Ars Technica)
What is the root cause of the drop in sales in Apple's consumer desktop segment, and what can they do to rectify the situation?

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
The Super GameHouse Solitaire Collection (Erica Marceau, Applelinks)
The Super GameHouse Solitaire Collection is an okay collection, but it doesn't really provide many more features over using a real deck of cards and a book of rules.

Jaguar, Meet Panther (Julio Ojeda-Zapata, Pioneeer Press)
You likely don't need Panther if you use Jaguar, but not getting it may prove unbearable. The upgrade is that appealing.

Panther: The Cool, The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly (Apple-x.net)
Panther is certainly interesting and will get better with minor tweaks.

Down And Dirty With Panther (Clark Mueller, MacTeens)

Mac OS X 10.3 (Keith Martin, PC Pro)
The bottom line is that Mac OS X 10.3 looks and works significantly better than before.

MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Microsoft Sets Answer To iPod (Reuters)
Portable Media Center, Microsoft's answer to Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod digital music player, will be able to play MP3 files as well as audio and video content recorded in Microsoft's own digital format.

More Wintel news at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: Top Stories
Hollywood To The Computer Industry: We Don't Need No Stinking Napsters! (Farhad Manjoo, Salon)
Fearful of piracy, the studios want the federal government to legislate how computers are made. Critics say such interference signals the end of the line for digital innovation.

Will Cable TV At M.I.T., Who Needs Napster? (John Schwartz, New York Times)
Two students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a system for sharing music within their campus community that they say can avoid the copyright battles that have pitted the music industry against many customers.

The Great Library Of Amazonia (Gary Wolf, Wired)
To build the archive, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has had to unravel a tangle of technological and copyright problems. His solution promises to remake the publishing business and give Amazon a powerful new weapon in its battle against online competitors such as Yahoo, Google, and eBay. But the most interesting thing about the archive is the way it resolves the paradox of the book, respecting its physical form while transcending its limits.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: News & Opinions
Critics Take Wary View Of Shopping Web Link (Bob Tedeschi, New York Times)
Consumer Reports magazine is steering people to a company that earns money by directing shoppers to online stores. Critics see a conflict of interest.

Web Redesigns For The Holidays (Bob Tedeschi, New York Times)
Online retailers are engaged in a flurry of operational and cosmetic enhancements that they hope will propel them through this holiday season -- and repeat the year-end spikes of recent years -- while turning new visitors into long-term customers.

Who Wins In Offshoring? (McKinsey Quarterly, CNET News.com)
Offshoring, far from being bad for the United States, creates net value for the economy.

MyAppleMenu Reader: World
How Much For That Professor? (David L. Kirp, New York Times)
While acquiring top-rung professors may benefit a university's academic standing, it isn't necessarily good for its students' education.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Science & Tech
String Theory: Trying To Visualize Many, Many Dimensions Of Weirdness (Dennis Overbye, New York Times)
"The Elegant Universe," starring the Columbia University physicist Brian Greene, is billed as the biggest project "Nova" has ever done.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Life
International Authors Find Refuge In The U.S. (Judy Stoffman, Toronto Star)
Not only does the place offer freedom to write, but it also offers an abundance of publishers, lots of creative writing programs where authors can find a day job, and a large literary marketplace.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Expressions
The Slaughterhouse (Karen Halvorsen Schreck, Literal Latte)
Although you may find this hard to believe, I was once a little girl, and terribly discontent. My bones ached with it, my desires pointing like fingers in all directions. For instance, the year I visited the slaughterhouse, I longed for another name. Mother and Father had called me for a flower, Rose, the flower of their youth. But I knew enough about fairy tales to know that a Rose is always dark like blood drawn from hands torn by thorns. I wanted to be a Lily -- a Lily fair as snow, fair like you and the other women I first thought of as beautiful.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Singapore's Founding Father Speaks Out (Maria Ressa, CNN)
>From British rule, to the communist war, to the brutal Japanese occupation, Lee said he learned from Singapore's violent past.

PM's Australia Remarks Put In Proper Context (Burhan Gafoor, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister, Straits Times)
The Prime Minister made it clear that he does not subscribe to such a view.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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