[MyAppleMenu] Sunday, Nov 23, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Nov 23 21:05:01 EST 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Sunday, Nov 23, 2003

MyAppleMenu : News
Apple Dual 1.8GHz PowerMac G5 Makes Waves (A. David Cooper, MacDirectory)

Apple's First Retail Store -- Tysons Corner In McLean, VA -- Grand Re-Opening WIth Photos (Macs Only!)
The new look is a brushed aluminum entrance with a single Apple logo overhead.

Send iTunes Gift Certificates Via USPS (MacMinute)
You can now send iTunes Gift Certificates purchased from the online Apple Store via the United States Postal Service.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Apple iMac (Bob Massey, Washington Post)
This model lived up to Apple's ease-of-use pitch. It was eerie: Everything just worked, an experience that has eluded me in several years of reviewing desktop PCs.

Compiling Unix Source Code For Mac OS X (Greaseproof)
To use Unix source code on OS X, follow these steps.

Mere Speed Is Not Enough (Rob Pegoraro, Washington Post)
Forget about aesthetic preferences or initial hardware costs; life is just easier on the Mac side and will remain so until Microsoft makes overdue repairs to Windows.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: Top Stories
When Free Isn't Really Free (John Schwartz, New York Times)
Web giveaways increasingly come at a steep price, in the form of computer glitches, frustration and loss of privacy and security -- not to mention the threat of expensive lawsuits for large-scale music downloaders.

Tech Workers' Losing Fight To Match Overseas Wages (David Koeppel, New York Times)
Many American technology workers whose jobs have not been moved offshore say that they are being offered lower salaries than in the past.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: News & Opinions
The Hidden Cost Of Going Virtual (Stanford Knowledgebas, CNET News.com)
A recently published research paper by scholars at Stanford's Graduate School of Business and two other universities suggests that virtual teams may extract an unexpected price: People who add their hard-won knowledge to a common pool may become alienated from the organization and even fear that they are sowing the seeds for their own replacement.

Congress Passes Bill That Will Limit Spam (Ted Bridis, Associated Press)
Congress moved significantly closer to the first-ever federal protections against unwanted commercial e-mails with the House passing a bill Saturday that would impose new limits on sending irritating offers on the Internet.

Could I Get That Song In Elvis, Please? (Bill Werde, New York Times)
Vocaloid software allows users to cast their own (or anyone else's) songs in a disembodied but exceedingly life-like concert-quality voice.

MyAppleMenu Reader: World
Vengeful Majorities (Amy Chua, Prospect)
In many poor countries, markets concentrate wealth in the hands of prosperous ethnic minorities. In these places, democracy can be an engine of vengeance.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Science & Tech
The Coolest Experiment Ever (Tim Radford, The Guardian)
Was Einstein right about general relativity? We'll soon find out.

Nanotechnology -- Small Things For Big Changes (James lanigan, Los Angeles Times)
The Next Big Thing is very small. Exactly one-billionth of a Thing.

It's Just A Game, But Hollywood Is Paying Attention (Norm Alster, New York Times)
A million people have traded on the Hollywood Stock Exchange, an online game where players can register at no cost to predict box office receipts for films.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Life
The Gory Details (Louise Kennedy, Boson Globe)
What does it mean that today's hit television crime dramas dwell not on whodunit but on how it was done?

Independence Days (Pagan Kennedy, Boston Globe)
When the writer was a child, her mother defied the calendar, rescheduling holidays for the convenience of the family.

A Tempest And A Teapot On A Whirlwind Trip (Jane Engle, Los Angeles Times)
Typhoon alerts in Hong Kong aren't unusual. There was no cause for alarm -- until the cabs stopped running.

Love In The Time Of No Time (Jennifer Egan, New York Times)
Internet romance begins outside any real-life context, but it quickly creates a context all its own -- full of flirting, sex, jealousy, love and rejection. In the world of online coupling, your digital dating self never sleeps.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Reclamation: KL-Singapore Agree To Appoint Experts (The Star)
In a joint press statement issued by the foreign ministries of both countries yesterday, the parties agreed that a study be carried out on Singapore's reclamation work and its impact in and around the Straits of Johor.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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