[MyAppleMenu] Mar 16, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Mar 16 21:05:00 EST 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Sunday, Mar 16, 2003

MyAppleMenu Reader : World
Joe Nation Nation (Debra J. Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle)
It's amazing how an area that prides itself on its tolerance and diversity elects so many politicians happy to use their power to ban behavior they don't like. Or to hammer other people to live as they do.

Equal Time For Protest Signs (Tim Grieve, Salon)
In a controversial decision, a federal court says that if California allows Old Glory to hang from overpasses, it must allow political banners, too.

Repairing The World (Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times)
What does Tony Blair get that George Bush doesn't? The only way I can explain it is by a concept from the Kabbalah called "tikkun olam." It means, "to repair the world."

English Sans French (Christian Science Monitor)
The Franco-American dispute falling out over the best approach way to disarming Iraq take away Iraq's weapons has resulted in perhaps the highest level of anti-French feeling in the United States Lands since 1763.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Science & Tech
What Science Is Cooking Up (Beth Greenberg, Boston Globe)
Advances in food research promise not only healthier products but also ways to avoid deadly disease. That's the good news.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Life
Checking One's Bags (Mary Roach, San Francisco Chronicle)
Why pack light when your husband has a bag too?

In Defense Of Twinkies (Charles P. Pierce, Boston Globe)
People always suspected that this delectable snack had staying power, but 73 years? That makes it an icon.

Why Blockbuster Flicks Suck (Heather Havrilesky, Salon)
As it turns out, even the worst big-budget movies can incite a strange feeling of nostalgia.

Poetry And War, Again (Robert Pinsky, Slate)
The old question of poetry's authority in political life has been in the news again.

The Mystery Of My Eggs (Maggie Jones, New York Times)
By extracting a single cell from a speck-size embryo, I glimpsed my family's future.

Pixels At An Exhibition (Bob Tedeschi, New York Times)
For museum aficionados, the Internet can be a serendipitous joy, but it can also be a tease.

Crab Meet (Kristin Henderson, Washington Post)
Recipde for satisfaction: an old friend, a few chicken necks and Maryland's most famous resident.

More Sound! (Jan Swafford, The Guardian)
Beethoven wanted to write music full of comedy and tragedy -- if only he could find a piano robust enough for the job.

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