[MyAppleMenu] Thursday, Jul 24, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Jul 24 21:22:53 EDT 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Thursday, Jul 24, 2003

MyAppleMenu : News
Bare Bones Updates BBEdit (Peter Cohen, MacCentral)
It fixes reported issues -- dozens of them -- and also adds minor enhancements and refinements to the way HTML Markup preferences are handled and to the way files are committed via Concurrent Versions System (CVS) source control.

.Mac Upgrades Break Compatibility With Some Windows Systems? (MacFixIt)
Readers report that upgrading to Internet Explorer 6 for Windows 2000 resolves this problem.

Safari Problems Bug Web Developers (PC Pro)
Safari may have won plaudits for its speediness, but glitches in version 1.0, the first non-beta release, is causing major headaches for some web developers and users.

Apple Reseller Gets Vertical (Fleur Doidge, iTnews)
Victorian Apple reseller Computers Now has bought out Sydney high-end graphics specialist LCM&A for an undisclosed sum.

Carn The Apples (Greg Thom, Herald Sun)
Apple has grabbed the lead again with the ultra-powerful PowerMac G5.

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Apple's Music Lessons (David Zeiler, Baltimore Sun)
Apple has put itself in a strong position to become a major provider of digital content over the next decade. And in such a role, the Mac vs. PC issue will be much less relevant.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Making Mac And Linux Play Nicely Together (Joe Barr, NewsForge)

MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Microsoft Reveals 'Critical' Flaw (David Becker, CNET News.com)
Microsoft issued another passel of warnings about security holes Wednesday, including a "critical" flaw that affects most Windows PCs.

More Wintel news at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: Top Stories
Saving The Net (Doc Searls, Linux Journal)
Saving the Net and the NEA goods that thrive on the Net should be a paramount concern for technologists everywhere. Those goods include Linux and every idea that's good enough to grow when it passes from one brain to another, gaining value along the way.

Privacy: For Every Attack, A Defense (BusinessWeek)
Yes, it's a grueling battle. However, as threats pop up constantly on fronts old and new, concerned citizens and like-minded legislators quickly parry.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: News & Opinions
Cracking Windows Passwords In Seconds (Robert Lemos, CNET News.com)
Swiss researchers released a paper on Tuesday outlining a way to speed the cracking of alphanumeric Windows passwords, reducing the time to break such codes to an average of 13.6 seconds, from 1 minute 41 seconds.

Everything Is Watching YOU (Farhad Manjoo, Salon)
We're well on our way to a world where every product has a tiny radio transmitter embedded in it. Privacy activists are not happy, but big corporations are licking their lips.

Techies By Necessity, Not By Choice (Katie Hafner, New York Times)
As consumer electronics proliferate and consumers grow increasingly disenchanted with technical support operations (which routinely charge for calls), many people are discovering that whether they want to or not, they are developing more than a little technical proficiency.

In The Lecture Hall, A Geek Chorus (Lisa Guernsey, New York Times)
Over the past year, as wireless networks have been introduced in hotels, university auditoriums and conference halls, people with laptops have realized that they do not have to sit idly during the presentations.

Googleholes: Apples And Oranges (Rob Flickenger, O'Reilly Network)
I just wonder about the author's choice of search examples.

Blacklists: The New Neighborhood Watch (Tom Yager, InfoWorld)
E-mail blacklist operators turn the Internet into a gated community.

House Asked To Power Up Digital TV (Declan McCullagh, CNET News.com)
The Federal Communications Commission would be required to accelerate the transition to digital television under a bill introduced Wednesday in the U.S. House of Representatives.

MyAppleMenu Reader: World
'Blogs' Shake The Political Discourse (Joanna Weiss, Boston Globe)
Whether this is a useful addition to the political process is subject to question. But the most fervent blog proponents have been talking like apostles. Blogs, they predict, are harbingers of a new, interactive culture that will change the way democracy works, turning voters into active participants rather than passive consumers, limiting the traditional media's role as gatekeeper, and giving the rank-and-file voter unparalleled influence.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Life
Take It From An Iowan: You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing (Renee Schettler, Washington Post)
For all the differences between Washingtonians and Iowans, there is but a single, fundamental distinction that matters to me. And it has everything to do with corn.

For Young German Writers, All Is Ich (Nora Fitzgerald, New York Times)
World War II and the Holocaust are no longer the dominant themes in these existential tales by the young writers. Instead, they are writing about the role of the artist after the fall of the wall, the life of the immigrant and, obsessively it seems, about the elusive nature of happiness.

Hidden In Every Brain There Lurks A Poet (Brad Evenson, National Post)
Dissecting creativity is 'the last frontier of the last frontier.'

For The 15th Time, Look It Up (Peter Monaghan, Chronicle Of Higher Education)
'The Chicago Manual of Style' enters the 21st century.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Expressions
Augury (Ellen Wehle, Slate)

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : Top Stories
Singapore Extinctions Spell Doom For Asia? (John Pickrell, National Geographic News)
Singapore has lost up to 73 percent of its plants and animals over the last two centuries, new data reveals. According to one of the most robust studies of tropical extinctions yet attempted, more than one-fifth of Southeast Asia's total species could follow suit by the end of the century, if land degradation continues unabated.

Malaysian Envoy Makes An Attack On 'Cocky' Singaporeans (Straits Times)
Malaysia's new High Commissioner to Singapore, Mr N. Parameswaran, accused a 'young kid' from the Foreign Affairs Ministry of treating him rudely.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Doggone It! (Tor Ching Li, Today)
According to Mr Anand, the partners had explained their pet cafe concept very clearly to the ENV and sought approval at every stage of its development. "For ENV to turn around now and apply the original letter of the law is both unfair and unreasonable," he said.

A Malaysian Reflects On Singapore's Malays (Mazlan Nordin, Mingguan Malaysia)

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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