[MyAppleMenu] Jul 18, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Fri Jul 18 21:05:00 EDT 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Friday, Jul 18, 2003

MyAppleMenu : News
Apple Posts 'Pods Unite' Commercial (MacMinute)

Adobe Takes On Quark (Dennis Sellers, MacCentral)

Toast 6 Titanium Sneak Peek (Peter Cohen, MacCentral)
Toast 6 Titanium leaves very few stones unturned in the areas of interface, features and functionality.

iTunes 'Will Become Net-Songs King' (Jonny Evans, Macworld UK)
Apple iTunes Music Store could capture 20 per cent of the US paid-music download market, claims Needham's analyst Charles Wolf in a report this week.

Anderson Joins eBay Board (Macworld UK)

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Finding Avie (John Gruber, Daring Fireball)
Technical Note #2034 was not merely a web page of developer documentation. It was a description of de facto policies governing Apple's own software development.

Has Apple's "Switchers" Campaign Failed? (Gene Steinberg, Mac Night Owl)
The article, unfortunately, is one of those that takes one piece of information, and comes up with a set of conclusions that may not exactly match the facts.

Digital Squared: Living In An iTunes World (John Ellis, Fast Company)
iTunes' success should now make every company, from gaming outfits to television networks, warm to the possibility.

Apple Fritter (Peter Lewis, Fortune)
A cup of tepid coffee at the convention center cost $3. And those are the news highlights from one of the most lackluster Mac gatherings ever.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (John Brandon, MacHome)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is not terribly challenging, and does not include any other modes than the basic story. Frequent in-game cut scenes may bore some, but overall it's a blast and a half.

Large Displays Open Up The Mac Universe (Gene Steinberg, Gannett News Service)
I really liked the Samsung 240T and if I had the extra money, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. But in the real world where dollars count, the 23-inch HD Cinema Display is definitely the more practical choice.

Advantages Of iPhoto Worth A Thousand Words (Bob LeVitus, Houston Chronicle)
If you have a digital camera, you have to try iPhoto. And you can't beat the price.

Elegant iPod Too Exclusive (David Frith, The Barrow)
In Australia though, Apple could do better.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : Top Stories
Business Lessons From The Donut And Coffee Guy (Jason Kottke)
If you were the CEO of a big business, you'd have been tearing your hair out at this scene. He lets his customers make their own change?!?!!

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : News & Opinions
Blogging For Bucks (Leander Kahney, Wired News)
Journalist Rafat Ali is an unusual beat: a laid-off dot-com reporter who's making money online writing about, well, making money online.

Bill Aims To Curb Net Censorship (Declan McCullagh, CNET News.com)
Would-be Internet censors in places such as China and Myanmar could have a tougher time restricting the free flow of information, according to a measure that the U.S. House of Representatives approved on Wednesday.

Digital Squared: Living In An iTunes World (John Ellis, Fast Company)
iTunes' success should now make every company, from gaming outfits to television networks, warm to the possibility.

White House E-Mail System Becomes Less User-Friendly (John Markoff, New York Times)
Under a system deployed on the White House Web site for the first time last week, those who want to send a message to President Bush must now navigate as many as nine Web pages and fill out a detailed form that starts by asking whether the message sender supports White House policy or differs with it.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Life
Falling Hook, Line And Sinker (Sandra Leong, Straits Times)
With the Disney/Pixar animation movie such a hit at cinemas, adults and children alike have been flocking to aquariums to buy a clown fish.

They Should Know Better (Robert Fulford, National Post)
Humanities scholars spend lots of time reading, so why can't they write?

Barbie, Starbucks And Freedom (Farhad Manjoo, Salon)
If Public Enemy, which has the resources to fight egregious copyright claims, doesn't make music like it used to because it's just too much trouble, think of how many other people there must be who are holding their tongues -- because to say anything new and interesting would simply cost too much.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Falling Hook, Line And Sinker (Sandra Leong, Straits Times)
With the Disney/Pixar animation movie such a hit at cinemas, adults and children alike have been flocking to aquariums to buy a clown fish.

More Singapore News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/>

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright &copy; 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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