[MyAppleMenu] Jan 27, 2003
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Mon Jan 27 21:05:00 EST 2003
MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Monday, Jan 27, 2003
MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Jobs For President? Not This Time (Leander Kahney, Wired News)
A grassroots campaign to persuade Apple's CEO Steve Jobs to run for President of the United States was launched on the Web last week, but it was over almost as soon as it began.
MyAppleMenu : News
Apple Strengthens Server Support (Ephraim Schwartz, InfoWorld)
Despite its nascent status, Apple Computer's server division is gaining momentum among ISV partners and corporate users of its Xserve and OS X operating system.
The Mouse That Rolled (Jim Shelton, New Haven Register)
While todays computer mouse is as ever-present as the common can opener, it was considered highly unusual back in 1983, when Apple introduced its Lisa personal computer with a built-in mouse.
Resnet Problems Continue (Sherry Anne Rubiano, Daily Trojan)
Pardee residents using Macintosh computers say they have trouble logging on to high-speed connection.
MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Apple Moves Boldly Forward (Jason Brooks, eWeek)
Let's see if Apple's willing to up the ante enough to make things truly interesting.
Fulfilling The Promise Of Aqua And The Quartz Rendering Engine (Dan Knight, Low End Mac)
If we're going to have a processor intensive interface anyhow, let's take full advantage of it and give Mac applications that fluidity as well. Let's see Apple take the brilliance of the Quartz display engine and run with it.
How To Milk An Apple (Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek)
Apple may never again pose a threat to Microsoft and its PC allies, but its niche is safe.
Taking A Bite Out Of The New Apple (Vishnu K. Mahmud, Jakarta Post)
With the Mac, there are so many things newbies can do that they never thought possible -- create and publish a photo album, record their own songs and even edit your own independent movie. Many professionals have, and now it's your turn.
MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Worm Exposes Laziness And Microsoft Flaws (Robert Lemos, CNET News.com)
The Sapphire worm that hit servers running Microsoft's SQL Server database this weekend was a wake-up call for anyone who thought the Internet had become a safer place following increased attention by corporate and government leaders.
More Wintel News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>
MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : Top Stories
6 Retailers Plan Venture To Sell Music On The Web (Laura M. Holson, New York Times)
Six of the largest music retailers plan to announce on Monday that they are joining forces to sell music that can be downloaded from the Web.
MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : News & Opinions
Grid Computing Gets A Big Blue Push (Reuters)
IBM unveiled 10 powerful grid computing products, its greatest push yet to drive the nascent computing trend into big business.
VoIP Hang-Up Looming? (Ben Charny, CNET News.com)
A group of telecommunications giants is quietly pushing a proposal that could create hang-ups for up-and-coming Internet-telephone rivals.
Worm Exposes Laziness And Microsoft Flaws (Robert Lemos, CNET News.com)
The Sapphire worm that hit servers running Microsoft's SQL Server database this weekend was a wake-up call for anyone who thought the Internet had become a safer place following increased attention by corporate and government leaders.
12 UM Students Accused Of High-Tech Cheating (Stephanie Hanes, Baltimore Sun)
Twelve University of Maryland undergraduates have been accused of using Web-equipped cell phones or handheld organizers to cheat on a business school final exam last month, according to the school's student-run Honor Council.
Unnecessary Traffic Saturating A Key Internet 'Root' Server (Newswise)
Scientists at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UCSD analyzing traffic to one of the 13 Domain Name System "root" servers at the heart of the Internet found that the server spends the majority of its time dealing with unnecessary queries.
MyAppleMenu Reader : World
Affirmative Action: Goal Vs. Issue (William Raspberry, Washington Post)
How can a concept such as affirmative action split Americans into so many warring factions?
Falling Into The Gap (Bob Herbert, New York Times)
The Miami area is the most extreme example of the economic inequality that is becoming more and more evident throughout the U.S.
MyAppleMenu Reader : Science & Tech
Health Data Monitored For Bioterror Warning (William J. Broad and Judith Miller, New York Times)
To secure early warning of a bioterror attack, the government is building a computerized network that will collect and analyze health data of people in eight major cities, administration officials say.
Immortal Code (Martha Baer, Wired)
The CEO goes to trial. The programmers hit the street. And yet sometimes a piece of code is so elegant, so evolved, that it outlasts everything else.
Why VHS Was Better Than Betamax (Jack Schofield, The Guardian)
VHS won because "the whole product" did what people wanted at a price they were willing to pay. And when people use the VHS v Beta analogy, they are not indicating a market failure but their own ignorance.
Zap! (Carey Goldberg, Boston Globe)
Just by pointing his super-magnets at the right spots on your head, Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone can make you go momentarily mute or blind.
MyAppleMenu Reader : Life
Variations For Four Hands On A Theme By Tocqueville (Peter Jennings and TOdd Brewster, New York Times)
It's hard for many people to imagine two authors writing together. What happens when they disagree? What if one likes long sentences, the other short?
MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Malaysia Denies Threatening War (AFP)
Singapore's Foreign Minister S Jayakumar cited a statement by Syed Hamid who was quoted by the official Bernama news agency on December 31 as saying that Singapore has only two choices -- compromise or go to war.
Malaysia Accuses Singapore Of Bad Faith In Water Row (Reuters)
Malaysia accused Singapore on Monday of bad faith in publishing correspondence between the leaders of both countries following stalled talks over Malaysian water supplies to the tiny island state.
KL To Act On Water Issue (Sa'Odah Elias, The Star)
Stressing that negotiation was over, he said the Government was looking at options to protect its interests and now we have to look at how we can exercise our rights."
More Singapore News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/>
Internet News <http://www.myapplemenu.com/internet/>
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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright © 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.
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