[MyAppleMenu] Saturday, Aug 9, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Aug 9 21:05:00 EDT 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Saturday, Aug 9, 2003

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Ads Ape Apple's Air Guitarists (Danit Lidor, Wired News)
Upstart BuyMusic.com is doing more than just offering a music service that mimics iTunes. Its commercials are strikingly similar to Apple's ads, too. Flattery? Perhaps, but it also could be a lawsuit in the making.

MyAppleMenu : News
Chris Sims: Speaking With Images (Bija Gutoff, Apple)
"I can be completely comfortable with Apple from start to finish -- and I can work at home, without having to have a million dollars worth of gear in my house."

Matthias Mencke: Designing A Brand (Barbara Gibson, Apple)
"The best way the Mac facilitates my work, is that I don't notice it. Designers don't want to get into anything below the operating system surface."

Apple Professional Development Online Launched (MacMinute)
APDO includes a number of online courses, educator resources, and a library of professional articles and research "designed to keep you abreast of  the latest developments in educational technology."

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Computer Shootout (Marc Zeedar, MacOPINION)

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
When Is 54 Not Equal To 54? A Look At 802.11a, b, And g Througput (Matthew Gast, O'Reilly Network)

Version Control On Mac OS X, Part 2 (Kevin O'Malley, O'Reilly Network)

MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Microsoft Media Strategy At Risk? (John Borland, CNET News.com)
With pressure from European antitrust regulators mounting, Microsoft's bid to make its multimedia technology a worldwide standard may be running into a headwind.

More Wintel news at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: Top Stories
The Myth Of Generation N (Simson Garfinkel, MIT Technology Review)
Contrary to popular belief, not all kids are naturally adept with technology -- and that spells trouble in an increasingly wired society.

The Hidden Cost Of Hardware (Ed Foster, InfoWorld)
What you don't know about licenses for the software that powers your machines could come back to haunt you.

Too Much Technology Diminishes Work Relationshiops, Author Says (Monica Soto, Seattle Times)
Sanders, the chief solutions officer at Yahoo!, said his career was thriving in the mid-1990s, yet he began to feel increasingly empty. He noticed colleagues sending him instant messages from 5 feet away. He watched brilliant engineers slowly replace face-to-face relationships with lower-risk contact online.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: News & Opinions
They Love It At Linux (Dean Takahashi, San Jose Mercury News)
The Linux operating system is getting so popular and evolving so quickly that just about everyone wants to be on the bandwagon.

Untested GPL May Be At Center Of IBM-SCO Suit (Robert McMillan, IDG News Service)
The requirements of the software license that governs the Linux operating system were questioned on Thursday as The SCO Group and Linux advocates offered differing interpretations of the role that the GNU General Public License (GPL) would play in a legal dispute between SCO and IBM.

MyAppleMenu Reader: World
Empire Redux? (Lee Siegel, Newsweek)
That stubborn imperialist term appears timely today, but is nothing more than an all-purpose banality.

It All Depend On What You Mean By 'Have' (Steve Martin, New York Times)
So if you're asking me did Iraq have weapons of mass distruction, I'm saying, well, it all depends on what you mean by "have."

MyAppleMenu Reader: Science & Tech
Scientists Warn That Visitors Are Loving Titanic To Death (William J. Broad, New York Times)
The Titanic, assailed by rust as well as by hundreds of explorers and moviemakers, salvors and tourists (including a couple who were married in a miniature submarine on its bow), is rapidly falling apart.

A Cool Vehicle Draws Stares, But Buyers Are Hanging Back (Eric A. Taub, New York Times)
The Segway Human Transporter still has to prove that it can last as a real business, and not just as a cool idea.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Life
Sexed Texts (Charles McGrath, New York Times)
A study says that prose style reveals an author's sex. But what exactly does that reveal?

NBC Misfires On LeBlanc (Marvin Kitman, Newsday)
Good ideas can come in a nanosecond. Bad ideas can take a year, two years, forever.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : Top Stories
Pressure Grows For Change As Singapore Turns 38 (Richard Hubbard, Reuters)
Three years of sluggish economic growth has convinced even  die-hards in the ruling People's Action Party that society  needs a boost to attract the dynamic entrepreneurs and young  urban professionals that will restore prosperity.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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