[MyAppleMenu] Thursday, Aug 7, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Aug 7 21:05:00 EDT 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Thursday, Aug 7, 2003

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Why Mid-Size Company Is Sticking By The Mac (Antone Gonsalves, Internet Week)
The bottom line is, for a company the size of Pentagon, Apple, and now Linux, works. And its unlikely the company will change anytime soon.

The Image: Cracking The Code Of Advertising (Frank Ahrens, Washington Post)
Successful businesses need strong icons, and Apple's guitar is the first memorable icon associated with a pay Internet music site. The fact that BuyMusic attacked Apple's guitar is proof of its nascent power.

US Navy Buys Linux On Apple Kit (Andrew Orlowski, The Register)
Terra Soft Solutions has announced that Lockheed Martin will buy 260 Xserve servers running its Yellow Dog Linux, with the eventual destination being the US Navy's submarines.

MyAppleMenu : News
The Omni Group Releases OmniWeb 4.5 (Peter Cohen, MacCentral)
OmniWeb uses Webcore and JavaScriptCore, two open source code frameworks available from Apple itself.

Computer Mice Make New Moves (BBC News)
Microsoft is preparing new versions of its mouse that will be fitted with wheels that tilt as well as roll. The innovation means that users will be able to scroll vertically as well as horizontally without using on-screen navigation bars.

Is Apple The Lonely Rolls-Royce Of The Computer World? (Sarah Fraser, NewsFactor)
While Apple must keep an eye on quarterly revenue and profit targets, its long-term success is inextricably tied to its market strategy and product innovation.

Laptops Reach Prices A Parent Can Love (Reuters)
Notebook computers with the kind of performance that will satisfy most students now carry a price tag that won't make a parent cringe.

Sun Takes Crack At Desktop Windows (Mark Hachman, eWeek)
Jonathan Schwartz, executive vice-president of Sun's software group, said that practically every Sun employee owns an Apple desktop at home. "We would love to partner with Apple. They're everyone's favorite company, and iTunes is really cool."

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Is Microsoft's Hegemony Over? (Computerworld Malaysia)
Open-source software is threatening Microsoft's stranglehold in the office productivity suite market.

Sun-Apple Rumors Set Markets Jangling (Andrew Orlowski, The Register)
So, egos not withstanding, why aren't they friends?

Mac.Ars Takes On Best Buy, Priacy (Eric Bangeman, Ars Technica)
If Apple and Best Buy can work together to stay on top of sales/quality issues and Apple isn't as draconian about inventory issues, this will at the very least put iMacs and iBooks in front of eyeballs that would otherwise never looked at Macs of any ilk.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Ultimate iPod Accessories (Eliot Van Buskirk, CNET)
Whether you're looking to turn the iPod into a fully functional stereo or just want to wrap it in a cool, scratch-resistant casing, you'll find the answer here. Just one caveat: Some of these accessories can be used with only the original model.

CodeWarrior LE 3 By Metrowerks (Sacha Saxer, iDevGames)
If you want to write Macintosh applications or games, but lack the knowledge, are coming from IDEs that are based on BASIC, or you're on a budget, CWLE version 3 is definitely for you.

One Is Never Enough (Gene Steinberg, Gannett News Service)
Backup methods summarized.

Competition Is Clicking In Music (David Colker, Los Angeles Times)
The sanctioned online retailers Buymusic.com, iTunes and Liquid.com have plenty of bargains without a monthly fee, but how much of a selection do they offer?

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: Top Stories
Should E-Mail Still Be Free? (MIT Technology Review)
Per-message charging may be an effective way to stifle spam. But it is anathema to most Internet users.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: News & Opinions
AOL, MSN Go Elsewhere For Help-Wanted Ads (Leslie Walker, Washington Post)
The long-term relationships of Internet job site Monster.com with America Online and MSN is turning into a juicy double divorce that offers a glimpse inside the murky business of Web portals and the ongoing battle between newspapers and Internet services over classified ad revenue.

MyAppleMenu Reader: World
The Triumph Of Fringe Science (Katharine Mieszkowski, Salon)
Global warming naysayers argue that we don't need to do anything to stop rising temperatures. Mainstream scientists used to be able to ignore them, but now they make White House policy.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Science & Tech
Rain Or Shine? Homing In On Your Microclimate (Matt Lake, New York Times)
Weather watchers have long been observing, measuring, calculating, plotting and predicting. Now they have technology to help them.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Life
A Life Well-Read (Dan Harder, Los Angeles Times)
For decades her passion was the Beverly Wilshire -- and her books. Now at age 90, Helen Chaplin can still out-think just about anybody.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Expressions
Runaway (Alice Munro, New Yorker)
Carla heard the car coming before it topped the little rise in the road that around here they called a hill. It's her, she thought. Mrs. Jamieson -- Sylvia -- home from her holiday in Greece. From the barn door -- but far enough inside that she could not easily be seen -- she watched the road where Mrs. Jamieson would have to drive by, her place being half a mile farther along than Clark and Carla's.

MyAppleMenu Reader: EOF
TS Eliot Scholar Finds Answer To Pub Poet's Riddle (John Ezard, The Guardian)
An academic claims to have solved the puzzle of TS Eliot's 79-word poem Usk -- he might have been referring to a pub.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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