[MyAppleMenu] Apr 23, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Apr 23 21:05:01 EDT 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Wednesday, Apr 23, 2003

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Deep Inside Apple's Piles (Andrew Orlowski, The Register)
Piles were seen as complementary to the folder filing system, which was used more for archiving than grouping recently used, but related documents.

MyAppleMenu : News
The Next Outrage In CEO Pay? (Gordon T. Anderson, CNN/Money)
Apple Computer has always prided itself on being a trend-setting company. Still, CEO Steve Jobs couldn't have been happy when recent headlines trumpeted his revised compensation package as the latest innovation in corporate gluttony.

Apple Completes Employee Stock Option Exchange (MacMinute)

FileMaker Conference Set For August 24-27 (MacNN)

Macromedia Makes A Data Connection (Dan Muse, Internet.com)
The goal of the development tool is to make it easier for Flash applications to integrate with a wide range of data sources such as XML documents, databases, application servers and Web services.

Schools Look To Wireless Net Access For Learning Boost (Reuters)
Most U.S. public schools are equipped with desktop computers and computer labs, but the relatively new wireless Internet technology called Wi-Fi gives pupils instant access to the Internet to help with any subject in any classroom.

FileMaker-To-Keynote Tool Released (MacMinute)
Apple database software subsidiary FileMaker has released a free FileMaker-to-Keynote tool that allows you to transform data contained within FileMaker Pro 6 databases into native presentations for Apple's new Keynote software.

Bubble Trouble X 1.0.1 Released (Johan Hansen, Inside Mac Games)

Cocktail: Access UNIX Functions Via GUI (MacNN)

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
A Plea For A Better Help System (Gene Steinberg, Mac Night Owl)

Apple's New Tune (Eric Hellweg, Business 2.)
Will the company's much-hyped music service help it grow market share? Doubtful, considering whom it's partnering with.

Branch Out From The Core (Paul Gilster, News & Observer)
Should a PC maker own a music company? It's a daring move, but anything is possible.

Steve, Steer Clear Of Universal Music (Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek)
Here are five good reasons why Apple should pass on this deal.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Least Expensive Laptops? Hint: It Ain't Dell... (Jim Banahan, oscast)
For the first time in my life, I found myself unable to justify the purchase of a Windows PC, instead discovering that Apple offered more for the money.

Apple 17-Inch PowerBook (Brett Larson, TechTV)
The latest portable from Apple is a home run. It keeps the best parts of the 12-inch and 15-inch PowerBooks and adds enough features to make it more desirable.

Simple, Little Machines Can Make A Big Difference (Andy Ihntako, Chicao Sun-Times)
Just how important is raw processing speed? Not very, it turns out.

Wi-Fi Antenna Enables Web Surfing By The Pool (Mike Wendland, Detroit Free Press)
I'm looking forward to wireless freedom this summer. I'm planning to write my columns as I catch some rays by the pool, providing yet another example of why Wi-Fi is so hot.

Apple 17-Inch PowerBook G4 (David Nagel, CreativeMac)
The 17-inch PowerBook has it all. I'm not sure that there's any stock configuration for any notebook computer that comes close to matching the features of this machine.

MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Latest Windows XP Patch Can Slow Down PCs (Joris Evers, InfoWorld)
Microsoft's latest security patch can cause computers running Windows XP to slow down to a crawl, affected users say.

More Wintel News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : Top Stories
A Mosaic Of New Opportunities (Ray Ozzie, CNET News.com)
In the late 1980s, the immediacy of CNN's 24-hour-a-day global broadcasts helped shrink the globe. Distances got even smaller after the Web allowed individuals to become more personally engaged in distant events shaping their lives--from crises over nuclear reactors in North Korea to the outbreak of SARS in Hong Kong.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : News & Opinions
Oregon Open Source Bill Not Dead Yet (Doug Dingus, Newsforge)
We have the attention of the Oregon Legislature in a big way right now, making this a very important time to act.

They Have A File On You (David Shaw, Los Angeles Times)
Restaurants are using computers to track what diners eat, drink, say and do. You want better service? You got it.

Schools Look To Wireless Net Access For Learning Boost (Reuters)
Most U.S. public schools are equipped with desktop computers and computer labs, but the relatively new wireless Internet technology called Wi-Fi gives pupils instant access to the Internet to help with any subject in any classroom.

The 3G/2.5G Controversy: GSM Vs. CDMA (David Adams, NewMobileComputing.com)
Faster 3G service has been dealt a series of blows by dishonest vendors, gullible operators, cheerleading trade press, apathetic customers, and new wireless networking technologies that will erode 3G's market.

Is Amazon.com No Place For Kids? (Declan McCullagh and Alorie Gilbert, CNET News.com)
Amazon.com has taken insufficient steps to prevent children from posting personal information on its Web site, potentially endangering their privacy, a collection of advocacy groups said Tuesday.

MyAppleMenu Reader : World
Will SARS Be The Chinese Chernobyl? (James M. Goldgeier, Los Angeles Times)
Soviets suffered for their cover-up. Now Beijing risks a backlash in disease outbreak.

Snob Journalism (Robert J.Samuelson, Washington Post)
Bollinger's vision amounts to snob journalism: journalism by an elite for an elite.

Embedded Reporter Comes Away From Front Lines Torn (Scott Bernard Nelson, Boston Globe)
Did we sell our souls as journalists for access to the death and destruction at the front lines?

The Press And Freedom: Some Disturbing Trends (Bob Edwards, The Courier-Journal)
Public officials are measured by how well they perform in times of crisis. If they can’t take the heat, they should be in another line of work. It should be the same way with journalists. We cannot take a dive just because the country is at war. Indeed, our responsibility grows in times like these. It is not unpatriotic to expect the best from our leaders. Likewise, the public should expect no less than the best from us.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Science & Tech
They Have A File On You (David Shaw, Los Angeles Times)
Restaurants are using computers to track what diners eat, drink, say and do. You want better service? You got it.

The Citizen-Scientist's Obligation To Stand Up For Standards (Lawrence M. Krauss, New York Times)
A democracy, like science, functions best only when all actions are open to question, and when we require the highest levels of accountability. If there is a risk that politics is being placed above empirical truth on issues of vital national importance, inaction by scientists may be unethical.

Every Unhappy Family Has Its Own Bilinear Influence Function (David Glenn, The Chronicle Of Higher Education)
Researchers propose a mathematical model of marriage.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Life
The Salad Eaters (Charles Perry, Los Angeles Times)
Perhaps more than any single culinary idea, the salad is the most pervasive contribution California has made to the world. And after 100 years, the creativity hasn’t stopped.

New York Has A Number To Call: 311 (Jennifer Steinhauer, New York Times)
The telephone operators at the city's 311 center had the alternate-side-of-the-street parking rules down pat. They knew what to do with a complaint about a broken traffic light. Marriage license issue? Loud car alarm? Recycling laws? Check! Check! Check!

The Curse Of Count Dracula (Rudy Chelminski with Photographs by Robert Wallis, Smithsonian Magazine)
The prospect of a tourist bonanza from a Dracula theme park in Transylvania excites some Romanians, but opponents see only red.

There's An Art To Baring It All In Public (Vanessa Thorpe, The Observer)
"I just feel so lucky to be one of the few who did it."

Square-Eyed (Mick Hume, The Times)
To mark International Turn-off TV Week, a victim of television dependancy makes their confession.

300 Reasons Why We Love The Simpsons (Euan Ferguson, The Observer)
Find a space on the sofa and read why, in 14 years, Matt Groening's show has become the world's best TV programme.

Online, Some Bloggers Never Die (Christopher Null, Wired News)
The messengers are gone, but their messages live on. The final posts from webloggers now deceased have become a popular topic of discussion on some weblogs.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Expressions
Unforeseeables (Albert Goldbarth, Slate)

MyAppleMenu Reader : EOF
Potter Books Must Reappear In Library, Judge Rules (Associated Press)
A federal judge on Tuesday ordered Harry Potter books back onto an Arkansas school district's library shelves, rejecting a school board's claim that tales of wizards and spells could harm schoolchildren.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Excavation At Padang Opens Doors To Ancient City (Neo Hui Min, Straits Times)
Artefacts found suggest it was teeming with trade as early as 14th century; site rich in finds as it's undisturbed by construction.

Time For Tough Action On Sars (Tan Tarn How, Straits Times)
PM tells why fines, jail are necessary for those who refuse to heed health advice.

More Singapore News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/>

Internet News <http://www.myapplemenu.com/internet/>
Linux News <http://www.myapplemenu.com/linux/>

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright &copy; 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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