[MyAppleMenu] Nov 12, 2002

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Nov 12 21:05:01 EST 2002

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2002

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Laptops Not Yet Maine-Stream (Katie Dean, Wired News)
In rural Maine, seventh-graders have the same shiny new laptops as their coastal cousins. But with fewer resources and training, many teachers are learning to use the machines along with their students.

Apple Adds Drop-In Journaling To OS X Server (Andrew Orlowski, The Register)
Journaling is a convenience feature for system administrators: it improves restart times after a crash on large volumes, as the system only needs to check the journal rather than every block on the disk.

Apple Reclaims The Innovation Lead (Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek)
With iMacs, iPods, OS X, and more, Jobs & Co. has grabbed the attention of consumers and -- just as important -- software developers.

MyAppleMenu : News
Apple Web App Opens Doors To Others (Ian Fried, CNET News.com)
The new version of WebObjects, which is used by companies to create various custom Web applications, supports key standards such as XML (Extensible Markup Language) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), while not requiring developers to write the low-level code for those protocols.

Now Online: All Of Calif. Coast (Kendra Mayfield, Wired News)
Equipped with a digital camera, an Apple PowerBook and a Robinson R-44 helicopter, Kenneth Adelman and his wife are taking high-resolution pictures of every mile of the California coastline, 500 feet at a time.

John Issac: Saved By A Butterfly (Joe Cellini, Apple)
"It's so much easier with digital imaging."

Susan Meiselas: Jumping Into Digital (Joe Cellini, Apple)
What Meiselas has made to date sugests that she has successfully crossed another border--into rich media publishing.

Dave Gare: Spinning A Silver Disc (Joe Cellini, Apple)
"I knew someday the Mac would do full-speed, full-frame video and motion graphics on the desktop."

Apple Lowers iPod Engraving Price (MacMinute)

'Finding Nemo' Games Coming To Mac In 2003 (Peter Cohen, MacCentral)
Pixar's next major animated motion picture "Finding Nemo" isn't coming to theaters until next year, but game publisher THQ Inc. has already announced plans to publish games based on the movie, including two titles for Macs and PCs.

Watson 1.6 Posted (Macworld UK)
It introduces a number of improvements, including integration with iCal and Address Book, alongside support for EyeTV.

South Australia: Wintel Company To Push Macs (Dennis Sellers, MacCentral)
Apple has chosen a South Australia Windows PC manufacturer, Microbits, to sell Apple computers in the corporate, education and government market.

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Floor Report: Apple At Oracle World (Derrick Story, O'Reilly Network)
I didn't get much of a positive response from these vendors because they apparently had not seen demand for a Mac OS X version.

What Apple Should Do With The Expo (Roger Born, MacSlash)

It's All About The OS (Richard K. Hallmark, Mac Design)
We must remember that Mac OS X won’t celebrate its second birthday until the end of March 2003. With what I’ve seen so far, I can only dream about what it’ll be like when it reaches the ripe old age of 4 or 5.

Apple's New Math (John Halbig, Mac Design)
"Now, a computer in every othe rroom isn't just for itinerant geeks (like me)."

Apple Tunes Up Notebook Lines (Matthew Rothenberg, PC Magazine)
Anyone who wonders why i like covering apple and the Mac should consider the frenzy of speculation leading up to last Wednesday's tweaks to the company's notebook lines.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Links Championship Edition (Erica Marceau, Applelinks.com)
Links Championship Edition is okay if you can't or don't want to afford playing on an actual golf course, but it is hardly a substitute for the real thing.

At Home In An Unwired Wonderland (Jeremy Lockhorn, ClickZ)
The biggest development of the last year comes from Apple, and it's happened relatively quietly.

Gateway Profile 4 Vs Apple iMac (Joe Wilcox, BetaNews)
For many Mac buyers on a budget, the iMac is a great deal because of the monitor. A Power Mac would cost much more. But for those making a choice between an iMac or Profile 4 might consider a notebook if an all-in-one system is the preference. But a regular desktop would be cheaper still and offer more power for the buck.

MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Ballmer: "Dedicated" To Court Settlement (Joe Wilcox, CNET News.comMicrosoft CEO Steve Ballmer said Tuesday that the software giant was "dedicated from the top down" to meeting settlement guidelines from a federal antitrust ruling against the company.Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said Tuesday that the software giant was "dedicated from the top down" to meeting settlement guidelines from a federal antitrust ruling against the company.)
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said Tuesday that the software giant was "dedicated from the top down" to meeting settlement guidelines from a federal antitrust ruling against the company.

Microsoft To Debut Portable PC Screen (Reuters)
Microsoft Corp. said Monday that display maker ViewSonic Corp. will start selling a portable flat-panel screen that can be taken off the desk and used to operate a computer via a wireless link.

Microsoft's Weaker PC Sales Punch (Jane Black, BusinessWeek)
The software king is still a computer-maker's best hope for stimulating new demand. It's just not as all-powerful as it once was.

More Wintel News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : Top Stories
A Networked World's Final Frontier: The Airplane (Susan Stellin, New York Times)
In an era of information overload, air travel remains a unique exception to an increasingly networked world.

Selling Open Source To Management (Kevin Bedell, O'Reilly Network)
Selecting and using an open source solution for a production application can be a challenge. It's not hard to choose established applications like the Apache Web Server or Linux, but there are other open source projects sprouting up everywhere. How do you know when they are ready for prime time?

Anonymous Sources, Bad Information (Karen Hunter, The Hartford Courant)
"The anonymity of the sources wasn't the root cause of the problem. The sources' informationw as wrong. We failed to journalistically challenge their contenctions."

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : News & Opinions
Should Libraries Censor Net Porn? (Associated Press)
The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will decide if public libraries can be forced to install software blocking sexually explicit Web sites.

W3C Recommends Online Forms Standard (Margaret Kane, CNET News.com)
The World Wide Web Consortium has reached a critical stage in a new standard that governs how developers use forms on the Internet.

AOL Tests Net Service In China (Reuters)
More than a year after announcing a plan to enter China, Internet giant America Online has quietly begun testing a pay Internet service in the world's most populous nation, a representative said Tuesday.

Study: PDAs Good For Education (Katie Dean, Wired News)
Handheld devices, once solely the province of CEOs needing a small electronic organizational device, are another step closer to being accepted as teaching aids in public schools.

Oracle Sends An E-Mail Pitch (Alorie Gilbert, ZDNet)
Oracle urged thousands of IT managers at its annual conference to ditch Microsoft and IBM e-mail systems in favor of Oracle's Collaboration Suite.

Microsoft To Debut Portable PC Screen (Reuters)
Microsoft Corp. said Monday that display maker ViewSonic Corp. will start selling a portable flat-panel screen that can be taken off the desk and used to operate a computer via a wireless link.

Napster Co-Founder Tackles E-Mail Mess (Joseph Menn, Los Angeles Times)
Sean Parker's Plaxo offers a free system that automatically updates Microsoft Outlook users' address books.

Dum Divergence Targeting Tablet PCs (Vin Crosbie, E-Media Tidbits)
If you want to read about a dumb idea resulting from lack of coordination by sectors of the publishing industry, then this is your lucky day.

MyAppleMenu Reader : World
Let 'The Quiet American' Speak (Brett Dakin, Washington Post)
Our willingness to question our leaders without fear is the very essence of our patriotism.

Election Will Make Life Better -- For The Rich (Dan Gillmor, San Jose Mercury News)
Americans have just voted for a cartel economy, whether they realize it or not. They've reinforced the power of a corporate and political elite that serves itself first, and cares little for average people.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Life
Match Made In Heaven, Match Made In Hell (Salon)
True-life tales of lust, horror -- and martial bliss -- from the world of online romance.

Movie Retreads On The Skids (Patrick Goldstein, Los Angeles Times)
No matter how hard Hollywood tries to brainwash moviegoers into embracing familiarity, when we gather in the dark we crave something fresh and new.

The Whole Mom Catalogue (Roxanne Roberts, Washington Post)
A hot new novel addresses career mothers. It's total fiction.

A Writer Leaves History Behind To Celebrate Trees (Claudia Dreifus, New York Times)
Thomas Pakenham is an Anglo-Irish military historian who has taken to writing about trees: great trees and how to appreciate them.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : Top Stories
Singapore Closes In On HK As World's Freest Economy (Associated Press)
Hongkong remains the world's freest economy, but the gap with No 2 Singapore is getting smaller, according to a survey released on Tuesday.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright &copy; 1996-2002 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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