[MyAppleMenu] Nov 6, 2002

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Nov 6 21:05:02 EST 2002

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Wednesday, Nov 6, 2002

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Apple Intros 1GHz SuperDrive PowerBooks, New iBooks (Jim Dalrymple, MacCentral)
The updated laptops feature faster processors for both products -- up to 1GHz for the PowerBook -- and a slot-loading SuperDrive for the PowerBook. Apple also made its consumer entry-level iBook available for under $1000.

Why Apple Keeps Clicking (Charles Haddad, Wired News)
Once again, the buzz says its end is nigh. Too bad Jobs & Co. is too busy satisfying consumers to go along with the doomsayers.

Apple Shows Its Strengths: Company Strong In Digital Media (Graham K. Rogers, Bangkok Post)
If anyone had doubts about the health of Apple Computer in Thailand, a look inside the ballroom of the Shangri-La Hotel last weekend would have dispelled them.

MyAppleMenu : News
Omni, PopCap Announce New OS X Puzzle Games (Peter Cohen, MacCentral)

Steve Jobs Named A Chrysler 'Design Champion' (Dennis Sellers, MacCentral)
The Chrysler brand is celebrating the achievements of six "Design Champions" -- individuals who have "consistently championed seminal works of architecture and design, and significantly influenced the culture of design in America."

Wireless At Home (Jonathan B. Cox, News & Observer)
Computer networks, once found only in the workplace, are moving into kitchens, living rooms and bedrooms across the Triangle and the nation.

PocketMac Gets Jaguar Compatibility (Dennis Sellers, MacCentral)
PocketMac is a native Mac sync tool that allows you to sync your Mac directly with a Pocket PC device via USB.

Beyond MP3s: iPod Holds Genome (Kristen Philipkoski, Wired News)
Everyone knows the truly cool kids carry music on Apple iPods. But one enterprising researcher uses it to store the entire human genome.

MacExpo Crowd Awaiting 'Apple's Delights' (Dominique Fidele, Macworld UK)
More than half of Macworld Online readers will attend MacExpo 2002 at the Business Design Centre, Islington, a poll indicates.

Reading A Book Sparks Project For Head Start (Jill Doss-Raines, The Dispatch)
A reading assignment in Pam Shytle’s sixth-grade language arts class has turned into a lesson about community service.

Eudora 5.2 Adds More Filtering, Kerberos V Support (TechWeb)
The new edition, 5.2, offers improved anti-spam filtering -- Eudora will now match address against the address book to make sure approved correspondents' mail gets through -- and support for Kerberos V authentication.

Gigabit To Desktop? Not So Fast (Phil Hochmuth, Network World)
Vendors might be moving full-bore to drive Gigabit Ethernet to the desktop, but users have other plans - at least for now.

Esquire Names Apple's Jonathan Ive To America's "Best And Brightest" List (MacMinute)
List contains emerging leaders who are "reshaping our world."

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
The Begrudging Acceptance Of Apple (Derrick Story, O'Reilly Network)
It appears that we're seeing the begrudging acceptance of Apple in the traditional PC universe.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
ThinkFree Steps Into The Fray (David Zeiler, Baltimore Sun)
Is ThinkFree Office for you? If you absolutely need some of Microsoft Office’s more sophisticated features, probably not. But as a low-cost solution for basic Office compatibility, ThinkFree -- warts and all -- can't be beat.

Using REALbasic 4.5.1 Classic (M Borselli, Low End Mac)
The novice would have little problem picking up the fundamentals of REALbasic, especially if the many Internet resources are used.

OS X In The Enterprise (Larry Seltzer, ZDNet)
The problem is, that as good as OS X Server may be, it's different from the Linux/Unix, Windows, Netware, and other server OSs enterprises have been buying all these years, so why should they consider it?

Upgrade Computer One Step At A Time (Mark Kellner, Washington Times)
How best to make the upgrade move, and more important, how to make the move a success?

Build Your Own Apache Server With mod_perl (David E. Wheeler, O'Reilly Network)
If you're like me and plan to do some serious mod_perl-based Web development work on Mac OS X, you'll need to take the following issues into consideration as you begin working with Apple's Apache install.

Compact DV Camcorders: Diminutive But Feature-Packed Cameras Deliver (Ben Long, Macworld)
Each of the four DV camcorders we tested performed some tasks better than others. But we highly recommend the Canon Optura 200MC as the best overall value.

Apple Xserve: Apple Scores With Able Server Hardware And Software (Robert P. Lipschutz and Brian Kenny, PC Magazine)
The Xserve is an impressive server with a multitude of potential uses, excellent ease of use, plenty of storage, and a software configuration that allows for an unlimited number of connections-—all at a truly reasonable price.

MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Silicon Valley's Dream Tablet, From Microsoft (John Markoff, New York Times)
In unveiling its new tablet computer system amid much fanfare on Thursday, Microsoft is betting that it can succeed where dozens of Silicon Valley companies, including Apple, have failed.

Shareholders To Microsoft: Pay Out (Reuters)
Up to now, Microsoft's shareholders have been willing to give up dividends in exchange for a rising share price and stock splits. But with the share price down by more than 15 percent so far this year, some are calling for better returns in the form of dividends.

More Wintel News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : Top Stories
N.Y., N.Y., It's A Wireless Town (Elisa Batista, Wired News)
What if everyone in Manhattan had wireless access? It's not far off says wireless evangelist Marcos R. Lara, who just completed a study of the city's networks.

'No More Music CDs Without Copy Protection,' Claims BMG Unit (John Lettice, The Register)
And there's nothing wrong with ours, it's the hardware people who're screwing up.

The Ten Reasons Ease Of Use Doesn't Happen On Engineering Projects (Scott Berkun, UIWeb)
A good first step might be to send this list out to your team, and ask each everyone to identify the ones they think apply to their own teams.

The FBI Has Bugged Our Public Libraries (Bill Olds, Hartford Courant)
I have uncovered information that persuades me that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has bugged the computers at the Hartford Public Library. And it's probable that other libraries around the state have also been bugged.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : News & Opinions
Stage Set For Homeland Act (Ryan Singel, Wired News)
As Congress prepares to reconvene in a lame-duck session after Tuesday's election, one of the largest pieces of legislation on the Senate's agenda is the controversial and deadlocked Homeland Security Act, which the House passed Sept. 9.

Analysts: Gang Of Three To Rule IT (Eugene Lacey, ZDNet UK)
A trio of companies will rule the roost in an information technology industry fighting to cope with an economic slump, predicted analysts at the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo Tuesday.

Patent Issues Could Stymie Web Standard (Margaret Kane, CNET News.com)
A Web standards body is close to approving a key Web services specification, but concerns about patent rights may hold up the process.

Study: Net Credibility Gap Gapes (Joanna Glasner, Wired News)
A prominent consumer advocacy group says most informational websites don't do enough to assure visitors that their data is credible -- or make clear their ulterior motives for offering that data.

China's Cyberwall Nearly Concrete (Michael Grebb, Wired News)
While the Great Wall no longer deters would-be invaders from entering China, experts meeting in Washington on Monday said the Chinese government continues to maintain a nearly rock-solid cyberwall.

New Web Services Tools Look To Security (Stefanie Olsen, CNET News.com)
San Mateo, Calif.-based Cape Clear Software released on Tuesday a test version of the next generation of its Web services software package, which features new tools designed to improve management and security.

Gigabit To Desktop? Not So Fast (Phil Hochmuth, Network World)
Vendors might be moving full-bore to drive Gigabit Ethernet to the desktop, but users have other plans - at least for now.

MyAppleMenu Reader : World
The American Idol (Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times)
If you think Germany is turning anti-American, pay attention to what happened here last month when President Clinton visited Berlin.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Life
When Did ESPN Stop Doing Sports? (Robert Weintraub, Slate)
The netwok has become the Worldwide Leader in Hot Air.

Genius? Hack? Genius? (Ian Rothkerch, Salon)
Brian De Palma comes clean on his tawdry new film, the old "Scarface" controversy and the reasons "Bonfire of the Vanities" flopped.

Heart Of Understanding (John Balzar, Los Angeles Times)
Literature deepens our thinking in a world of sound bites. On this, dear teachers, surely we can agree.

One Of Those Days When Things Go Right (Patricia R. Olsen, Melinda Ligos, Stephen Gregory, Jane L. Levere, and compiled by Brent Bowers, New York Times)
Business travel has gotten a bad rap, especially after Sept. 11. But now and then, something magical happens.

Tiger In A Lifeboat, Panther In A Lifeboat: A Furor Over A Novel (Larry Rohter, New York Times)
Yann Martel readily admits that his novel, "Life of Pi," the winner of this year's Man Booker Prize, was inspired by the premise of a Brazilian novel.

Say Cheese, For Airport Insecurity And For Art (Sarah Boxer, New York Times)
A Canadian artist gathered an unusual collection of photos taken at security checkpoints by spreading the word on Web 'zines.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Expressions
Runaway (Jill McDonough, Slate)

MyAppleMenu Reader : EOF
A Double Bed With Wings (Chris Isidore, CNN/Money)
Singapore Airlines is introducing what it says is the first airline double bed to its business class cabin, but while it expects to attract couples with the feature, it hopes those couples will use the beds for sleeping and cuddling only.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : Top Stories
A Slow And Wobbly Club: It Must Get Act Together -- Or Suffer (Ng Boon Yian, Today)
Despite the rhetoric about a common Asean, observers note that at times, the group resembles a club divided by narrow political and economic interests.

GST Relook Is In Order (Straits Times)
What Singaporeans have been saying does not contradict the premise. They remain to be convinced whether a deferment to a more opportune time can make that much of a difference.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
A Double Bed With Wings (Chris Isidore, CNN/Money)
Singapore Airlines is introducing what it says is the first airline double bed to its business class cabin, but while it expects to attract couples with the feature, it hopes those couples will use the beds for sleeping and cuddling only.

More Singapore News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/singapore/>

Internet News <http://www.myapplemenu.com/internet/>
Linux News <http://www.myapplemenu.com/linux/>

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright &copy; 1996-2002 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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