[MyAppleMenu] Jan 20, 2002
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Sun Jan 20 21:05:01 EST 2002
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=== top =============
Henrico To Put Limits On Students' Laptop Use (Chris Dovi, Times-Dispatch)
During the service recall, such widely abused functions as games and music downloads, which teachers have complained have damaged instruction time, will be eliminated or heavily restricted.
Apple Gives Corporations The Cold Shoulder (Gary A Bolles, Business 2.0)
Macworld was a big success for Apple. But for corporate IT buyers, it was basically a washout.
=== news =============
Secrets Of The Trade: Projecting An Air Of Mystery Helps Generate A Buzz (Benny Evangelista, San Francisco Chronicle)
In technology circles these days, the best way to get people talking about a new product is to just shut up.
Building Creativity Into The Box (Rob Pegoraro and Dina ElBoghdady, Washington Post)
Electronics companies hope new devices will spur imaginations... and sales.
Macworld: Java Is Alive And Well On The Mac (Daniel Steinberg, Javaworld)
Mac OS X gives Java developers unprecedented opportunities.
Apple Tries Hard To Keep A Secret (Jon Fortt, San Jose Mercury News)
Why does Apple keep things so quiet, and how? It turns out Apple's motivation for keeping secrets comes down to two things: survival and marketing.
Apple Has Under 3 Percent Of World Market (Nua)
Finally, A Chance For Apple To Flourish (ALex Salkever, BusinessWeek)
Steve Jobs certainly has the needed pieces. The key question: Will its hot products and a major retail effort boost market share?
Why OS X May Be A Growth Factor (Alex Salkever with Jay Mehta, BusinessWeek)
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Apple's new Unix-based operating system could help plug a glaring historic hole: The lack of Mac software.
Thinking Different About Apple's Stock (Amey Stone, BusinessWeek)
It goes like this: So what if its market share is minuscule? The hot iPod and iMac portend stronger sales, profits, and maybe even share.
Can Jobs "Think Outside The Pretty Box"? (Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek)
Interface guru Jef Raskin, who helped design the first Mac, says Apple has to get beyond its "form fetish."
A Talk With Apple's Mr. Marketer (Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek)
Phil Schiller discusses the "dramatic change" that is OS X, Apple's new products, and who's going to be biting.
=== opinions =============
New iMac Mighty, But How Many Will Notice? (James Coates, Chicago Tribune)
Toward A Hack-Proof Mac (Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek)
Apple has made considerable progress -- but not quite enough -- in patching holes and improving security since the release of OS X.
=== reviews =============
Corel Graphics Suite 10 (Dennis Sellers, MacCentral)
=== internet top news =============
Start-Ups No Longer Shout From The Rooftops (Amy Cortese, New York Times)
Gone are the days of spending huge sums of borrowed money on celebrity endorsers and SuperBowl commercials.
=== wintel top news =============
Civil Service Eyes Non-Microsoft Software (Tang Weng Fai, Business Times Singapore)
The Singapore civil service is evaluating whether it should use free, open source software programs instead of relying solely on Microsoft Corp's costly 'Office' software.
=== wintel news =============
Who Wins If AOL Swallows RedHat? (Andrew orlowski, The Register)
It's hard to imagine of a deal that would allow Microsoft to pose as a champion of choice and plurality, but the acquisition of the leading Linux company by dismal media conglomerate AOL/Time Warner may just do the trick.
Building Creativity Into The Box (Rob Pegoraro and Dina ElBoghdady, Washington Post)
Electronics companies hope new devices will spur imaginations... and sales.
Would You Try Life Without Microsoft? (Martha Heller, CIO)
It's hard to fault CIOs looking for some kind of viable alternative to Microsoft. But maybe the angst over Microsoft is the kind of general resentment that most of us have for anything that we can't live without, or at least, are afraid to attempt life without.
=== linux top news =============
Who Wins If AOL Swallows RedHat? (Andrew orlowski, The Register)
It's hard to imagine of a deal that would allow Microsoft to pose as a champion of choice and plurality, but the acquisition of the leading Linux company by dismal media conglomerate AOL/Time Warner may just do the trick.
=== linux news =============
AOL, Red Hat Mum On Buyout Report (Associated Press)
=== reader : world =============
Hey, I'm Doing My Best (Christopher Hitchens, The Observer)
President George Bush is a year old today. Surprisingly, our low expectations of him have been confounded by his strong leadership.
After This (David J. Rothkopf, Washington Post)
Whatever capitalism's fate, somebody's already working on an alternative.
=== reader : tech =============
Scientis' Panel Endorses Cloning To Create Stem Cells (Megan Garvey and Richard T. Cooper, Los Angeles Times)
The influential National Academy of Science says producing human clones should be illegal.
=== reader : life =============
Sexism And The City (Carol Midgley, The Times)
Should City women be able to handle sexist behaviour as part of the deal in return for their exorbitant bonuses?
Your Daddy Was A Donar (Mary Braid, The Observer)
As a child, Melissa always felt there was something not quite right. At 32, she found out that she was conceived through donor insemination. Now she wants to find her real father -- and she's not the only one.
Ready, Set, Rewind (Rachel Abramowitz, Los Angeles Times)
Studios are playing it safe with numerous sequels, prequels and reworkings of tried-and-true themes.
Teh Fabulous Baker Boy (Jonathan Reynolds, New York Times)
Who just happens to be Britney Spears' money man.
Anime, Japanese Cinema's Second Golden Age (Dave Kehr, New York Times)
After a decade or two as an underground phenomenon in the United States, anime is slowly emerging into the light of day.
=== reader : expressions =============
Going For The Orange Julius (Myla Goldberg, Failbetter.com)
It's not only about looking good. If you're just looking good, you'll probably be able to get a cone or a soft pretzel, but definitely not an Orange Julius.
=== singapore top news =============
Govermnent's Comments Red Herrings, Says Fateha Chief (Ahmad Osman, Straits Times)
Muslim group head says leaders' response ducks issues of concern, such as Singapore's ties with the US and the hijab question.
=== singapore news =============
Government Should Built MRT Station In Balestier (Wayne Lee, Business Times Singapore)
The traffic and the nature of the neighbourhood would justify an MRT station.
Civil Service Eyes Non-Microsoft Software (Tang Weng Fai, Business Times Singapore)
The Singapore civil service is evaluating whether it should use free, open source software programs instead of relying solely on Microsoft Corp's costly 'Office' software.
It's About Time Everyone Wins (Leong Weng Kam, Straits Times)
Forget about wanting to be a Millionaire, Mr Robert Chua's new TV game show could make numerous Singaporeans rich.
Singapore Warns On Racial Divide After Arrests (Reuters)
Leaders in Singapore joined in a chorus over the weekend to warn against a possible ethnic divide following arrests of more than a dozen terrorist suspects linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network.
HDB Flats Not Too Steep, Says Mah (Karamjit Kaur, Straits Times)
It is unfair to compare prices of high-end new Housing Board flats with low-end condominiums and conclude that HDB flats are too expensive.
SBA To Register Fateha As A Political Website (Julia Ng, Channel NewsAsia)
"It's not just the right of people to express themselves, but it's the right of Singaporeans to know who are these people who are expressing themselves."
Singapore's 2001 Jobless Rate May Be Above 4.5%: Manpower Minister (S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia)
Singaporeans must be prepared for a worsening unemployment situation as there are no strong indications that the job market is on the upswing.
Common Ground (Trish Saywell, Far Eastern Economic Review)
Arrests of suspected Al Qaeda-linked terrorists may offer an opportunity to enhance national unity between Malays and ethnic Chinese.
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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. MyAppleMenu is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, iMac, iBook, iPod, and PowerBook are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.
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