[MyAppleMenu] Jul 4, 2001
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Jul 4 21:05:03 EDT 2001
MyAppleMenu Newsletter
== AppleSurf (Top Stories) ===============
Nutty Processors (Macworld UK)
If Apple is to sell more-powerful machines, it needs more processor-intensive applications.
== AppleSurf (News) ===============
Schools To Get Apples, Gateways (Aberdeen American News)
The plan involves the purchase of 15,000 new Gateway computers and 1,040 Apple computers.
Apple Launches MWNY Campaign In NYC (MacNN)
MacGimp Whipped Into Shape For OS X (Macworld UK)
MacGimp is the OS X flavour of GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). GIMP is well established in the Linux/open source markets as the image-editing solution of choice, offering many features common to Photoshop.
Fireworks 4 Explodes Onto Desktops (Macworld)
The new release from Macromedia sports a bevy of new features -- from automated generation of JavaScript to greater compatibility with Adobe Photoshop -- that should please novice users and graphics mavens alike.
Requiem For A Cube: Apple To Cease Production (Macworld)
Apple Releases Mac OS X Server 10.0.4 Update (The Mac Observer)
The release includes enhanced networking support, a security update for MySQL and Samba (which provides Windows networking services), and more.
Apple Clubs Cube (The Register)
Apple's comment smacks of a company desperately trying to spin news of the decision so it doesn't sound like an admission of failure.
== AppleSurf (Opinion) ===============
Nutty Processors (Macworld UK)
If Apple is to sell more-powerful machines, it needs more processor-intensive applications.
Discussion: Mac OS X 10.1 To Include AOL? (MacSlash)
Comment On Apple's Termination Of The Cube (Applelinks.com)
Personally, I think the Cube was ahead of its time.
== AppleSurf (Reviews) ===============
LightWave 6.5 (Macworld UK)
For anyone looking to buy a complete 3D-production package, LightWave is tremendous value especially when you consider that many standard features, such as particles and dynamics, are available only as plug-ins in other packages.
== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ===============
Competing With Windows (ZDNet)
Microsoft has a right to produce and sell Windows, but the rest of us have a right to start our own company and compete with Windows.
== The Wintel Empire (News) ===============
MSN Stunts Sex Life (The Register)
MSN's instant messenger service has gone tits up - again - bringing an abrupt stop to romantic online relationships for the day.
Microsoft To Start Selling WinXP 32/64 Bit As Now (The Register)
Microsoft is pushing hard to achieve early adoption of the Advanced Server version of Windows XP. A pre-release version of the product will go on sale imminently, under the tag Advanced Server LE; buyers will get full support on the product until 90 days after RTM, plus a free upgrade to the shipping version at RTM.
Intel To Make 'Significant' Roadmap Changes Next Week (The Register)
As yet, we don't know what said companies will be told, but an Intel email leaked to us today talks about "the changes" which, the email's author hints, will affect Intel's processor roadmap.
Who Is "Viral" Now? (Internet.com)
Are you prepared to bet your career, or your company's existence, that Microsoft will never sue if you write code that (a) behaviorally resembles a Microsoft product, (b) competes with a Microsoft product, or (c) clashes with the color of Bill Gates's underwear this week?
Competing With Windows (ZDNet)
Microsoft has a right to produce and sell Windows, but the rest of us have a right to start our own company and compete with Windows.
Microsoft, FairMarket No Longer Exclusive (CNET News.com)
Auction service provider FairMarket and Microsoft no longer have an exclusive relationship.
== Breaking Barriers (News) ===============
Internet Creates Freelance Copyright Headaches For Times (San Francisco Chronicle)
I want my articles to remain in the archives. I'd also like to be paid for the privilege, but it's not the money that's keeping me from calling the Times' hot line. It's the principle.
Return On Interaction (InformationWeek.com)
Can you build a vibrant online community that justifies its expense? Sure. The experts explain how.
MSN Stunts Sex Life (The Register)
MSN's instant messenger service has gone tits up - again - bringing an abrupt stop to romantic online relationships for the day.
Women Taking Over As Top Web Surfers (Reuters)
Women make up more than half of North America's Internet surfers but their Asian counterparts are not far behind as the fastest-growing group of users, Nielsen/NetRatings said.
BBC Publicly Mulls IDea Of Charging For Internet Programmes (The Register)
The BBC has reported on itself suggesting that it may adopt a pay-per-view approach to future Internet content. In a classic piece of testing the water, Auntie has written various stories on the idea, sparking the rest of us idiotic press to follow suit. Hence this story.
== PenguinSurf (News) ===============
Linux Prepares For Battle (ZDNet UK)
The Linux Expo in London will showcase the latest in the open source arsenal of weapons.
Who Is "Viral" Now? (Internet.com)
Are you prepared to bet your career, or your company's existence, that Microsoft will never sue if you write code that (a) behaviorally resembles a Microsoft product, (b) competes with a Microsoft product, or (c) clashes with the color of Bill Gates's underwear this week?
== SingaporeSurf (Top Stories) ===============
Gap Between DBS And UOB Bids For OUB Narrows To 30 (Business Times Singapore)
The original 50-cent difference in value placed on Overseas Union Bank's shares by competing bidders DBS and United Overseas Bank has now narrowed to just 30 cents following a recovery in DBS' share price and a fall in UOB's.
== SingaporeSurf (News) ===============
DBS Mulls Takeover Options Amid Bad PR (Reuters)
Analysts said DBS seemed to have fumbled in its OUB bid -- including using DBS director Fock Siew Wah, a former OUB employee, as emissary and taking out a series of advertisements showing a little boy and a grown man to illustrate the union.
UOB's Bid For OUB Close To Fair Value: DBS (Business Times Singapore)
DBS Group Holdings reckons UOB's rival offer for Overseas Union Bank is close to fair value - suggesting that it may at best match the offer, which would dash the hopes of OUB minorities banking on a bidding war.
Gap Between DBS And UOB Bids For OUB Narrows To 30 (Business Times Singapore)
The original 50-cent difference in value placed on Overseas Union Bank's shares by competing bidders DBS and United Overseas Bank has now narrowed to just 30 cents following a recovery in DBS' share price and a fall in UOB's.
The Grass Is Greener On The Upper Side (Straits Times)
National Parks Board hopes a study on rooftop gardens will motivate people to landscape Singapore's skyline.
Nominations For NMPs Now Open (Straits Times)
In a statement issued yesterday, the Office of the Clerk of Parliament said that the names must be submitted to the Special Select Committee of Parliament by July 25.
== SingaporeSurf (Technology) ===============
Women Surf Net For Jobs, Men For Sex (Straits Times)
This is according to new data released by Nielsen/ NetRatings yesterday.
== SingaporeSurf (Entertainment) ===============
Genuine VCDs Cost Much More Than Those In Hongkong (Straits Times)
There would naturally be a demand for illicit goods when the originals are so expensive.
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