[MyAppleMenu] Jan 23, 2001

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Jan 23 21:05:07 EST 2001

MyAppleMenu Newsletter

== AppleSurf (Top Stories) ==============

 Corel Changes Linux Plans; CorealDRAW 10 For Mac Soon (MacCentral)
Saying the company must "prioritize, improve and prosper," Corel Corp. announced Tuesday a new corporate strategy that includes strengthening its WordPerfect word processing product, but selling its Linux operating system division while still developing WordPerfect Office and CorelDRAW for Linux. In addition, Corel will launch CorelDRAW 10 Graphics Suite for Mac this summer.

== AppleSurf (News) ==============

 Music Software Debuts At NAMM (MacWEEK.com)

 Corel Changes Linux Plans; CorealDRAW 10 For Mac Soon (MacCentral)
Saying the company must "prioritize, improve and prosper," Corel Corp. announced Tuesday a new corporate strategy that includes strengthening its WordPerfect word processing product, but selling its Linux operating system division while still developing WordPerfect Office and CorelDRAW for Linux. In addition, Corel will launch CorelDRAW 10 Graphics Suite for Mac this summer.

 Spice Up Your Desktop WIth A Little Animation (The Mac Observer)

 Halo An Xbox Exclusive? No Say, Says Bungie (MacCentral)

 Melissa Virus Is A Mac Wake-Up Call (ZDNet Help & How-To)
According to Kevin Haley of Symantac, Melissa-X should be a reminder that Mac users also need to take precautions during a virus outbreak.

 Sears Simplifies Mac Strategy (MacNN)
Sources inform MacNN that Sears will soon only be carrying the $799 iMac and Indigo iBook in its stores.

 QuickTime Trailing In Streaming-Media Race (Insanely Great Mac)
According to figures recently released by Media Metrix, Apple’s QuickTime lags far behind its streaming media competitors (Real’s RealPlayer and Microsoft’s Windows Media Player) in usage reach.

 Explanation:  GeForce2 MX cards on the Mac (Artificial Cheese)
There's been a lot of confusion recently about Apple's decision to put GeForce2 MX cards in their computers. If you took a survey, you'd find that many Mac users are not up to speed on this issue. In fact, many even fail to recognize the astounding significance of this release. All is covered in our in depth explanation. 

 Understanding The PC Slump (Forbes)

 ThinkFree Delivering On Java's Promise (San Francisco Chronicle)
ThinkFree Office is now available for Windows, Linux and Mac (preview version). The full package includes word processing, spreadsheet and presentation programs, a Windows Explorer-style file manager, plus extras such as a spelling checker and clip art. Yet it totals less than 10 MB, compared with 189 MB for a default Microsoft Office installation.

 Winter NAMM 2001: New Fuel For Your Mac Music Machine (Apple)
Each year, rows and rows of music gear roll onto the floor of the NAMM (International Music Products Association) convention. For a Mac user the show spotlights a plethora of tools for learning, composing, performing, mixing and producing music, even if you’ve never touched a musical instrument before.

 Corel To Unveil New Stragegy: WordPerfect History? (MacCentral)
Corel Corp. announced Monday it will unveil a new corporate strategy on Tuesday at an employee and media event in Ottawa, Canada where sources report the company will sell off large chunks of its business, including WordPerfect.

 NAMM Goes To AirPort (MacWEEK.com)
Walking into the lobby of the Anaheim Convention Center for the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Winter trade show, one of the first things you noticed were the iMacs--15 in all--installed to enable free e-mail access for attendees. What wasn't so noticeable was that the show was running on Apple's AirPort wireless network technology.

 Quark Readies XPress Upgrade (MacWEEK.com)
Quark originally said it would ship the upgrade of its flagship page-layout software in late 2000. But the company, trying to avoid the reliability problems that beset QuarkXPress 4.0, is now targeting late spring for extensive beta testing, said Glen Turpin, Quark's corporate communications manager.

 Apple To Offer BTO Sound Blaster? (Inside Mac Games)

== AppleSurf (Opinions) ==============

 Simply The Coolest Piece Of Hardware Apple Has Ever Built, Part II (MacOPINION)
I look forward to getting a TiBook, which I really do think is the coolest piece of hardware Apple has ever built.

 Love And Hate For OS X (MacWEEK.com)
2001 will be a year of change, but I think this will be for the best and I'm looking forward to it. So when I hear the "doom and gloomers" talking about how some Mac users or developers are unhappy or reserved in their enthusiasm, I don't get concerned. I think it shows that many Mac people are wise, and understand that change will cost them in the short term, but will be worth it in the long term.

 Build A Better Mousetrap (Go2Mac.com)
What they need to do now is to focus on selling what they've got. Advertise, beat the bushes for customers, go door to door. Just good old fashioned salesmanship.

 No Change In The Cube? (Macinstein)
Unless they are going to use the unsold Cubes as brick and mortar for Apple´s retail store, something needs to come to unload all the Cubes they have produced.

 Apple Listens - Praise Be To The 5 PCI Slots In Apple's New G4s (The Mac Observer)
It is valuable to users who need the slots, and doesn't harm the users who don't need the slots.

 Explanation:  GeForce2 MX cards on the Mac (Artificial Cheese)
There's been a lot of confusion recently about Apple's decision to put GeForce2 MX cards in their computers. If you took a survey, you'd find that many Mac users are not up to speed on this issue. In fact, many even fail to recognize the astounding significance of this release. All is covered in our in depth explanation. 

 The Case For The ABW Platform (MacOPINION)

 The Light At Tunnel's End? (MacWEEK.com)
Apple's biggest strategic error of the last year was not implementing a ferocious, even controversial, marketing campaign designed to expose in detail the tangible benefits of migrating to the Mac platform.

== AppleSurf (Reviews) ==============

 Explanation:  GeForce2 MX cards on the Mac (Artificial Cheese)
There's been a lot of confusion recently about Apple's decision to put GeForce2 MX cards in their computers. If you took a survey, you'd find that many Mac users are not up to speed on this issue. In fact, many even fail to recognize the astounding significance of this release. All is covered in our in depth explanation. 

== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ==============

 MS Opens Up On Whistler Copy Protection (The Register)
The product activation copy protection system that will ship with Whistler and Office 10 will form the basis of a "cross product" protection system for Microsoft software, and the signs are that the company will move heaven and earth to make it stick.

 Intel, AMD Dig In For Price War (EBN)
In the longer term, both AMD and Intel plan to increase their capital spending, despite the market downturn, with an eye toward reducing unit costs.

== The Wintel Empire (News) ==============

 Sel Your Unwanted Windows Licences Here (The Register)
Sadly, Microsoft spin doctors were not able to cobble together a comment on the situation, despite having two days to work on it, but it seems the software giant can do little about the second hand licences as the practice has the blessing of the BGH (Germany's top court).

 Start-Up Eyes Microsoft's Crown (News.com)
A start-up led by members of Microsoft's former high command hopes to solve key problems that have held up delivery of software applications over the Web.

 Intel Starts To Look Outside (IT Fairfax)
Intel's seemingly insatiable appetite for peripheral vendors continued with last week's news of its buy-out of mobile telephony company Xircom.

 Windows Media Player Gains On RealPlayer (Upside)
The rise of Windows Media Player is even more impressive considering that it had one-quarter as many users as RealPlayer in November 1999, according to usage figures from Nielsen/NetRatings.

 Microsoft's New Zealand Website Hacked (vnunet.com)
Hacking group Prime Suspectz broke into the software giant's New Zealand website overnight, replacing the front page with a message mocking the software giant.

 Microsoft Site Joins With Journals (Associated Press)
Microsoft's bCentral, a Web site that sells management tools to small businesses, is partnering with a unit of Advance Publications Inc. that publishes 40 local business newspapers around the country.

 The Post-PC World, Or Maybe Not (osOpinion)

 Understanding The PC Slump (Forbes)

 ThinkFree Delivering On Java's Promise (San Francisco Chronicle)
ThinkFree Office is now available for Windows, Linux and Mac (preview version). The full package includes word processing, spreadsheet and presentation programs, a Windows Explorer-style file manager, plus extras such as a spelling checker and clip art. Yet it totals less than 10 MB, compared with 189 MB for a default Microsoft Office installation.

 Compaq Set To Detail PC Slump (CNET News.com)
Compaq is the first of the top-three computer makers to reveal how badly the sudden slowdown in commercial and consumer PC sales has cut into profits. In fact, analysts say, how Compaq handled the end-of-year sales crisis is likely to foreshadow what can be expected from Dell Computer and Hewlett-Packard. Both companies will report their fourth-quarter results in February; Dell issued a profit warning Monday.

 AMD Chips Power New Supercomputer (CNET News.com)
Advanced Micro Devices on Monday added another Athlon-based supercomputer to its resume.

 MS Opens Up On Whistler Copy Protection (The Register)
The product activation copy protection system that will ship with Whistler and Office 10 will form the basis of a "cross product" protection system for Microsoft software, and the signs are that the company will move heaven and earth to make it stick.

 Windows To Go 3D... But Not In Whistler (The Register)
Microsoft Research has been doing some intriguing work that could ease Winders, a derivative of the 15 year old 2D Mac desktop, into a real 3D environment. And do so fairly painlessly.

 Dell Latest PC Maker Hit By Earnings Slowdown (CNET News.com)
Dell Computer on Monday morning issued a warning that fourth-quarter earnings would be as much as 8 cents a share lower than expected.

 Intel, AMD Dig In For Price War (EBN)
In the longer term, both AMD and Intel plan to increase their capital spending, despite the market downturn, with an eye toward reducing unit costs.

== Breaking Barriers (Top Stories) ==============

 Surviving The Dot-Com Downturn (MSNBC)
The U.S. unemployment rate may be holding steady at 4 percent, according to the Labor Department's latest figures, but across the Internet a brutal wave of job cuts is forcing tens of thousands of Internet company staffers to face the cold reality of unemployment. For young dot-comers in their 20s and 30s, this may be their first jobless experience. How can they cope?

 Expert Analyzes White House Site (Wired News)
Wired News spoke on the phone to Jakob Nielsen -- design virtuoso and well-known Web usability critic -- about what's good, what's bad and what needs to be fixed on the U.S. Executive Branch's Web window to the world.

 F.T.C. Drops DoubleClick Inquiry (New York Times)
The Federal Trade Commission yesterday dropped its investigation into whether DoubleClick, the Internet's biggest advertising agency, violated consumer privacy by tracking Web- surfing habits.

== Breaking Barriers (News) ==============

 MSN, Yahoo! Dominate Net Ads (Fool.com)
MSN and Yahoo! generated ad revenues and impressions in December that far outstripped their competitors, while Amazon topped the list of the month's spenders. Though slowing, online advertising is apparently still robust. The same can't be said for dot-com Super Bowl spending -- we'll see far fewer players in the huddle this year than last.

 Surviving The Dot-Com Downturn (MSNBC)
The U.S. unemployment rate may be holding steady at 4 percent, according to the Labor Department's latest figures, but across the Internet a brutal wave of job cuts is forcing tens of thousands of Internet company staffers to face the cold reality of unemployment. For young dot-comers in their 20s and 30s, this may be their first jobless experience. How can they cope?

 Another Blow To Unrestricted Net-based File Sharing (Gartner Viewpoint)
It should come as no surprise that the same technologies that make the Internet useful for consumers--such as ubiquitous connectivity and standardized protocols--make it easier for people to perform illicit, online activities.

 DoubleClick Climbs After Privacy Probe Ends (CNET News.com)
DoubleClick shares gained 14 percent Tuesday after the Federal Trade Commission finished its investigation of the company's data-collection practices.

 Start-Up Eyes Microsoft's Crown (News.com)
A start-up led by members of Microsoft's former high command hopes to solve key problems that have held up delivery of software applications over the Web.

 Documentary Details Dot-Com Death (Wired News)
Documentary Startup.com goes inside one of the most prominent Internet flops, whose brief history included a White House visit and being burglarized in a case of suspected corporate espionage.

 Expert Analyzes White House Site (Wired News)
Wired News spoke on the phone to Jakob Nielsen -- design virtuoso and well-known Web usability critic -- about what's good, what's bad and what needs to be fixed on the U.S. Executive Branch's Web window to the world.

 Windows Media Player Gains On RealPlayer (Upside)
The rise of Windows Media Player is even more impressive considering that it had one-quarter as many users as RealPlayer in November 1999, according to usage figures from Nielsen/NetRatings.

 French Sue Yahoo, Again (Reuters)
French representatives of Nazi concentration camp inmates filed suit against the head of Yahoo! Inc. today, claiming a symbolic 1 franc (15 cents) in damages for the U.S. Internet giant’s alleged justification of war crimes.

 F.T.C. Drops DoubleClick Inquiry (New York Times)
The Federal Trade Commission yesterday dropped its investigation into whether DoubleClick, the Internet's biggest advertising agency, violated consumer privacy by tracking Web- surfing habits.

 American Shares - Is AOL The Next Microsoft? (The Motley Fool)
As much as any other development in the last quarter century, the personal computer -- an industry that Microsoft has ruled from the center -- has fundamentally changed the way most Americans work and recreate. Until the Internet arrived, that is.

== PenguinSurf (Top Stories) ==============

 Corel Abandoning The Operating System Market, Forcusing On Core Money-Makers (LinuxToday)
At a press conference today, Corel CEO Derek Burney revealed little solid news on the future of Corel Linux except to confirm the broad details of widely circulated reports that the company will be spinning off its consumer-oriented distribution in the near future.

 Linux' Bug Problem: Getting The Fixes Out (BusinessWeek)
The Ramen virus points up some open-source-code risks -- and the lack of a sound security-distribution system to address them.

 Ramen Linux Worm Mutating, Multiplying (CNET News.com)
Online vandals may have modified the Ramen Linux worm discovered last week to automatically deface sites with their own Web pages, one expert said Monday.

 Linux In 2001 (LinuxPlanet)
Linux as a component, not a product.

== PenguinSurf (News) ==============

 Linux Jumps To Handhelds (CNET News.com)

 Corel Abandoning The Operating System Market, Forcusing On Core Money-Makers (LinuxToday)
At a press conference today, Corel CEO Derek Burney revealed little solid news on the future of Corel Linux except to confirm the broad details of widely circulated reports that the company will be spinning off its consumer-oriented distribution in the near future.

 Apple Linux Technology Guru Joins Terra Soft (MacNN)

 Linux' Bug Problem: Getting The Fixes Out (BusinessWeek)
The Ramen virus points up some open-source-code risks -- and the lack of a sound security-distribution system to address them.

 The Case For The ABW Platform (MacOPINION)

 ThinkFree Delivering On Java's Promise (San Francisco Chronicle)
ThinkFree Office is now available for Windows, Linux and Mac (preview version). The full package includes word processing, spreadsheet and presentation programs, a Windows Explorer-style file manager, plus extras such as a spelling checker and clip art. Yet it totals less than 10 MB, compared with 189 MB for a default Microsoft Office installation.

 Ramen Linux Worm Mutating, Multiplying (CNET News.com)
Online vandals may have modified the Ramen Linux worm discovered last week to automatically deface sites with their own Web pages, one expert said Monday.

 Corel To Unveil New Stragegy: WordPerfect History? (MacCentral)
Corel Corp. announced Monday it will unveil a new corporate strategy on Tuesday at an employee and media event in Ottawa, Canada where sources report the company will sell off large chunks of its business, including WordPerfect.

 Linux In 2001 (LinuxPlanet)
Linux as a component, not a product.

 Compaq Sells Linux Clusters (SlashDot)

 The Mythical Linux Month (Linux Today)
My point is not that it could have been done more quickly, but that we (collectively) should have known it would not.

== The AppleSurf Reader ==============

 Here's One Healthy E-Publisher (Wired News)
With over 400 titles and sales topping 10,000 e-books a month, Fictionwise.com is becoming one of the largest independent e-publishers online.

 Microsoft Site Joins With Journals (Associated Press)
Microsoft's bCentral, a Web site that sells management tools to small businesses, is partnering with a unit of Advance Publications Inc. that publishes 40 local business newspapers around the country.

== SingaporeSurf (Top Stories) ==============

 DBS Should Not Have Acquired POSBank In the First Place (Straits Times)
Yen Hoon Long: But in the end, in order not to have to bear the high costs of continuing to cater to the needs of POSBank customers, DBS had to bulldoze its way and pass those costs on to POSBank customers, thereby risk losing them, which defeats the purpose of the acquisition in the first place.

 Singapore's Lee Says Bankruptcy Laws Hurt Entrepreneurs (Associated Press)
Singapore founding father Lee Kuan Yew said Monday that the country must abandon its fear of taking risks and change a law that bars bankrupts from sitting in parliament, saying the legislation quells the entrepreneurial spirit.

== SingaporeSurf (News) ==============

 Waning Confidence In Singapore Growth (Xinhu)
The Singapore Government has for the first time signalled waning confidence in its 2001 growth forecast, with Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan eyeing the lower end of the 5-7 per cent projection.

 DBS Should Not Have Acquired POSBank In the First Place (Straits Times)
Yen Hoon Long: But in the end, in order not to have to bear the high costs of continuing to cater to the needs of POSBank customers, DBS had to bulldoze its way and pass those costs on to POSBank customers, thereby risk losing them, which defeats the purpose of the acquisition in the first place.

 Why PUB Fined Power Supply (Straits Times)
Choo Wai Chan, Head (Public Relations) for Chief Executive, Public Utilities Board: Besides instances of market abuse, PUB does not interfere with matters which are commercial.

 Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew: "I Don't Have The Final Word" (Associated Press)
"I don't have the final word. I give an input, they decide."

 Chickens On Sale A Day Before 'Date Of Slaughter' (Straits Times)
Lynn Ng Siew Cheng: Were the chickens slaughtered way ahead of time, or was it an error?

 Part CPF Payback Next Jan? (Straits Times)

 Singapore's Lee Says Bankruptcy Laws Hurt Entrepreneurs (Associated Press)
Singapore founding father Lee Kuan Yew said Monday that the country must abandon its fear of taking risks and change a law that bars bankrupts from sitting in parliament, saying the legislation quells the entrepreneurial spirit.

== SingaporeSurf (Technology) ==============

 MediaRing.com COO Resigns (Singapore.Internet.com)
SGX-listed MediaRing.com Ltd. today announced the resignation of its chief operating officer Pek Yew Chai. According to company officials, there are no plans to immediately fill the position.

 Apple's Own AppleCare Service Centre (MacSingapore)
>From 1 February 2001, Apple Singapore will have their very own Service Centre located at the Apple building in Ang Mo Kio. Customers who require hardware support for their desktop Macs and PowerBook can now bring them to the Service Centre reception located at the side entrance to the building.

 3G Auction Rules Released By IDA (IDG)
In its statement, IDA clarifies that it intends to seek views and comments from the industry which has to be submitted by 12 February 2001. A final bid package will be issued by 5 March, and IDA has noted April as a possible auction date in its earlier announcement.

 Singapore PC Shipments Increase Two Percent (ZDNet Asia)

 Mitsubishi Corp To Invest In Pacific Internet Unit (Newsbytes)

== SingaporeSurf (Entertainment) ==============

 Singapore Musical Chang And Eng May Head To American Cities (Channel NewsAsia)

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