[MyAppleMenu] Feb 26, 2001

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Mon Feb 26 21:05:05 EST 2001

MyAppleMenu Newsletter

== AppleSurf (Top Stories) ===============

Fans Are Hyper About Old Apple App -- And Say So (San Jose Business Journal)
Los Angeles-area programmer Steve Collins doesn't consider himself much of a firebrand, but when it comes to the future of his beloved HyperCard, he's ready to take desperate measures to get the attention of its creator, Apple Computer Inc.

iTunes Featured In New Apple Ads (MacCentral)
Apple is using iTunes and iMacs together in a series of five new Jeff Goldblum-free television advertisements.

Flower Power: Thinking Too Different? (Low End Mac)
Nobody is going to decline purchasing an iMac because of the new color schemes. For most of the market, indigo and graphite are fine. And Apple knows it.

Apple Patents GUI Theme Engine (SlashDot)
Sounds like Apple wants to be the sole owner of complex desktop customization.

Advertisement : Howard Nemerov (The Applesurf Reader)
Plus: why men can't write for toffee, who needs the BBC, and the graveyard nights on network TV. Catch all the great reads on the web.

== AppleSurf (News) ===============

Get Flower Power And Blue Dalmatian Poodles Here (munger.ca)
Apple has released radically new iMacs last week. Let's get some poodles to go along with them.

Fans Are Hyper About Old Apple App -- And Say So (San Jose Business Journal)
Los Angeles-area programmer Steve Collins doesn't consider himself much of a firebrand, but when it comes to the future of his beloved HyperCard, he's ready to take desperate measures to get the attention of its creator, Apple Computer Inc.

iTunes Featured In New Apple Ads (MacCentral)
Apple is using iTunes and iMacs together in a series of five new Jeff Goldblum-free television advertisements.

Adobe Unveils After Effects 5.0 (MacWEEK.com)
Adobe Systems has taken the wraps off After Effects 5.0, a major upgrade of the video-compositing and special-effects tool that adds productivity enhancements, 3-D capabilities, parenting functions, Macromedia Flash export, improved masking and other new features.

Is That A Hard Drive In Your Pocket? (Los Angeles Times Syndicate)
This is really cool stuff all by itself, but it's the potential to fundamentally alter computers that's really exciting.

Disappearing iMac DVD Puzzles Japanese Mac Fans (Go2Mac.com)
Mac watchers at the Japanese show offered the move mixed marks; while they hailed the arrival of Mac CD-RW, most attendees polled by ZDNet News said DVD is still more useful to them.

== AppleSurf (Opinions) ===============

Flower Power: Thinking Too Different? (Low End Mac)
Nobody is going to decline purchasing an iMac because of the new color schemes. For most of the market, indigo and graphite are fine. And Apple knows it.

Why Doesn't Apple Make PCs? (MacCPU)
If Apple get their revenues from hardware, they should sell what people want to buy, not what Apple wants to sell. They should make PCs.

Apple Mellows Off The Deep End (Macinstein)
What is Apple going to do when the iMac novelty finally does were off, which we may be facing real soon with this unorthodox new flower strategy?

Microsoft: Windows Users Want OS X (Right On Mac!)
If you really care about your customers' user experience, please refer them to Apple.

Enough About iMacs! What You Really Need To Know About Apple (ZDNet)
This fixation on a couple of new additions to the iMac's substantial list of color options has managed to obscure far more interesting aspects of Jobs' latest announcements, even though these under-the-hood enhancements will have a much more substantial effect on the health of the platform.

Is Apple Going After Teenage Girls And Young Women? (About)

Apple Patents GUI Theme Engine (SlashDot)
Sounds like Apple wants to be the sole owner of complex desktop customization.

iMac Guts... (MacMonkey.com)

== AppleSurf (Reviews) ===============

Color It! 4 (Low End Mac)
Color It! will do almost anything I would ever do in Photoshop, and considerably more besides, and it does it at little more than the price of average shareware.

What's the Best OS For A Power Mac? (Low End Mac)
If you have less than 64 MB of RAM in your Mac, don't even think about upgrading to 9.1 unless you plan on using Virtual Memory.

Dreamweaver 4 (Applelust.com)
I feel really conflicted giving a perfect score, but this upgrade really blew me away.

== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ===============

Microsoft Too Itchy With Palm; FTC Charges Deceptive Ads (Bloomberg News)
The Federal Trade Commission is charging Microsoft with false and deceptive advertising in its ad campaign against Palm's handheld devices, according to a report.

High-Stakes Appeal Could Be Last Court Date For Microsoft (New York Times)
After years of bruising setbacks before a deeply skeptical federal district judge, Microsoft moves upstairs in the court house on Monday morning. There it will find an appeals forum that in the past has been receptive to its antitrust defenses, but that now could also present potentially fatal pitfalls.

Watchdog Group: Microsoft Case Waste Of Tax Money (Newsbytes)
The group believes that the "intransigence" of 19 state attorneys general and Jackson's out-of-court comments blocked the case from being settled a year ago.

Microsoft Shifts Sights As PC Market Matures (Associated Press)
Microsoft is moving beyond software to cozy up to consumers. It is working on a host of new products, including the Xbox game console, the company's first major hardware product. Its release is planned for later this year.

Advertisement : Howard Nemerov (The Applesurf Reader)
Plus: why men can't write for toffee, who needs the BBC, and the graveyard nights on network TV. Catch all the great reads on the web.

== The Wintel Empire (News) ===============

Microsoft Too Itchy With Palm; FTC Charges Deceptive Ads (Bloomberg News)
The Federal Trade Commission is charging Microsoft with false and deceptive advertising in its ad campaign against Palm's handheld devices, according to a report.

Red Hat Dares MS To Debate (Wired News)
Red Hat CEO Matthew Szulik said that his company is usually apolitical, but he'd relish the chance to wrangle with Microsoft execs in Washington, D.C. -- and tell Congress why the feds should not shy away from open-source software but instead embrace it.

MSN To Charge For Portal Content? (The Register)
MSN is considering charging Net users &pound;60 a year to access its content.

High-Stakes Appeal Could Be Last Court Date For Microsoft (New York Times)
After years of bruising setbacks before a deeply skeptical federal district judge, Microsoft moves upstairs in the court house on Monday morning. There it will find an appeals forum that in the past has been receptive to its antitrust defenses, but that now could also present potentially fatal pitfalls.

Microsoft: Windows Users Want OS X (Right On Mac!)
If you really care about your customers' user experience, please refer them to Apple.

May It Please The Court: Don't Break Up Microsoft (ZDNet AnchorDesk)
There is no doubt Microsoft was the winner of the PC industry, but that industry must now cooperate and compete with others dominated by Microsoft-like companies of their own.

Watchdog Group: Microsoft Case Waste Of Tax Money (Newsbytes)
The group believes that the "intransigence" of 19 state attorneys general and Jackson's out-of-court comments blocked the case from being settled a year ago.

Microsoft Shifts Sights As PC Market Matures (Associated Press)
Microsoft is moving beyond software to cozy up to consumers. It is working on a host of new products, including the Xbox game console, the company's first major hardware product. Its release is planned for later this year.

== Breaking Barriers (Top Stories) ===============

Getting Serious About Web Standards (MacEdition)
If a non-CSS browser like Lynx or iCab or Netscape 3 serves your needs, I am not going to tell you to use something different. But neither am I going to hobble sites because of the lack of CSS support in those browsers.

Group Issues Standards For Bigger Web Ads (CNET News.com)
An online advertising trade group on Monday plans to unveil standards for bigger Web advertisements as it seeks to breathe new life into the battered industry.

Who's Blogging Now? (Newsweek)
More and more Internet users are sharing their lives in public online journals called Weblogs that can be strangely addictive. Charting a phenom.

Advertisement : Howard Nemerov (The Applesurf Reader)
Plus: why men can't write for toffee, who needs the BBC, and the graveyard nights on network TV. Catch all the great reads on the web.

== Breaking Barriers (News) ===============

Has Napster Sold Out? (Upside)

Getting Serious About Web Standards (MacEdition)
If a non-CSS browser like Lynx or iCab or Netscape 3 serves your needs, I am not going to tell you to use something different. But neither am I going to hobble sites because of the lack of CSS support in those browsers.

MSN To Charge For Portal Content? (The Register)
MSN is considering charging Net users &pound;60 a year to access its content.

Web Communities Don't Bring In The $$$ (The Register)
One of the most depressing stories to come out of the Internet crash is the failure of community on the web.

Group Issues Standards For Bigger Web Ads (CNET News.com)
An online advertising trade group on Monday plans to unveil standards for bigger Web advertisements as it seeks to breathe new life into the battered industry.

Airlines Stuck At The Gate (InternetWeek)
Dated IT systems and a lack of carrier cooperation are preventing airlines from effectively using the Internet to alert customers to flight delays--and it could take the airlines three years and hundreds of millions of dollars to fix the problem.

Workflow (DaveNet)
The purpose of workflow is to keep content off the web. To provide a sense of security to company management that all the right people have to approve something before anyone outside the company can read it.

Users Offer Machines' Idle Time To Researchers, Speeding Data Processing (Associated Press)

Napster Requests Hearing Before Full Appeals Court (Reuters)
Song-swapping service Napster asked a full federal appeals court to review a three-judge decision that could shut it down, saying that an injunction against the company was too broad and violated its rights to free speech.

Who's Blogging Now? (Newsweek)
More and more Internet users are sharing their lives in public online journals called Weblogs that can be strangely addictive. Charting a phenom.

Internet Camera Watches Bald Eagles (Los Angeles Times)
Soon, people worldwide will be able to call up a Web page to watch a pair of eagles nesting here. It is believed to be one of the first broadcast-quality cameras to track the lives of a pair of mating bald eagles.

Napster Said to Hurt CD Sales (Associated Press)
Recording industry officials have brought forth new evidence in their attempt to prove that Napster, the Internet music-swapping service, has cut into their business.

== PenguinSurf (Top Stories) ===============

Red Hat Dares MS To Debate (Wired News)
Red Hat CEO Matthew Szulik said that his company is usually apolitical, but he'd relish the chance to wrangle with Microsoft execs in Washington, D.C. -- and tell Congress why the feds should not shy away from open-source software but instead embrace it.

It's Still A Bit Player, But IBM Is Giving This Operating System A Break (Internation Herald Tribune)
If you ever wanted to write a screenplay about a computer operating system, Linux would be the easy choice for a protagonist.

Advertisement : Howard Nemerov (The Applesurf Reader)
Plus: why men can't write for toffee, who needs the BBC, and the graveyard nights on network TV. Catch all the great reads on the web.

== PenguinSurf (News) ===============

Red Hat Dares MS To Debate (Wired News)
Red Hat CEO Matthew Szulik said that his company is usually apolitical, but he'd relish the chance to wrangle with Microsoft execs in Washington, D.C. -- and tell Congress why the feds should not shy away from open-source software but instead embrace it.

Is Linux Un-Australian? (LinuxToday)
Australia, don't listen to Microsoft. Go out there and look at the software for yourself, and decide which is better.

It's Still A Bit Player, But IBM Is Giving This Operating System A Break (Internation Herald Tribune)
If you ever wanted to write a screenplay about a computer operating system, Linux would be the easy choice for a protagonist.

== SingaporeSurf (Top Stories) ===============

Green Open Space Is Now A Carpark (Project Eyeball)
They all had rooms with a view - until the Housing Development Board (HDB) decided to build a seven-storey carpark in front of them.

Self-Help Groups Should Draw All Races, Says PM (Straits Times)
Ethnic groups can run programmes for participants of all races, and help build a more cohesive multi-racial society.

Advertisement : Howard Nemerov (The Applesurf Reader)
Plus: why men can't write for toffee, who needs the BBC, and the graveyard nights on network TV. Catch all the great reads on the web.

== SingaporeSurf (News) ===============

Green Open Space Is Now A Carpark (Project Eyeball)
They all had rooms with a view - until the Housing Development Board (HDB) decided to build a seven-storey carpark in front of them.

Election Budget? Not So, Says Dr Hu (Straits Times)
Goodies would have been handed out anyway. But if there's an election this year, then it's just 'good timing'.

Self-Help Groups Should Draw All Races, Says PM (Straits Times)
Ethnic groups can run programmes for participants of all races, and help build a more cohesive multi-racial society.

== SingaporeSurf (Technology) ===============

MediaRing Offers Revenue Sharing To Boost Business (CNET Singapore)

Government Investing Heavily In Polytechnics (Business Times Singapore)
Singapore's four polytechnics -- Temasek, Ngee Ann, Nanyang and Singapore -- are ramping up their curricula, introducing new technology courses, beefing up their IT and networking infrastructure, adding e-learning capabilities, tying up with industry players, and empowering their students to reflect the fast-changing tech landscape.

Slow SCV Broadband Speeds (Straits Times)
Bob Neylon: At the end of the one-year 'trial', the price will go up by 30 per cent per month while the speed goes down. Makes sense?

== SingaporeSurf (Entertainment) ===============

Top Point Of Arts Centre The Esplanade Completed (Channel NewsAsia)
The $600 million arts centre at the Marina Bay will be completed next year.

"Spiderman" Aims To Climb Westin Stamford Legally (Reuters)
"Spiderman" has his eye on Singapore again but this time French daredevil Alain Robert wants to stay on the right side of the law when he tries to climb Asia's tallest hotel.

Tangs For The Recognition (Straits Times)
Housewares retailer, Tangs Home, receives a prestigious Global Innovator Award for its creative selling style.

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