[MyAppleMenu] Feb 18, 2001

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Feb 18 21:05:01 EST 2001

MyAppleMenu Newsletter

== AppleSurf (News) ===============

Ellison: Digital Appliances Are Apple's Future (MacCentral)

NEC PC Engine Emulator For Mac (MacNN)

Websites Tested On Macs? (MacNN)

Apple Slips In List Of Most Admired Computer Makers (MacCentral)
Apple has slipped from sixth to eighth in Fortune Magazine's latest list of 'Most Admired Computer Companies, with Gateway and Hewlett-Packard moving up the list.

Apple Servicing Titanium PBs With DVD Issues (MacNN)
We have confirmed that Apple is offering to repair and service misaligned DVD mechanisms in new Titanium PowerBooks G4.

== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ===============

Reaching Out To Silicon Valley (Los Angeles Times)
Nowadays, Microsoft is trying to project a more neighborly image in Silicon Valley as it broadens its efforts to strike partnerships with local tech firms. Since opening a gleaming 32-acre campus in Mountain View in late 1999, Microsoft is reaching out to Silicon Valley like never before.

Windows XP Beta 2 Now Slated For March 14 Release (Computer Reseller News)
The release of Windows XP Beta 2 has been pushed back to March 14, but Microsoft executives are still gunning for the final release in June, according to an internal memo examined by CRN.

What's Wrong With Microsoft? (Salon)
The software giant usually demolishes any opponent that dares to step in its path. But it can't beat streaming-media king RealNetworks.

== The Wintel Empire (News) ===============

Reaching Out To Silicon Valley (Los Angeles Times)
Nowadays, Microsoft is trying to project a more neighborly image in Silicon Valley as it broadens its efforts to strike partnerships with local tech firms. Since opening a gleaming 32-acre campus in Mountain View in late 1999, Microsoft is reaching out to Silicon Valley like never before.

NEC PC Engine Emulator For Mac (MacNN)

Windows XP Beta 2 Now Slated For March 14 Release (Computer Reseller News)
The release of Windows XP Beta 2 has been pushed back to March 14, but Microsoft executives are still gunning for the final release in June, according to an internal memo examined by CRN.

What's Wrong With Microsoft? (Salon)
The software giant usually demolishes any opponent that dares to step in its path. But it can't beat streaming-media king RealNetworks.

== Breaking Barriers (Top Stories) ===============

Beware Ads In Fun Clothing (Wired News)
Hockin is fixing to get an e-mail to you that will so titillate you, make you so sick with pleasure, that you'll have no choice but to forward it on to your friends, who will in turn feel faint with the need to pass it along to others.

== Breaking Barriers (News) ===============

M.I.T. Professor Reconsiders Children's Online Lives (New York Times)
Turkle, who is also a licensed clinical psychologist, holding a joint Ph.D. in personality psychology and sociology from Harvard, argues that "parents need to recognize that otherwise, these kids would be alone. Online communities provide ample, new and exciting spaces for adolescents to explore identity, be happy or sad, get mad, act out -- all in a relatively consequence-free environment. This is the work of adolescence."

Napster's New (Secure) Groove (Wired News)
Details of Napster's new secure service are leaking, even as the recording industry continues to tighten the legal screws on the file-trading company.

Beware Ads In Fun Clothing (Wired News)
Hockin is fixing to get an e-mail to you that will so titillate you, make you so sick with pleasure, that you'll have no choice but to forward it on to your friends, who will in turn feel faint with the need to pass it along to others.

E-Mail Sorting Made Simple? (CNET News.com)
E-mail's transformation from the days of "Reply," "Reply To All" and "Forward" will get another push Monday with the launch of Abridge, a company that wants to add "Collaborate" to the list of e-mail functions.

Websites Tested On Macs? (MacNN)

Bertelsmann And Napster: We Have The Technology (The Industry Standard)
They say they are developing digital-rights management software to stop the illegal sharing of music files. But the questions remain, will it work and when will it be ready?

What's Wrong With Microsoft? (Salon)
The software giant usually demolishes any opponent that dares to step in its path. But it can't beat streaming-media king RealNetworks.

== PenguinSurf (Top Stories) ===============

Greenbacks And Linux Don't Gel (SV News Service)
Linux groupies may never tire of extolling the virtues of their OS and talking down Windows. But, market realities indicate otherwise. With Linux companies falling like ninepins, all that talk about competing with Windows can be just that—talk.

== PenguinSurf (News) ===============

Maximum Linux Shutdown: Linux Community Loses A Few Good Men And Women (Linux Today)

Greenbacks And Linux Don't Gel (SV News Service)
Linux groupies may never tire of extolling the virtues of their OS and talking down Windows. But, market realities indicate otherwise. With Linux companies falling like ninepins, all that talk about competing with Windows can be just that—talk.

== SingaporeSurf (Entertainment) ===============

Hannibal Too Distrubing For Under 16s (Straits Times)
Members of the Film Advisory Panel said the movie's morbid theme of cannibalism and its violent content may be disturbing to youngsters under 16, even with adult supervision.

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