[MyAppleMenu] Dec 9, 2001

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Dec 9 21:05:01 EST 2001

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=== top ====================================

Apple Store Polishes Computer Maker's Image (Julie Moran Alterio, The Journal)
If you've resisted buying a home computer or use a Windows PC, Apple Computer has you in its sights.

Apple Opens 25th Store In Salem, NH (Peter Cohen, MacCentral)
Jobs had said that the company would open 25 stores by the end of the year. It's now clear Apple will exceed those initial expectations.

=== news ====================================

Lawndale Kids Give Time, Get Treasure (Donna Freedman, Chicago Tribune)
Bill Goosby runs the North Lawndale Time Dollar project, which lets young volunteers earn a refurbished Macintosh computer in exchange for 20 hours of pitching in.

LF Graduates Honored At 2001 TIE Conference (Dawn Hernandez, Morrison County Record News)
"The finished product was amazingly cool... It was superior in both quality and content."

The iPod Arrvies (MacSingapore)
At a price of S$748, the iPod has arrived in Singapore.

=== opinions ====================================

The Days Of Wine And OSes (David Nagel, DV Format)
With the power, stability and stunning interface of OS X now coupled with the applications you need to get your work done, you are about to see fulfilled what digital technology has been leading to all along.

Cocoa's Documentation Gets A Much Needed Improvement (James Davidson, O'Rielly Network)
>From flipping through the documentation I can say that it is much better than it used to be and the writers at Apple should give themselves a pat on the back.

=== reviews ====================================

World Book Mac OS X Edition (Henry Bortman, Macworld)
Solid research reference for young students and a worthy successor to the hardbound version.

Microsoft Office v. X For Mac (Troy Dreier, PC Magazine)
While the four programs each have novel and useful improvements, they lack the kind of compelling giant steps that make people upgrade.

=== internet news ====================================

Saying Yes To AOL, Saying No To Microsoft (Charles Cooper, CNET News.com)

=== wintel news ====================================

Saying Yes To AOL, Saying No To Microsoft (Charles Cooper, CNET News.com)

Compaq May Be Better Off Alone, Analysts Say (Alex Pham and Dave Wilson, Los Angeles Times)
Compaq could thrive catering to large corporations instead of consumers, but would face significant challenges amid technology industry's worst downturn.

Microsoft Office v. X For Mac (Troy Dreier, PC Magazine)
While the four programs each have novel and useful improvements, they lack the kind of compelling giant steps that make people upgrade.

=== reader : world ====================================

Confessions Of A Traitor (Frank Rich, New York Times)
One thing we learned on that Tuesday morning, I had thought, is that it's better to raise these questions today than the morning after.

The Challenge: Criticzing Bush's Policies Without Attacking Bush (David E. Rosenbaum, New York Times)
Paradoxically, the notion of supporting the president while attacking his policies is exactly the oppostie of the Republicans' approach during most of Bill Clinton's presidency.

=== reader : tech ====================================

Ginger's Scheme All In The Lean (Noah Shachtman, Wired News)
Let's get at least this much straight: the mega-hyped Segway Human Transporter does not read the rider's thoughts.

Digital Cash Payoff (Evan I. Schwartz, Technology Review)
PayPal's fraud-busting technology makes it easy for people to pay one another over the Internet -- and may give credit card companies a run for their money.

Software Is Free Speech (Siva Vaidhyanathan, New York Times)
"If you can put it on a T-shirt, it's speech."

Silver Bullet-ism: Technology Runs To The Rescue (John Schwartz, New York Times)
While attendance at the nation's houses of worship has pretty much dropped to pre-Sept. 11 levels, there is instead a rising, slightly desperate, faith in technology.

=== reader : life ====================================

In Your Face (Suh-kyung Yoon, Far Eastern Economic Review)
Forget banner ads and TV slots. Savvy companies that really want to get noticed are splashing their wares on old-fashioned billboards.

Mordor, He Wrote... (Neil Spencer, The Observer)
The Lord of the Rings is set to rival Star Wars, both at the box office and as a mythic portrayal of the battle of good and evil. So it's time we recognised the qualities of Tolkien's book as well.

Medicine's Race Problem (Sally Satel, PolicyReview)
The mere mention of race and biology together sends many physicians and scientists scrambling to protest (too much) against a possible connection. The facts, however, paint a more complex picture.

After September 11, Myth And Truth Collide (David Maraniss, Anne Hull and Paul Schwartzman, Washington Post)
For those whose lives were changed September 11, the Contrast between the mythology surrounding that day and their own reality keeps growing.

One E-Mail Message Can Change The World (Laura Miller, New York Times)
Ansary's letter may be the most potent example yet of how the right message at the right time can spread among them like wildfire.

Populist Editing (Steven Johnson, New York Times)
If you don't like the perspective of the article you are perusing, you can go in and rephrase the concluding paragraph.

=== reader : expressions ====================================

The Gift Questioned (Robert Chute, Apples & Oranges Poetry Magazine)

=== singapore news ====================================

Singapore Showing Healthy Growth In E-Learning (Chua Hui Min, Business Times)
Singapore will remain one of the leading markets for e-learning in the Asia-Pacific, says IDC study.

Is The Party Really Over? (Sue-Ann Chia, Straits Times)
Companies are scaling down year-end dinner-and-dance budgets, and some have scrapped the event altogether.

Asia Gets Animated In Singapore (Samuel Lee, Straits Times)
Though small and still fledging, the aniamation industry here is taking off slowly but surely.

Singapore Government Accepts Calls For Wage Restraint To Save Jobs (Business Times Singapore)
The government also agreed with the council that companies "that are profitable and performing well should reward workers with appropriate wage increases."

The iPod Arrvies (MacSingapore)
At a price of S$748, the iPod has arrived in Singapore.

Something Is Cooking Down In China Town (Tee Hun Ching, Straits Times)
If you are nostalgic for the time when hawkers peddled their fare along the street with push carts, Food Street will recreate the experience for you.


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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. MyAppleMenu is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, iMac, iBook, iPod, and PowerBook are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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