[MyAppleMenu] Oct 21, 2000
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applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf
Sat Oct 21 21:05:00 EDT 2000
MyAppleMenu Newsletter
== AppleSurf (News) ==============
Are We Entering An Era Of 'Slideware'? (Boston Globe)
"PowerPoint is a necessary evil. It's a tool that lets just about everyone capture their own thoughts in a graphical way. But it's never going to be a replacement for the talent, knowledge, or passion it takes to build a business."
As Promised, Media Player 7 Beta Released (MacCentral)
== AppleSurf (Opinions) ==============
A Closer Look At Apple's Financials (Low End Mac)
Still, Apple has increased unit sales and revenues by at least 40% over the same quarter last year -- an impressive accomplishment.
== AppleSurf (Reviews) ==============
Apple Modem Updater Version 2.3 - Proceed With Caution (Applelinks.com)
== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ==============
Are We Entering An Era Of 'Slideware'? (Boston Globe)
"PowerPoint is a necessary evil. It's a tool that lets just about everyone capture their own thoughts in a graphical way. But it's never going to be a replacement for the talent, knowledge, or passion it takes to build a business."
== The Wintel Empire (News) ==============
Are We Entering An Era Of 'Slideware'? (Boston Globe)
"PowerPoint is a necessary evil. It's a tool that lets just about everyone capture their own thoughts in a graphical way. But it's never going to be a replacement for the talent, knowledge, or passion it takes to build a business."
As Promised, Media Player 7 Beta Released (MacCentral)
== Breaking Barriers (Top Stories) ==============
After The Buzz Is Gone (Fortune)
The cute "Post-It" metaphor that made Third Voice so much fun for the press also made it a kludgy application that never got a critical mass of users. Moreover, it soured the market for better implementations of the same idea, including, quite possibly, Third Voice's own update. Now, Third Voice soldiers on in buzz-less obscurity, just another bit of last year's news that its employees and backers are trying to recycle into a money making company.
No Filering Recs In COPA Report (Wired News)
The Commission on Child Online Protection sends 12 recommendations to Congress on Friday, and none of them involve filtering software.
== Breaking Barriers (News) ==============
Voteauction Booth Is Closed (Wired News)
The vote buy-and-sell website shuts down after a district court in Illinois slaps it with an injunction. Accused of illegally trafficking votes, its creator now says the whole thing was a joke.
AOL Says Disney Saws Secret Business Data (Reuters)
America Online, which is seeking approval to acquire Time Warner, said a bitter rival received confidential information about AOL's strategy to compete against broadcast networks and the terms of contracts for AOL's interactive television.
After The Buzz Is Gone (Fortune)
The cute "Post-It" metaphor that made Third Voice so much fun for the press also made it a kludgy application that never got a critical mass of users. Moreover, it soured the market for better implementations of the same idea, including, quite possibly, Third Voice's own update. Now, Third Voice soldiers on in buzz-less obscurity, just another bit of last year's news that its employees and backers are trying to recycle into a money making company.
Online Ticket Scalping Stinks (MSNBC)
How Cisco Beat Chip World To The Net (EE Times)
Amid the blur of activity surrounding network processors, there's a team that arguably did some of the earliest work in the area and landed design wins in some half-dozen high-end systems.
No Filering Recs In COPA Report (Wired News)
The Commission on Child Online Protection sends 12 recommendations to Congress on Friday, and none of them involve filtering software.
NBCi President, Other Execs Leaving Portal Company (CNET News.com)
NBC Internet on Friday confirmed the resignation of Edmond Sanctis, president of the Internet portal company, and three other executives.
== PenguinSurf (Top Stories) ==============
The Embedded Linux Consumer Devices Quick Reference Guide (LinuxDevices.com)
A round-up of fluffy penguin toys.
== PenguinSurf (News) ==============
The Embedded Linux Consumer Devices Quick Reference Guide (LinuxDevices.com)
A round-up of fluffy penguin toys.
== SingaporeSurf (Technology) ==============
Bidders Begin To Queue For Singapore's 3G Licences (AFP)
Singapore stood to make two billion dollars from the sale of four third-generation (3G) mobile telecommunications licences, analysts said Saturday, as bidders began queueing for the February auction.
E-Banking Yet To Hit Right Note With Everybody (Straits Times)
Most prefer traditional banking for security reasons, but the number of people who bank online is likely to rise.
End-Users Will Not Lose Out, Says Government (Straits Times)
"One of our prime considerations is whether the initial upfront auction fee for successful bidders will translate into high end-user pricing for 3G access. The answer is "no', since the 3G market will have a competitive multi-operator environment."
M1 CDMA Users Hit By 3G Move (Straits Times)
Mobile phone group will have to move out of its existing spectrum slot and wants to be compensated for doing so.
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