[MyAppleMenu] Nov 17, 2000
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applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf
Fri Nov 17 21:05:02 EST 2000
MyAppleMenu Newsletter
== AppleSurf (Top Stories) ==============
Apple Told Resellers: "No Stores" (MacWEEK.com)
A senior Apple Computer executive told Mac resellers less than a month ago that the company had no plans to open retail stores in the near future, said a dealer who attended the meeting. Apple now appears to be going ahead with such plans.
Apple Computer Biting Into Retail Area (San Jose Mercury News)
Apple Computer Inc. is venturing into the retail arena with its very own Apple shops, selecting downtown Palo Alto, just a couple of miles from Jobs' home, as the start. The new store will sell Apple computers and related products.
Open-Sourcing The Apple (Salon)
There will exist a cadre of OS X developers doing nifty Aqua applications whether the sources are released or not, but that group won't include so many of the talented BSD and Linux people who are backing other technology simply because it's free, both ideologically and monetarily, and the importance of that community should never be underestimated.
== AppleSurf (News) ==============
Apple Noir: PI Alex Kline And His Macs (Apple)
What if Sam Spade carried a PowerBook? If he did, and you stripped away the gritty exterior of Dashiell HammettÕs famous private investigator, you might find Alex Kline.
One Small Step For Dolphins, One Giant Leap For Mankind (Apple)
"By harnessing the Power Mac G4, we have the power and visual tools we need to show the intelligence of dolphins in an unmistakable way, shattering myths about the dolphin mind."
Newer Brings OS X Support To G3 Upgrade Users (The Mac Observer)
Apple: G4 Power Switch Problem Rare, Known For Months (MacCentral)
MacCentral has learned that the reported problem of faulty power switches on early models of Power Macs G4s with Gigabit Ethernet has been a rare occurrence affecting a minuscule number of units and was made aware to repair technicians in mid-July.
Apple: Software Piracy Costs Are "Numbling" (MacCentral)
Peter Davies, European legal director for Apple, told Bloomberg News Wednesday that software piracy is getting worse, especially in Europe, and the ramifications are that manufacturers are losing billions.
Apple Updates Darwin, Asks For x86 Work (The Register)
Apple has quietly updated its open source operating system foundation, Darwin, to version 1.2.1, and it appears to come with a plea for more work on the x86 side of things.
Apple Told Resellers: "No Stores" (MacWEEK.com)
A senior Apple Computer executive told Mac resellers less than a month ago that the company had no plans to open retail stores in the near future, said a dealer who attended the meeting. Apple now appears to be going ahead with such plans.
Apple Computer Biting Into Retail Area (San Jose Mercury News)
Apple Computer Inc. is venturing into the retail arena with its very own Apple shops, selecting downtown Palo Alto, just a couple of miles from Jobs' home, as the start. The new store will sell Apple computers and related products.
Will Cube Copy Bring Apple's Wrath? (ZDNet)
Taiwanese company's virtual twin to the Power Mac G4 Cube has Mac fans wondering when Apple will send in the lawyers.
== AppleSurf (Opinions) ==============
OS X Is Coming: Watch Out, You May Be A Reactionary Luddite (The Mac Observer)
You know, kind of like we did when the Apple ][ contingent was bitching and moaning about the Mac back in the early 90's.
Cracks In The Facade (TechWeb)
After all, if a consumer wants to buy a professional desktop machine from Apple, what are the choices? A G4 Cube that sports a flawed case, and a G4 tower that might have a flawed power switch.
Looking At OS X Through Windows (Low End Mac)
The Age of EveryMan Tech: Many Third Party Options (osOpinion)
For the first time, I realize the frustration of my PC friends. They would point out a weakness of the Mac and I would go on a rant about ease of use and productively. I would go in the closet, pull down an SE30 and do all kinds of things to it, daring them to do the same with a PC of the same year. Of course they couldn't, but that didn't change the fact that they had valid points.
Open-Sourcing The Apple (Salon)
There will exist a cadre of OS X developers doing nifty Aqua applications whether the sources are released or not, but that group won't include so many of the talented BSD and Linux people who are backing other technology simply because it's free, both ideologically and monetarily, and the importance of that community should never be underestimated.
== AppleSurf (Reviews) ==============
Sexy Sounds: Harmon/Kardon's Speakers Look Organic, Sound Tasty (ABCNews.com)
This is probably the best audio youÕre going to get from a computer at anywhere near this price, and it stands up respectably to a $200-400-range home audio system.
Office 2001 Mac Edition (MacAddict)
Microsoft has finally seen the light.
== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ==============
Pentium 4 Impressive But Not Ready For Mainstream (Gartner Viewpoint)
Unlike Pentium III, which was merely an enhancement of Pentium II, Intel's Pentium 4 chip is a major new design that offers much more than the inclusion of additional instructions. Initially, mainstream users probably will not need the additional power and features of the new chip, but high-end users may want to consider immediate adoption.
== The Wintel Empire (News) ==============
Pentium 4 Impressive But Not Ready For Mainstream (Gartner Viewpoint)
Unlike Pentium III, which was merely an enhancement of Pentium II, Intel's Pentium 4 chip is a major new design that offers much more than the inclusion of additional instructions. Initially, mainstream users probably will not need the additional power and features of the new chip, but high-end users may want to consider immediate adoption.
Pentium 4 Computers Arrive Monday (CNET News.com)
Computers containing the Pentium 4 will arrive on Monday. Let the kvetching begin.
== Breaking Barriers (Top Stories) ==============
Yahoo Mulls Charging For Services (CNET News.com)
Five years into the Internet revolution, the time may be ripe for the torchbearer of the free, advertising-supported Web business to diversify its revenue streams.
Internet Names Painstakingly Picked (Associated Press)
So one day, anyone wanting a .pets suffix could simply ask for it, without going through the scrutiny that the initial round of applicants did.
Separation Anxiety: The Myth Of The Separation Of Style From Content (A List Apart)
The good designer is admonished to keep them separate in order to ward off various woes: unmanageability, unusability, professional shame. I think this is a myth. I think it has persisted for four different reasons. I don't think web designers need be concerned about it at all.
Do We Really Need New Domains? (Wired News)
While dot-com businesses continue to drop like flies, Internet regulators agree on a list of new top-level domains. Registrars -- who stand to profit handsomely from new dot-suffixes -- say worldwide demand necessitates additional domains.
New Domain Name Suffixes Selected (MSNBC)
Starting next year, Web sites ending in ".biz" and ".info" will likely burst onto the Internets landscape. The other suffixes chosen were: .name, .pro, .museum, .aero and .coop.
== Breaking Barriers (News) ==============
Newspaper Sites Ignore User Experience (E&P Online)
Newspaper Web sites have a lot to learn about "user experience," says Jakob Nielsen, whose biweekly column on Web design has attracted a devoted worldwide following.
Yahoo Mulls Charging For Services (CNET News.com)
Five years into the Internet revolution, the time may be ripe for the torchbearer of the free, advertising-supported Web business to diversify its revenue streams.
Internet Names Painstakingly Picked (Associated Press)
So one day, anyone wanting a .pets suffix could simply ask for it, without going through the scrutiny that the initial round of applicants did.
Separation Anxiety: The Myth Of The Separation Of Style From Content (A List Apart)
The good designer is admonished to keep them separate in order to ward off various woes: unmanageability, unusability, professional shame. I think this is a myth. I think it has persisted for four different reasons. I don't think web designers need be concerned about it at all.
Founding Father Of Net To Head Domain Name Body (Associated Press)
A man widely regarded as one of the Internet's founding fathers will lead the international oversight board for online addresses, bringing a technical focus to an organization often accused of straying into social policy and governance.
Do We Really Need New Domains? (Wired News)
While dot-com businesses continue to drop like flies, Internet regulators agree on a list of new top-level domains. Registrars -- who stand to profit handsomely from new dot-suffixes -- say worldwide demand necessitates additional domains.
New Domain Name Suffixes Selected (MSNBC)
Starting next year, Web sites ending in ".biz" and ".info" will likely burst onto the Internets landscape. The other suffixes chosen were: .name, .pro, .museum, .aero and .coop.
== PenguinSurf (News) ==============
Will Cube Copy Bring Apple's Wrath? (ZDNet)
Taiwanese company's virtual twin to the Power Mac G4 Cube has Mac fans wondering when Apple will send in the lawyers.
Open-Sourcing The Apple (Salon)
There will exist a cadre of OS X developers doing nifty Aqua applications whether the sources are released or not, but that group won't include so many of the talented BSD and Linux people who are backing other technology simply because it's free, both ideologically and monetarily, and the importance of that community should never be underestimated.
== SingaporeSurf (Top Stories) ==============
Licence To Speak, Or Not? (Straits Times)
Food for thought: If Mr Chiam, or Mr Low Thia Khiang of Hougang, turn their speeches into songs, will they still need permits?
== SingaporeSurf (News) ==============
Base Child Train Fare On Age (Straits Times)
Selvam Sinnakannu: Perhaps the MRT could consider issuing exemption cards for children under seven. Parents could produce their children's birth certificates in order to get these cards for their children.
Paper's Launch Not Worth Coverage Given (Straits Times)
Sunil Ramchand: Placing such "infommercials" as the top item on prime-time news does nothing for the creditability of the network.
Licence To Speak, Or Not? (Straits Times)
Food for thought: If Mr Chiam, or Mr Low Thia Khiang of Hougang, turn their speeches into songs, will they still need permits?
Economists Less Upbeat About Outlook For Next Year (Straits Times)
The economy may have soared to its highest growth level in three years but economists are more reserved on next year's outlook.
Singapore GDP Forecast Raised (Financial Review)
Singapore has recorded third-quarter economic growth of 10.4 per cent over the same period last year, prompting Government officials to raise their full-year forecast for economic growth to 9.5 from 9 per cent.
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