[AppleSurf Inbox] May 20, 2000

applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf
Sat May 20 21:30:00 EDT 2000

AppleSurf Inbox

== Seize the Day! (Great news for Mac users) ====================

Demo Days Set For May, More Planned For June (Insanely Great Mac)
Demo Days weekends are here, with more to follow in June.

== Listen Up! (Opinions around the web) ====================

[WEBFAUST] "Spanish Cows" (MacAddict)
John H. Farr's latest. (Agricultural treatise? Morality play? A day in the life of an Mac news editor? Hahahaha! Did we say "news"???

== Reviews (The good and the bad) ====================

USB Web Cams (Macworld)
Overall, if you need a camera to make quick movies from your desktop for sending to friends and family via e-mail, the Kritter USB is a good choice. For still pictures, where full-motion video is not an issue, the Home Connect USB offers superior image quality.

== Know Thy Enemy (Keeping track of the Wintel empire) ====================

'Pissy Emails From billg' - MS Exec Sinks Teeth Into Gates (The Register)
An astonishing email from former Microsoft top exec Brad Silverberg suggests that at least elements of the Microsoft High Command wanted the company to split off its OS and apps businesses more formally. And stranger still, the email was written in February 1999, when trial proceedings were already heating up.

AMD Readies Next Generation Processors (InfoWorld)
Targeting both the high-end and the low-end PC market, AMD is expected to begin shipping several different speeds of its Duron processor, which will compete head-to-head with Intel's value-priced Celeron processor.

Now You Can Install Millennium Edition In Just 16MB Of Space! I Shall Call It Mini-me (InfoWorld)
A programmer renowned for showing how Internet Explorer (IE) could be removed from Windows 98 has topped himself. Shane Brooks' new product, 98Lite III, lets you remove almost any part of Windows you don't want.

== Breaking Barriers (About the internet and the web) ====================

Opera Sings A Wireless Tune (Macworld)
The Norwegian company has also inked deals to become the default browser on handheld devices being developed by Psion and Ericsson. 

Net Polling Flawed, Some Researchers Say (Associated Press)
Pollsters say the Internet allows them to collect public attitudes more quickly and cheaply than the telephone does. But many of the public opinion researchers gathered here this weekend say surveys done strictly online don't measure up. 

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