[AppleSurf Inbox] May 6, 2000

applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf
Sat May 6 21:30:00 EDT 2000

AppleSurf Inbox

== Listen Up! (Opinions around the web) ====================

The Thing That Ate My Desk Top: 17" iMacs? Get Real (Daily iMac)
Sometimes it is nice to have such a large monitor, except, of course, when I want to use my desk for some purpose other than holding up an enormous, over-glorified TV set.

Mac Solidarity Forever (ZDNet)
A multiplatform environment stimulates innovation; it offers greater security; and it raises the chances that every user will find a system that makes sense to him or her.

OS Holy Wars Redux (ZDNet)
My two cents: Kick back with a Coke and chill out. It's time to get a life.

== Thousand Flowers (News on Macintosh third-parties) ====================

FileMaker Announces Bug Fix (MacWEEK.com)
The company said it will post a downloadable fix for the Web Companion security hole by Wednesday, May 10.

== Know Thy Enemy (Keeping track of the Wintel empire) ====================

Microsoft Fine-tunes TV Software Strategy (CNET News.com)
Microsoft will unveil new features in its Microsoft TV software suite, including Tv-based chat, scripted dialog, and improved parental control software.

Children Of 'Love' Bug: No Celebration (ZDNet)
More variants of the program are on the way, and experts expect them to be tough and nasty. Is the worst yet to come?

Worm Writer Identified? (Wired News)
One of the people who tracked down the author of the "Melissa" worm claims to have traced the identify of the "Love Bug" worm's author.

"Love" Virus Accidentally Targets Fax Machines (CNET News.com)
It's a most modern definition of uselessness: An email virus that sends itself to a fax machine. That's what a few confused people around the world saw today.

Outlook Leaves Computers Open For More Damage (CNET News.com)
Computer experts say Microsoft has simply made a choice that looks good to consumers but has dangerous ramifications.

== Breaking Barriers (About the internet and the web) ====================

Napster: Could It Threaten Net Strongholds? (Inter at ctive Week)
While Napster and its various copycats will no doubt have a tremendous influence on the music industry, the real importance of Napster has nothing to do with music, but has to do with the very structure of the Web itself.

Microsoft, Netscape Squabble Over Browser Scripting Hole (CNET News.com)
Microsoft and Netscape Communications are pointing fingers at each other over a browser-related security problem that neither company has any intention of fixing.

DoubleClick Hit With Patent Suit By Online Ad Rival (Computerworld)
The lawsuit centers on an enabling technology for DoubleClick's DART ad serving system, which gears certain advertisements toward targeted Internet users.

56K Gorwing Faster Than Broadband (Inter at ctive Week)
Is your company geared to the narrow-to-middle-band reality of home Internet use?

Three Easy Solutions For The Napster Problem (The Mac Observer)
When someone downloads a song they don't own from Napster, it is stealing.

== Around Town (News out of Singapore) ====================

Can The HDB Flat Ever Be The Lifestyle Model For Singaporeans? (Straits Times)
Housing Board chairman Ngiam Tong Dow believes that an HDB address can be as prestigious as a private-estate address. Yes or no?

Cabbies Not Owned A Living (Straits Times)
Alvin Wang Kin Heng: I am self-employed. I am content with the freedom and flexibility of my job, these "privileges" that Mr Poh did not care to mention.

Ask Not What Case Can Do For You (Straits Times)
NTUC Income: Consumers need to be educated and informed, and need a champion to look after their rights. I hope that more consumers in Singapore will come forward to support the work of Case.

Operating Hours Similar To Hyde Park's (Straits Times)
Singapore Police Force: Let us give it time to work before considering whether it is necessary to change the times.

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