[MyAppleMenu] Jul 5, 2000

applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf
Wed Jul 5 21:05:03 EDT 2000

MyAppleMenu Newsletter

== AppleSurf (News) ====================

A Taste Of Java (MacWEEK.com)
Up through Mac OS 9, Java on the Mac has been slow, uncompetitive and ugly. However, with the release of J2SE in Mac OS X, developers now have the option of switching their code to Java.

Microsoft To Ship Faster Optical Mouse (MacCentral)
Microsoft claims the new IntelliMouse with IntelliEye is 33 percent faster than the current version.

MacCards Here To Haunt You (Macworld UK)
Jones is appealing for illustrators prepared to create and contribute high-quality material for a virtual greetings card site that Apple canÕt touch.

Apple Partners Look To New Core (The Age)
Apple Computer is forecasting a new, aggressive attack on the Australian personal computer market after yesterday's announcement that Apple's seven leading channel partners will merge.

== AppleSurf (Opinion) ====================

The Self Congratulatory Mac User (MacOPINION)
Some of us Macintosh users may enjoy congratulating ourselves on the purchase of a computer from Apple. This attitude is certainly in Apple's interest, but, these days, is it always in ours?

The Unkindest Cut (MacEdition)
To Mac the Knife, the Knife Board, and all the historical information encapsulated within: We'll miss you.

Apple Is Not Your Friend (Low End Mac)
Apple did not create this community. The Mac community is a product of Macintosh users.

== AppleSurf (Reviews) ====================

InterView 2.0 (MacNN)
While a FireWire-based Mac and a digital video camera coupled with iMovie represents an easier to use and a far superior solution, InterView 2.0 is perfect for owners of USB-based Macs not wishing to spend upwards of $2,000 or more to simply edit videos.

Mac User Groups: The Forgotten Resource (Macworld)
Back in the days before everyone went online to find Mac advice, Macintosh User Groups provided information and community to Apple users. Learn how you can use the Web to reconnect with the grassroots Mac community.

Stranger On A Strange Platform (Macworld)
You may live in a Mac world, but there's still a goodly bunch of PC users out there. Learn how to open their files, use their attachments, and reconcile systemwide differences with our cross-platform guide.

FaxElite 5.0 (Macworld)
One Mac, one fax modem? Not so fast - FaxElite 5.0 permits networked Macs to access a fax machine, a handy feat for the budget-conscious and busy home or small office.

AOL 5.0 For The Mac: No High Fives (BusinessWeek)
Apparently, ease-of-use king AOL wants to ride the techno cutting edge. The result: Needless complications.

Z-Write 1.0 (ATPM)
Z-Write gains simplicity by omitting features not absolutely necessary to creative writers.

USB Overdrive 1.3 (ATPM)
Overall it’s a very nice and useful program. I just wish that some PC mice came bundled with it. $20 seems like a lot to spend just to make your new mouse work on your Mac.

== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ====================

Intel Shelves 800-MHz Xeon Chip (CNET News.com)
Intel has canceled plans for high-end versions of its 800-MHz Xeon processor, saying computer makers didn't want the chip.

== The Wintel Empire (News) ====================

Microsoft IIS Security Hole Persists Despite Available Patch (The Register)
An old and subsequently well-publicised flaw in Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), which allows anyone with a Web browser to gain admin-level access to a server, continues to plague many sites in spite of the availability patches to correct it.

Microsoft To Ship Faster Optical Mouse (MacCentral)
Microsoft claims the new IntelliMouse with IntelliEye is 33 percent faster than the current version.

Intel Shelves 800-MHz Xeon Chip (CNET News.com)
Intel has canceled plans for high-end versions of its 800-MHz Xeon processor, saying computer makers didn't want the chip.

Microsoft .net Slammed Over Smartcard Security (Computer Weekly)
Microsoft's security model would be sufficient for photocopying cards, but would not provide strong enough security for financial applications.

Microsoft Threatens Traditional Pub Games (Ananova)
Traditional pub darts and pool teams could be threatened by the launch of a new Microsoft initiative to bring the internet into Britain's pubs.

Booming Seattle Tracks Microsoft’s Tribulations (MSNBC)
Whatever the outcome of the antitrust case, Microsoft can jolt the area’s commercial real-estate market just by shifting employees around.

== Breaking Barriers (Top Stories) ====================

P3P: A Green Light For Privacy On The Web? (ZDNet)
Technology aimed at notifying users of how much information each site requests is in the works for launching later this year. Will the technology mean 'go' for better privacy on the Web?

The Napster Library (Salon)
Does the San Francisco Public Library's plan to lend out e-books protend the death of the publishing industry?

ZDNet And CNET: Nearly Tied At The Top Of The Tech Heap (BusinessWeek)
But ZDNet may have one big edge: It spends far less than CNET to market and run its site.

== Breaking Barriers (News) ====================

The Ugly Secret Behind Top Media Sites (Inside.com)
Ask anyone who works on the editorial or design side of a media Web site what the worst part of their job is. After they exhaust themselves on the number of hours they work and how little their options are now worth, talk often turns to the publishing tools they use to manage their site and how much they hate them.

Parody Sites Take A Different Approach (Inter at ctive Week)
If the Internet is the common man's media, political parody sites would qualify as the alternative press, covering what the mainstream won't.

Microsoft IIS Security Hole Persists Despite Available Patch (The Register)
An old and subsequently well-publicised flaw in Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), which allows anyone with a Web browser to gain admin-level access to a server, continues to plague many sites in spite of the availability patches to correct it.

APBNews.com Files For Bankruptcy (Associated Press)
In a bid to stay alive until new investors are found, the parent of online news provider APBNews.com plans a bankruptcy filing, one month after slashing back its operations and firing most of its staff.

Destination Contentville (Industry Standard)
Steven Brill's new Web site will offer all kinds of content Ð books, magazines, speeches, even doctoral dissertations. It's also got serious competition.

P3P: A Green Light For Privacy On The Web? (ZDNet)
Technology aimed at notifying users of how much information each site requests is in the works for launching later this year. Will the technology mean 'go' for better privacy on the Web?

Shopping Portal Cancels Free Net Access (CNET News.com)
Online shopping portal WorldSpy has pulled the plug on a rare Web freebie: no charge, advertising-free Internet access.

Microsoft .net Slammed Over Smartcard Security (Computer Weekly)
Microsoft's security model would be sufficient for photocopying cards, but would not provide strong enough security for financial applications.

AOL 5.0 For The Mac: No High Fives (BusinessWeek)
Apparently, ease-of-use king AOL wants to ride the techno cutting edge. The result: Needless complications.

Anybody Remember Pay Phones? (Wired News)
With cell phones proliferating, the need for pay phones is decreasing. So what are those companies doing? Setting up kiosks where you can email, surf, play videogames, and oh, yeah, make calls.

Deleted Documents Do Double Duty On Rogue Web Site (CNET News.com)
A Web site trying to make a name for itself by publishing deleted Securities and Exchange Commission filings scored a coup recently when a Lehman Brothers clerk accidentally filed a document outlining $20 billion worth of the firm's holdings.

Microsoft Threatens Traditional Pub Games (Ananova)
Traditional pub darts and pool teams could be threatened by the launch of a new Microsoft initiative to bring the internet into Britain's pubs.

Manila's Talk Of The Town Is Text Messaging (New York Times)
"Texting," or sending short e-mail messages on mobile phones, has spawned an entire subculture in the Philippines, complete with its own vocabulary, etiquette and tactical uses.

Choose The Ending -- It's Your Movie (NBC News)
Not only do viewers get to watch the story unfold on their desktops, they get to call the shots.

The Napster Library (Salon)
Does the San Francisco Public Library's plan to lend out e-books protend the death of the publishing industry?

ZDNet And CNET: Nearly Tied At The Top Of The Tech Heap (BusinessWeek)
But ZDNet may have one big edge: It spends far less than CNET to market and run its site.

The Net Strikes Back (New Scientist)
Internet geeks are going into battle against British Telecom.

== PenguinSurf (Top Stories) ====================

Will Linux Be The Bridge That Unites Us? (osOpinion)
I don't know if these companies simply forgot who's been supporting them all of these years, don't care or if their hands are tied by board members and stock shares. Whatever their reasons, they better be careful because Linux is starting to look a whole hell of lot better. This ugly little duckling, (or penguin) just found a new market, a bunch of NT, NetWare and Unix administrators that are tired of being used to sell product and certifications like Amway salespeople / customers.

== PenguinSurf (News) ====================

The Home Run Hitter Leading Big Blue's Linux Lineup (Business Week)
Irving Wladawsky-Berger's huge task: Making all IBM software and computers compatible with Linux.

Will Linux Be The Bridge That Unites Us? (osOpinion)
I don't know if these companies simply forgot who's been supporting them all of these years, don't care or if their hands are tied by board members and stock shares. Whatever their reasons, they better be careful because Linux is starting to look a whole hell of lot better. This ugly little duckling, (or penguin) just found a new market, a bunch of NT, NetWare and Unix administrators that are tired of being used to sell product and certifications like Amway salespeople / customers.

== The AppleSurf Reader ====================

Thomas Jefferson, Attack Dog (Washington Post)
Perhaps it's time to remember that the issue is not so much "negative campaigning" as trivial campaigning. By E. J. Dionne Jr.

Can Talking Kill You? (Salon)
If you're lonely -- and maybe even if you aren't -- just the act of speaking can elevate your blood pressure to dangerous levels, says psychologist James Lynch. By Joel N. Shurkin.

Harry Potter And The Flight From Reality (Salon)
The young wizard's alma mater is a figment of J.K. Rowling's imagination -- but that hasn't stopped folks from signing up boarding school. By William Underhill.

== SingaporeSurf (Top Stories) ====================

Would You Want A Minister For Just $2,000? (Business Times Singapore)
If government ministers are paid $5,000 or even $2,000 monthly, there would still be volunteers for the job, but then such volunteers may not always be ideal for it, Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said yesterday.

Pay Rise For Ministers: "Too Much, Too Early" (Straits Times)
Majority in ST street poll feel increase is unjustified, especially when workers have not had CPF cut restored fully.

== SingaporeSurf (News) ====================

POSB Scraps Its Cheque Machines (Straits Times)
Poorly used service reaches end of the road as bank redirects money to services "customers really want".

Prime Shop Rentals Don't Come Cheap (Straits Times)
Along with the upturn in the economy, rentals are rising, especially for shops in the prime Orchard Road area.

Would You Want A Minister For Just $2,000? (Business Times Singapore)
If government ministers are paid $5,000 or even $2,000 monthly, there would still be volunteers for the job, but then such volunteers may not always be ideal for it, Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said yesterday.

Money Matters Top Singaporeans' Concerns: Poll (Channel NewsAsia)
Most Singaporeans are more more worried about money than they are about their health.

Pay Rise For Ministers: "Too Much, Too Early" (Straits Times)
Majority in ST street poll feel increase is unjustified, especially when workers have not had CPF cut restored fully.

Upgrading Bill Is Within Means Of Flat Lessees (Straits Times)
Joyce Fong, Housing & Development Board: With the hefty government subsidy and HDB's financial assistance measures, no Singaporean household should find the upgrading cost a burden, or need to forgo the benefits of the MUP because of its cost.

Singapore's DBS Land Reportedly To Merge With Pidemco Land (dowjones.com)
The merger will create the largest listed property company in Singapore, with a market capitalization of between S$5 billion and S$8 billion, and double net tangible assets to S$8 billion.

Reckon To Extend Ties With AsiaOne Despite Delays (CNET Singapore)
Although the SPH AsiaOne Ltd-Reckon Ltd joint venture agreement expires next month, the end is nowhere in sight.

== SingaporeSurf (Technology) ====================

No, You Can't Have These Web Addresses (Straits Times)
While someone has been trying to auction www.leekuanyew.com over Yahoo! Singapore for $25,000, at least one other person has applied for www.leekuanyew.per.sg.

LeeKuanYew.com Going, Going... (CNET Singapore)
The Senior Minister may not be thrilled by the fact that the domain name is now being hawked to the highest bidder on Yahoo!'s auction site.

== SingaporeSurf (Entertainment) ====================

No New Lease, So Sogo Has To Quit Raffles City (Straits Times)
In a surprise statement issued last evening, the company expressed "grave disappointment'' that Raffles City, which holds a 15 per cent stake in the local operations, has decided not to renew the lease, which expires in December this year.

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