[MyAppleMenu] Jul 31, 2000
applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf
applesurf at myapplemenu.comapplesurf
Mon Jul 31 21:05:01 EDT 2000
MyAppleMenu Newsletter
== AppleSurf (Opinion) ====================
Where's The Quad 64's? (MacMonkey)
I was promised flying cars, dammit! Ok, so I wasn't promised flying cars, and I was never promised a four processor G4.
== PenguinSurf (News) ====================
Red Hat: Industry Stunned As CFO Walks Out (IT-Director.com)
Certainly it is in with a better chance than most Linux companies of making some decent cash but the departure of Covert will do little to strengthen the company's argument in the eyes of the investors.
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