[Retros] Summer 2003 Contest Award.

Nicolas.Dupont at math.univ-lille1.fr Nicolas.Dupont at math.univ-lille1.fr
Wed Mar 10 15:31:56 EST 2004

Hello everybody,

with 39 entries, my informal tournament (proof games where ligns 3,4,5,6
remain free) was successful. Despite the fact that it was a holiday
contest, the average level is pretty good.

I had great pleasure to solve "by hand" every entry (except the first
Honorable Mention, where I had to use the famous computer program
"Winchloe"). So I have decided to only give the solutions (with some
comments) in a further post.

This award has no pretention to being "scientific" : it represents what I
personally prefer.

I thank Pascal for having been a great mediator, and Michel for having
improved the rules.

Some final precisions before giving the judgement :

- As I'm writing this post, I still don't know any authors' names.

- When 2 entries obviously have the same author and (or) clearly related
themas, I only selected my favorite one.

-I regret that some fine problems are not awarded, but one must fix a

And now here we go ! The symbol // means /8/8/8/8/

First Prize :

1nb1kbnr/p1p1pp1p//3r4/NRQKBNRB 16

Second Prize :

Kn2kbnb/Rp1pbb1N//NPrPPP1R/1rb2BB1 36,5

Third Prize :

rBb1qbnB/PpppPkpR//PBP5/RNQKr1N1 23

First Honorable Mention :

rn1QKbn1/ppp1p1p1//PPPNr1PP/R1Bqk1NR 14

Second Honorable Mention :

q1b1kbnr/RBpppppp//QPPPPPNP/rn1K2N1 15

Third Honorable Mention :

2B1kbNr/2ppppp1//1PPPPP2/q2QKrNR 13

First Commendation :

rnbbkbnr/pp3ppp//PPP1PP1r/RN1QK1N1 13

Second Commendation :

QRb1kbnr/1pp1pppp//1PPPP1PP/1q1K2N1 13

Third Commendation :

rnbq1bnk/ppppp2p//PPPP1PP1/RNB2KNR 8,5

Fourth Commendation :

kr1nq1nr/1pPp1ppp//PPP1BPPP/RN2K1NR 12,5

Fifth Commendation :

rnbqkRnR/p1bppp2//P1PPPPP1/rNBKQB2 16,5

That's all, folks ! Thanks a lot to you all for your participation.


Nicolas Dupont.

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